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Crack Up Boom

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#1 AChartist



  • Traders-Talk User
  • 5,800 posts

Posted 02 April 2014 - 08:57 AM

I am thinking here they will break the DOW 16588, all-time detrended log downtrend, such that the post May

correction is above this breakout.

Not bragging on myself here, just showing distinctions with a conclusion about how the Orwellian take down

specifically targets the lower classes. And I have no allusions that I am too a victim. I send this stuff to my

liberal wacko family so they see a perspective not schooled on tv. They thought I lost my mind, who was

born in an asylum and doesn't know the difference, I think it was not me. I broke away from my family at age

14 and had to figure all this out myself, slowly and stupid like that I am.

I took the premise this is a mechanism of monetary failure,

that external things will cost more for americans ( foreign stocks )

and there is a big expectation of a Euro QE to drive down their

currency, so I sold

some growth funds in 401k just right a couple weeks ago and

put that in commodity fund, and top performing international

stock funds. Yesterday international funds walloped the domestic

funds in 401k gaining 1.4% to .5% for domestic funds.

My 4 organic chicken breasts at walmart for $7.50, suddenly

became 2 breasts for $5.50 this weekend.

This is the mechanism of monetary failure, we may also see the austrian crack up boom at play, the effects of people spending everything they can

before prices rise. Which is spending credit, not spending savings.

But my cycles are not so good and I expected a drop this year

with Apr-May high. This crack up boom effect may be scheduled through 2015.

I did a real stupid thing to buy and expensive hybrid, stupid

because it's what they want me to do, on

the expectation that the ponzie runs through 2015, I will pay it

with stock gains in 2015, I will make it through the 1st employment cuts because
I am a leader and top performer in the global "human resources"

computer files. If I cant pay it later, than screw it, I am

going off shore anyway.

I wanted to do this before prices rose too much and I could never

get a good hybrid in the future.

I stretched once and bought a entry level $26,500 Acura 10 years

ago which wws a lot of money, ran it 4 years and 80k miles and
sold it for $21,000. My current expensive VW took 6 years to depreciate
50%, whereas, leases and the NADA antitrust price fixing fraud, schedules mandatory 50% depreciation at 3 years.
More expensive cars save money in the long run with lower cost of ownership. So I dont necessarily want to do this but it is forced by price inflation, it is the austrian economics crack up credit boom mechanism. Darwinian natural selection process will leave small incomes with no credit in the dust of history.

That is why I did this now before prices got unobtainable on this

type of higher end car and I can never have a quality hybrid in
the future.

But I am selling stocks here in Apr, maybe exactly on Apr 16,
or to the May 1st 401k high frequency trading ponzie, sell in
May and go away is the key and that is what my cycles look like. The next buy should be late Aug.

"marxism-lennonism-communism always fails and never worked, because I know

some of them, and they don't work"  M.Jordan