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Most meaningless July 4th ever

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#1 nimblebear


    Welcome to the Dark Side !

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Posted 09 June 2013 - 09:18 AM

Sorry for this off topic post, but I feel compelled to offer up my condolences to all of the military personnel and their families for all of their largely wasted efforts to fight for US democracy and so called "freedom." It's abundantly clear more than ever,that since 2008 when the man occupying office now in the White House became President every personal freedom this country has fought for for more than 200 years are being stripped on a near daily basis. [edit. To be fair, this has actually being going on since 2001 at an accelerating rate of speed. It's a non-partisan issue] Our constitution has been utterly shredded, and the invasiveness into any last vestige of privacy we may think we have is now officially gone. It's actually surreal not in that it's actually occurring but that absolutely no one in congress, no American, no Patriot, not even any of the veterans who have fought wars and watched their brothers spill blood and die for these freedoms is doing one thing about it. Complacency hasn't just taken over the financial markets, but it's taken over our entire lives here in the US. Very sadly, nothing shocks us anymore, shames us, stirs us into a sense of worthwhile and productive rage that would have stirred our forefathers into action. The government is no longer OUR government. It's wholly a monster unto itself, literally feeding upon a nation liked parasitic tapeworm feeds on its host. Every government agency from the IRS, to the NSA, to CIA, to homeland security has absolutely nothing to do with protecting Americans in any way shape or form, and everything to do with protecting those who are running the government at the time they are in office. The outside world of people who were labeled terrorists may have been initially terrorists in the way one might think of threats to each and every one of us. The reality though is sadly, we as Americans are labeled as the true terrorists and threats to those in power. You have exactly a 1 in 20 million chance of being harmed by an outside the country non home brewed terrorist. You are already being harmed by this government every single day now, stripped of your liberties, stripped of any chance for any level of due process, stripped of your rights that used to be afforded by the Bill of rights, and the constitution, and stripped of any chance to exercise your right to live peacefully and without imminent threat of being fully stripped of your wealth, your family, your property, your income, and even now your health. This coming July 4th is no reason to celebrate one thing. Every thing you think you have now, is largely fictitious, And is fully government property. You are literally OWNED by the man in office now. You have no chance, as he has fully completed his mission.