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Financial Qualifications

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#1 Jasirl



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Posted 24 September 2010 - 04:50 AM

Hi All, Figured this would be the most appropriate place to ask about this. I am currently studying IT, Business and Management, however I've found that my interests over the past two years have moved towards Business/Corporate Finance and Investment Banking. With the aim of undertaking a graduate position in this field, are there any professional qualifications / courses i can do between my third year of University and graduation in 2012 that would make a more viable candidate for a job in this field? I've applied for a few internships next summer in the City however i'm worried i do not have enough experience in Finance. Cheers for the help. -John

#2 SemiBizz


    Volume Dynamics Specialist

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Posted 24 September 2010 - 08:13 AM

No, this isn't the best place for you to ask about this... This is: www.linkedin.com Search there. There are tens of thousands of professionals actually WORKING in the field of your interest. And JOB LEADS.
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