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going zimbabwe

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#1 AChartist



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Posted 25 October 2013 - 06:26 PM


I see alot of signs

alot is covered in here, it may take some others to confirm

but really the puzzle is compete

"marxism-lennonism-communism always fails and never worked, because I know

some of them, and they don't work"  M.Jordan

#2 AChartist



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Posted 26 October 2013 - 11:15 AM

Expanding on the themes

It appears that the going Zimbabwe signal is triggered.
For now I think it is worth 1825 or so SPX early Dec.
Now that the signal is triggered it is not unlike them to
throw down to the bottom of the range, and it would have to be
early next week, to load up the bear short squeeze fuel.
My cycles are quite bad right at Christmas, I am going to assume
Dec 1 week is the real high.

Here is my thoughts for next year. Slaves have to make another major
drawdown, at the consumption margin for next year. Now sure the Euro may have to debase in the race to the bottom, with a temporary pause in the dollar vaporization, this may be what accounts for the domestic stock decline expected at Christmas.

One manifestation of the hyperinflation, Walmart shelves will be
emptying, partially with lag. Walmart does not reorder until that day's cash receipts. Then the following days buy walmart less food, off yesterdays cash value.

Here is the basis of my plans for next year.
Keep the 401k in equities not debt instruments, with these adjustments in allocation.
1/4 foreign stock, European on Euro competitive devaluation
1/4 value stocks with domestic dividend fund orientation
1/8 Merck hard currency fund, mostly hold New Zealand and gold
1/8 emerging market, stock and sovereign debt
1/4 short domestic fund, conservative pimco fund
No paper gold
Pick up and store long term food items consistently.

I am taking out the whole life cash on Monday, will buy the
Everbank foreign currency account, probably Hungarian,Norwegian,
and Swiss currencies. Where the 401k Merck hard currency fund is
in New Zealand and gold.
Will buy another Valcambi bar. The price is up on me $60 this
week but Ampex had a sale on Friday so have to shop carefully.

Will turn in two new cars, for one new car lease, cutting waste
$600 a month. About Christmas sign and drive lease special season.

This way I will not then be using WL cash to pay off a car, for
the purpose of killing interest waste, which just makes the car,
titled lien-free confiscatable slave property.

Slaves have to cut about 9% off spending at the margin for next year on currency collapse. There may be a spot after Christmas, of Euro competitive devaluation, this is dollar up Euro down, which is
last chance to exit dollar denominations, this should be the spring stock market decline.

As you remember I went through this process this time last year, somehow I was a little ahead of the lying and theft,

to find out a little later for slaves, the mythical 1% capitalist confiscation targets, was them, those idiots that worked.

This was the whole enchilada on the vapor mass wealth transfer
fraud. This is the Maloney piece if you didnt see my link before.

"marxism-lennonism-communism always fails and never worked, because I know

some of them, and they don't work"  M.Jordan

#3 AChartist



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Posted 26 October 2013 - 10:54 PM

I have been reading zero hedge lately and really like everything there. Staying ahead of the scams is proving useful, I find that
almost all my effort is involved with defending myself and family from them, and it is working. It is dark and sinister, and you better
wrap your head around it and never underestimate evil.

So this article is talking about the average 11% retirement saving rate for those over age 40, which 8% of that is SS fraud,
leaving 3% in 401k. But 40% of them are building over 11% debt. Now in the shut down false flag ( see the signs ) ZH posted a breakdown
of the gov debt that came from and NPR source, where the gov owes SS 2.7T, which should mean 2.7T was stolen out of SS. And who do they
think is paying that 2.7T, 1/2 time min wage people and newly minted legal aliens?

So now I am exactly sure that the obamacare fraud is typical mechanism to create the new debt currency, that is creating the
missing units of
interest payment currency, that they never printed with the 9T debt. I have been in the belly of the beast and I am telling you, they
do not care about uninsured pre existing people, that is their dialectic tv scam excuse, problem-synthesis-solution.

The next thing I learned, it is illegal in irs code ( I have read this but havent seen the code myself to verify ) to advertise dividend paying
whole life insurance. Without proof yet, this fits because think about it, you never saw it advertised. The gerber program for newborns is
advertised with a different label, and that is it.

Now I made a decision a while ago that I was just going to work because I am paid well, I only work the macro monitary trends
in self defense and not trading, but I have a goal in the next year to get my
insurance liscense and start doing this and save some souls.

Think about it, when I was younger with 3 dependent deductions and mortgage interest insurance, I was an idiot not to the pay the low
tax rate, and not to put all the 401k contributions into whole life all those years. And why again is the remedy illegal to advertise?

So apparently the 401k victims are getting hosed again because they were not in equities, are in high risk zero return debt ( money market )
and might have got hosed in treasuries this year. The whole thing is a scam, all of it, everything they say and do on TV.

Apparently even Cramer announced, get out of dollar.

I will start small next week, I will open the Everbank foreign currency account and there should be another spot with dollar up in the
next Euro competitive devaluation, yet the currencies I will pick up will also do well against Euro, and I can add to it if dollar is up again
in the early spring. It is $2500 to open, that is all I
will take out of WL next week, plus $2300 for another Valcambi bar, this will only set me back in time and wont stop my other plans for WL

The next thing I want to bring up, and I have been in the belly of the beast and never understimate evil,
a remedy to research is foreign real estate, and the next time stocks are down, look into the fixed equity-indexed annuities
as exempt property. This is an exempt resource to move WL cash into when needed.

I found this resource to locate the A+ firms.
The initial entry should work best when stocks are down.

I would not do the standard fixed deferred annuities until the dollar folds, and is replaced with the next.


Edited by AChartist, 26 October 2013 - 11:02 PM.

"marxism-lennonism-communism always fails and never worked, because I know

some of them, and they don't work"  M.Jordan

#4 stocks



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Posted 08 November 2013 - 05:25 AM

Deflation on deck

Commodities breaking support, US $ breaks out!

Key macro commodities are breaking down, the U.S. Dollar is bouncing off support and breaking above a bullish falling wedge.

-- -
Defenders of the status quo are always stronger than reformers seeking change, 
UNTIL the status quo self-destructs from its own corruption, and the reformers are free to build on its ashes.

#5 AChartist



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Posted 08 November 2013 - 08:19 AM

Yes, I am looking for about $100 down in paper gold to make a purchase. I don't know what that will translate in coins and bullion, maybe $50. I decided to borrow out the max from 401k ( which isnt much ). As long as it is kept in Exempt saving or investment, that is scheduled to be purchased from after-tax money anyway, it is ok and almost tax neutral. It appears we have to be in a NOT positive net worth, anything above that is getting cyprused. There is nothing you can buy or do that will keep up with the currency devaluation except the Bigmac index. Now here is the rub on the IMF special wealth tax which redefines the 1% as anyone in positive net worth, it makes the near term T-bills good. With ancillary damages in trust valuations maybe hurting other assets, it at least means 3 year mauturity gets paid. The consequence of the collapse is dollar and near term t-bills up first. Notice that bernanke is moving average maturity from 3 month to 3 year ? He is telling them that is what will get paid from the IMF tax.

"marxism-lennonism-communism always fails and never worked, because I know

some of them, and they don't work"  M.Jordan

#6 AChartist



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Posted 08 November 2013 - 01:07 PM


This is the piece I am looking at buying, maybe $50 lower, maybe the next gap down opening, maybe Tues.
they have to do it in premarket when there is no volume. Just check the morning futures. I am looking at 1230's on spot.

They have to scare the people out but it is not working in coins, my coins are up, so maybe they try harder through next
year. Bring it on I want all I can. I am also buying the new manufacturing stocks and that is working well, I will add a few things
to that during next year decline, TSLA one, I am adding whole foods now. It is the sharebuilder account, $12 a month buy all
the stock I want in small increments weekly. Sure I will have to put some index puts on that in Dec 1 week.
I am a student of C Fitts model, they are breaking this up into 1000 points of light, sovereign self governing corp entities, it
is all for them.

They are selling the unbacked fractional hypotheticated paper in $20M chunks in seconds, yeah everyone
does that when they want to sell for a good price.

There is a rule never fight the fed, I know that it will not go up until they confiscated all physical they can ( strip mining ),
since I dont know when that is and I dont know if it is even $400 lower, I am picking it up over time
in price lows. Like I did for the last 18 months in silver coins quite well.
I actually think there are more lows next year but I want the stuff in the mattress for life

The way I will deal with that is use puts on their NY paper in the brokerage account, next year,
I have to do more work on cycles to see about when that is.

Next year is my plan for the major gold accumulation, yes I think it will be down through next year.
I have concluded my 18 month plan of buying silver coins in lows and that is profitable as of now, will
probably be negative through next year. It has nothing to do with price and trading profit, it is life insurance.

I have a lot of priorities and only so much working capital, darn my father wasn't born rich, sucks.
When I use to live in the wealthiest county in the country near Nashville, most of the people I met up with
were squandering inheritance, I have to work hard at it.

Edited by AChartist, 08 November 2013 - 01:17 PM.

"marxism-lennonism-communism always fails and never worked, because I know

some of them, and they don't work"  M.Jordan

#7 AChartist



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Posted 08 November 2013 - 05:11 PM

Oh, I bought my first tranche of foreign currencies, it was Swiss, Norway, Danish, Hungarian. Small amout, it is best to do $1000 min order to control shipping fee. I will keep doing this over time when dollar is up but really, next years decline in stocks that I expect, if not after Christmas then after April, is when I want to aggressively accumulate stocks in the sharebuilder account, and I want as much gold as I can afford. Next year is a big and maybe last year for accumulation of hard asset, which stock really is a hard asset. In advance of the legislative fraud takedown last year, I explained about this time of year the deep cuts I was doing in expenses. Next year I am cutting out 401k, getting out of one newer car, possibly trading two in for one and possibly a lease which becomes exempt property for three years but still has a buyout option. Lease costs about $1000 more over time if the car is bought out vs leasing. The end of year sign and drive lease specials are really, very low interest loans. The only other thing I can and may do is downsize rent from $760 to $500. All of that is reducing cash obligations and opening up capital for asset accumulation in market declines next. A market drop next year is an excellent opportunity. And I have to figure out how to put stocks in direct registration, or just take delivery of the certificates. The strange thing about this, when they nationalize the pensions, skim the deposit accounts, it could boost the treasuries and the currency. I guess there will be higher dollar along the way when they do the bail in and that may be the spot to have some reserve ready to buy bullion. Yet it might only boost near term 3-5 year T-bills while backfiring on 10-20 year, just have to see the response.

"marxism-lennonism-communism always fails and never worked, because I know

some of them, and they don't work"  M.Jordan