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All human unhappiness comes from this - rejection of the present moment

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#1 calmcookie



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Posted 19 June 2007 - 09:21 PM

The longer I work as a nurse, the more I see human misery and suffering as a rejection of the present moment. So much ANXIETY comes from wanting more and more ... or at least wanting something other than what currently IS. People cannot seem to live in the present moment ... to feel the stillness. They are waging an internal battle with the insatiable "dictator" in their minds. And all that anxiety (stress) certainly contributes to physical illness. Learn to be fully present, in a whole body way, to the moments of your life, C.C. :)

Edited by calmcookie, 19 June 2007 - 09:24 PM.

#2 stocks



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Posted 19 June 2007 - 10:28 PM

James Watson, co-discoverer of the molecular structure of DNA, was in San Francisco

Reporter Tom
Abate wrote that Watson had suggested biochemical links between skin color
and sexual activity and between thinness and ambition in a lecture entitled
“The Pursuit of Happiness: Lessons from pom-C.”

Pom-C is a protein that helps create three different hormones: One
determines skin color (melanin); another enhances a sense of well-being
(beta endorphins); and the third plays a role in fat metabolism (leptin).
Watson wondered out loud why evolution had linked these hormones, and
whether the interrelationship of these mood- and behavior-influencing
compounds might be affected by exposure to sunlight. He described an
experiment at the University of Arizona in which male patients were injected
with an extract of melanin to test whether it would darken the men’s skin as
a protection against skin cancer. Instead, the men developed erections that
lasted for several hours.

The result suggested to Watson that sunshine makes people happy and sexy.
“That’s why you have Latin lovers,” he told the audience. “You’ve never
heard of an English lover. Only an English patient.” He showed a slide of
sad-faced model Kate Moss to demonstrate that thin people are unhappy. He
said that thin people are more ambitious and make better workers, but fat
people may be more sexual because their bloodstreams contain higher levels
of leptin. “Whenever you interview fat people, you feel bad, because you
know you’re not going to hire them.” He then showed a slide of a Rubens
painting of a plump, happy, sexy nude.

-- -
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#3 hiker


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Posted 19 June 2007 - 10:48 PM

this guy's tape version of "a year to live" addresses how to do this with the many specific examples he cites.

...he does a good job explaining the difference between resistance of the moment and embracing the moment for all that is present even in challenging circumstances -


all of their works are worthy of a read in my experience.

#4 maineman



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Posted 19 June 2007 - 11:24 PM

THe longer I practice medicine, the more I love ro be with people. THey come in all shapes and sizes. Have their ideas and fears and "baggage" They all want to be healthy at peace and content. I do not approach them as being "wrong" or "right". Each person brings their fears and needs to the exam room. Some are more ready than others to approach demons and needs in thier lives. A good physician sucks an enormous amount of data from a patient encounter, while keeping the patient at ease. I am not going to spout "carbo" dynamics to an overweight mother of 3 kids who is stressed to the max - not yet. But as I nurture the amtomsphere of respect and trust, she'll be back - when she's ready and then I'll dig further into her skills. Then we'll come up with a plan. People do what they do and live how they live. A good physician can help tilt those lives towards medically sound protocols. Well done annual screening, as I do, which analyzes the patient in the context of age, sex, family and social history background will lead to valuable teaching about disease prevention and life-saving diagnostic screening. So many fewer of our patients are dying young. Most of living long and active lives. THose who have slowly incorporated my knowledge and honesty into their toolboxes have lost weight, taken up exercise, laugh more smoke less and drink less. Most have abandoned useless phony baloney products such as vitamin supplenents and fool hardy herbs, yet we all see each other at the health food market - just not in the scam item rows, just the whole grains, etc rows. Patients who came to me addicted to phony cures are off them. Most have had previously prescribed meds by other doctors discontinued by me. Most have stopped going to chiropractors, accupuncturists and osteopaths. Most have been weaned off their addiction to "Health Letters" and "PRevention" letters in the mail. Most have weaned off their addiciton to "needing" a test, an x-ray, a pill for various self-aggrandized ideas of illness. All are well, thriving, screened for appropriate diseases once a year and are alive (and thriving) today because of thoughtful, targeted and honest therapy. When a new patient comes and looks me in the eye and says, "Hey doc, do you "believe" in vitamins an herbs?" I smile and tell them the truth. surprisingly many are relieved to know that they've been being scammed and are only too delighted to quit. Some are a little more skeptical but blown away of my critical knowledge of the subject and the fact that I am willing to sit down with them as long as it takes to debate and educate. Surprisingly many stay on as patients in order to pursue the dialogue. Those who are "dark" - i.e. those who "know" because they "know" arenit at my office for informaiton, because they already "know" and really don't expect anyone's input - dogma is dogmatic. Why "they" come is a mystery. If they want my advice, they'd listen. Instead they seem to have a need to pre-judge and yell at me. Sadly, there are many of them around. THey live in the moment, "knowing" that what they think, they "know". until something new comes around and then with some "study" (A packing label? A "testiomonial" on a box, a magazine, from an old friend, and then they will try to convince everyone they know, or sometimes total strangers, that "This is what YOU must do, or ELSE!"... It all comes down to developing inner peace. That can be followed by trust of one's fellow man. That can be followed by listening. And listening. And with inner peace, you might be less likely to over eat, over drink, exercise more regularly and not pollute yourself with tobacco. And get checked out and trust your doctor. And be one of the patients of mine who drop in, drop off some Rutabagas, zucchinis, breads, cookies lobster etc. , feel comfortable, chat about kids and family and stress and fears, but go home feeling that they've been heard and respected. Through mutual trust, respect and "Frienship" truth is had, lives improved. Can you tell I had another great day in life, and at the office. mm
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#5 calmcookie



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Posted 20 June 2007 - 10:35 AM

Stocks ... interesting and amusing. :) And Hiker, thanks for the link ... appreciate it. I'm only beginning to realize that it's not what we do or say, but just our state of BEING that matters. Kind thoughts to all, C.C.

Edited by calmcookie, 20 June 2007 - 10:36 AM.

#6 maineman



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Posted 20 June 2007 - 10:46 AM

Stocks ... interesting and amusing. :) And Hiker, thanks for the link ... appreciate it.

I'm only beginning to realize that it's not what we do or say, but just our state of BEING that matters.

Kind thoughts to all, C.C.

Hello Cookie,

Kind thoughts to you, too.

He who laughs laughs laughs laughs.

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