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Global Warming

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#1 stocks



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Posted 18 March 2008 - 10:34 AM

"Climate Science" has become the new gold mine for research funding. Any funding grant application today had better have the words "Global Warming" in it somewhere if you want to rise to the top of the pile when the money is handed out. Spending on "climate research" has skyrocketed from $175 million to $5 billion annually, and you'd better make sure your "results" support AGW, or the Leprechaun will get away and your pot of gold will vanish. "Peer Review" has generally become a laugh, as the Hoaxters now all review each other's work, and the cash register keeps ringing. A huge proportion of the "climate scientists" now at work weren't even interested in the subject a few years ago, and it's a bandwagon playing the new pop tune of "Ca-Ching, Ca-Ching". The Hoaxters now control many of the science journals, and are suppressing any honest research that exposes what John Coleman, founder of The Weather Channel, has called "the greatest scam in history". In writing this editorial, we of course automatically become "deniers", the heathens of physics who haven't converted to the new religion of global panic. It's now 100% honorable to fake your results, because keeping a paycheck is a most honorable pursuit. It's now critically important to keep the hoax afloat, for if the public ever finds out global warming is a purely natural phenomenon, the money will dry up in a heartbeat, because no government wants to waste money on something man can't possibly change.

Recently, several NASA scientists have resigned in protest of the bureaucrats who run the agency supporting Junk Science in order to secure more funding for climate-related satellite systems and other "research". And scientists who speak out too loudly against the hoax have actually been fired for crossing paths with the politicians promoting Junk Science, as recently happened to University of Washington climate scientist Mark Albright, who was dismissed from his position as associate state climatologist, just weeks after exposing false claims of shrinking glaciers in the Cascade Mountains. Seems Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels claimed the Cascade glaciers were melting, and Albright, in charge of the glacier studies, said they weren't. Nickels had enough clout to get Albright bounced from his job.

Our public schools seem to be highly infected with what the serious climate scientists are now calling the new "religious cult" of anthropogenic global warming hysteria. No longer are teachers inviting their students to explore climate change - now they are being instructed to "make a nice poster showing how you can stop global warming". This appears to be primarily an American phenomenon. Graduate schools in technology report their classes are mostly filled with foreign students, and U.S. Public High School students are the most science and mathematics illiterate of all developed nations. "Education" majors ( our future teachers ) have the lowest SAT scores of any college major so we are stuck in a catch 22 situation where the least qualified to teach anyone about anything are churning out mostly scientifically illiterate students who then go off to college and emerge with thousands of degrees in Art History with no job in their field waiting for them when they graduate.

The battle now seems to have settled down as a war between two major information sources. The "mainstream media" who controls the printed word on paper and the talking heads on TV are generally supporting the Junk Science. The Internet - last bastion of free speech and the only significant outlet for empirical science, is slowly gaining ground exposing the scam, but so far it's pretty much an imbalanced situation, since the Junk Scientists also know how to build web sites and blogs and are doing their best to spread the panic in that media as well.

For example Richard S. Lindzen, in his paper at the 2005 Yale Center for Globalization conference clearly points to one particular pro-hoax web site calling itself "Real Climate" which tells us that it is all about "climate science from climate scientists", featuring among others, the now universally discredited work of Michael Mann and others who were too quick to become his overnight followers. Lindzen says, "This website appears to constitute a support center for global warming believers, wherein any criticism of global warming is given an answer that, however implausible, is then repeated by the reassured believers. A collection of stock responses for believers is also featured on Gristmill, where the Popular Journalists and mainstream media can quickly obtain a handbook for perpetuating the scam, and become instant experts on the spot.

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Defenders of the status quo are always stronger than reformers seeking change, 
UNTIL the status quo self-destructs from its own corruption, and the reformers are free to build on its ashes.