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Bananas are radioactive

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Posted 12 April 2011 - 06:29 PM

Comparing Chernobyl and Fukushima

The Fukushima event has been rated 7 on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale, the same level as the 1986 Chernobyl accident. Even so, Japanese authorities estimate that radiation
released at Fukushima is only 10 percent of the amount released from the Ukrainian plant

Chernobyl was an old Soviet-design reactor, with less stable characteristics and no robust containment structures like most power reactors worldwide. Unconventional reactor operations at Chernobyl resulted
in a runaway power surge followed by steam and hydrogen explosions and a sustained fire in the reactor. Absent a containment structure, the explosions propelled radioactive material from the reactor core high
into the atmosphere and across eastern and western Europe for at least 10 days.

Nuclear Information
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Posted 11 June 2011 - 07:12 AM

“One German organic farm has killed twice as many people as the Fukushima nuclear disaster and the Gulf Oil spill combined.”

There is always sensationalism from the environmentalists when it comes to things like nuclear power plants and oil spills. After the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, we were treated to weeks of hysteric predictions of doom from the anti-nuclear crowd in the green movement. After the gulf oil spill, to hear some in the media describe it, we were in for an ecological apocalypse in the gulf coast region.

Of course, reality didn’t live up to hype. And just to put it all into perspective, consider this:
Investigators have determined that German-grown vegetable sprouts [from an organic farm in Lower Saxony] are the cause of the E. coli outbreak that has killed 29 people and sickened nearly 3,000, the head of Germany’s national disease control center said Friday.

As one commenter at Small Dead Animals said, “One German organic farm has killed twice as many people as the Fukushima nuclear disaster and the Gulf Oil spill combined.”

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Posted 01 March 2014 - 06:36 AM

Caves that can banish pain? Now that really is holistic! Inside the Austrian mountain that offer an amazing cure

Radon treatment said to help cure a number of medical conditions

I’m in my swimsuit sitting on what looks like a theme park ride, about to travel a mile into a mountain in Austria. It is 100F (38C) and sweat drips from every pore. I’m trying an amazing treatment.

At the Gastein healing caves, in Radhausberg mountain, a controversial form of therapy with radioactive radon gas is used to treat a long list of medical conditions, including arthritis and other joint pain, chronic bronchitis and skin conditions such as my psoriasis.

The medical staff are evangelical about the healing benefits of the low-level radon gas found in the caves: they say it can offer sustained pain relief, reduce the need for medication, stimulate the body’s anti-inflammatory abilities and help people who have suffered for years.

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#14 MaryAM



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Posted 02 March 2014 - 03:29 PM

Going bananas over radiation

With all the worries over radiation leaks from Japan, and hoarding of potassium iodide tablets, many people might be surprised to learn that they will get more radiation from eating a single banana today than they will from Japan’s nuclear reactor problems.

Read more: http://dailycaller.c.../#ixzz1GywD0NZw

Doctor's orders: take a pill before eating a banana:

Surgeon general clarifies position on potassium iodide as protection against nuclear radiation

"We can't be over-prepared -- we learned that with 9/11, we learned that with Katrina and we learned that this week with the tsunami," she said. "Even if it's one life we save by being prepared, it's worth it."


Your obviously heavily invested in Nuclear Technology. OK - but the banana thingy has gone too far. K40 is in many fruits, nuts and vegetables. We have evolved with it. But its not the same as waste generated by a nuclear power plant. If bananas were that capable of emitting radiation why on earth are we not generating electricity with bananas? How many bananas does it take to get to critical mass. If a banana factory blows up does it emit Cesium, Plutonium, Uranium, Americium, or release tritium and on and on x 100 or more nasty elements. If nuclear waste were so safe why one earth are we spending any money on Hanford, WIPP etc. - just dump the stuff in the local landfill.

Metals all behave differently - some are highly toxic some are not. If you have a water supply that is high in both iron and arsenic for example - the iron is annoying for sure but not particularly toxic unless you have some rare blood disorder that makes iron toxic for you. You treat and remove it or you have red toilets and sinks and the laundry never looks clean - also you have an overwhelming desire to point north. However the arsenic is a different story - highly toxic and if the concentrations are high enough it will kill you if you consume the water and not treat and remove it - very low levels over years will give you severe arthritis.

The radiation emission is only one part of the equation the combined toxicity of the metal plus the radiation - and the type of radiation (alpha, beta or gamma)- make the emissions from the waste from a failed nuclear plant deadly. The pacific ocean, which by the way provides food for 1/3 of the planet, is dying. The tritium (heavy water) with dissolved radioactive metals pour out of Fukushima every day ( 300-600 tons a day) since the accident and there is no technology on the face of the earth to control it. They don't even know where three melted cores are located and cannot enter three reactor buildings due to radiation levels. If its so safe - why are they not entering those buildings? The discharges into the Pacific will bio accululate right up the food chain. Once the phytoplankten die off so will a large amount of our oxygen supply.

I don't even want to reply to the propaganda - that no one has died because of nuclear energy- but I'll make it short. They just find a way to not count them. Have you had any updates on the Fukushima 50 - I haven't and I would certainly guess that either none are alive or if they are they are all very sick. There was no way for them to monitor their environment during the first week or so after the accident as all but portable monitors were not working because there was no electricity- Fatal birth defects are happening around Hanford as we speak - and those are just the counts for births - they are not counting the abortions that were recommended because the infants would not be viable. Early after the accident women in Japan were aborting their babies - I guess that's not dead since they never were born alive.

Please tell the staff on the USS Ronald Reagan (I think it read its now up to 300+ and counting)- that they are not sick and dying from radiation exposure. they need to smile and it will all go away - just cross their legs and stop bleeding out of their {bleeeep}. The leukemia isn't real - they are not eating enough red meat. Bleeding and dying seals don't count because they are not people. Sea lions beaching in California dying don't count either because they are not people. Other mass die offs are becoming too numerous to count around the entire Pacific - shell fish, sea stars etc. China banned the import of all shellfish along the Pacific West Coast all the way up to Alaska - citing arsenic concerns- ya right.

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Posted 11 March 2014 - 04:29 AM

James Hansen Trashes Radiation Hysteria

Public misperceptions about nuclear power were thrust on me after I gave a talk in Australia in which I noted that nuclear power probably was needed to help phase out fossil fuels. My next talk was picketed by people asserting that nuclear power was killing a huge number of people and causing birth defects. When I queried them regarding the sources for these incredible assertions, I was told that Helen Caldicott was the source.

George Monbiot, a respected British journalist, explored in detail the sources of Caldicott’s assertions. The resulting article that he wrote begins:

"Over the past fortnight I’ve made a deeply troubling discovery. The anti-nuclear movement to which I once belonged has misled the world about the impacts of radiation on human health. The claims we have made are ungrounded in science, unsupportable when challenged and wildly wrong. We have done other people, and ourselves, a terrible disservice."

Monbiot’s 2-page article, “Evidence Meltdown”, is well worth reading. The extent to which the public has been misled is, indeed, deeply troubling.

Evidence Meltdown The Guardian 5 April 2011 The green movement has misled the world about the dangers of radiation. By George Monbiot


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