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Human activity emits 26 Gigatons of Co2

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#1 nimblebear


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Posted 08 June 2009 - 01:45 PM

Plant activity absorbs 400 gigatons of C02, and the ocean actaully absorbs much of what it also emits. While the debate continues about global warming and all the alarmist activity, one thing I know for sure... We basically dont know sheet from shinola when it comes to the earth's several billion year history. Mother Nature ebbs and flows. Dinosours once roamed and are now extinct. People now roam, and could also become extinct. Why is man so manifest on his destiny ? We can't even arrest our debilitating excess spending habits, the government can't control its onw debts or deficits, and yet those in government and other alarmists think we will cease and desist from our carbon emitting ways? What a bunch of hypocritical maggots. It baffles me each and every day. if everyone would just live in the present, act as good stewards to the earth, try their best and let destiny take its course, it will all turn out in the end the way its supposed to. Many of the so called "righteous alarmists" themselves live in less than good steward ways. Take the biggest hyprocrit of them all, Al Gore, who lives in a 14,000 square foot mansion that sucks up more energy than most square blocks of homes do on this planet. "Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." If you want to let these alarmists wreck your life, livelihood, and put us all in America an economic sinkhole for eternity through garbage regulation silliness like cap and trade, then so be it. but when you find out how utterly useless it is, and Co2 keeps rising anyway, and our competitors countries laugh in our faces and stomp all over us economically speaking, then dont say I didn't tell you so.