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Pulled Posts, etc.

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    Mark S. Young

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  • 22,027 posts

Posted 18 August 2011 - 06:35 PM

Folks need to understand what we do here. First, what we do is trade and otherwise try to take care of our primary business THEN we try to give as much time as we can to moderate and administer the board--goal #1 keeping it sane and civil (after keeping spam off, of course). Our default when there's a conflict is to use a light a hand as possible, BUT if we're busy, you know, MAKING (or trying not to lose) MONEY, we then have to take action, and come back to review things further when we have time. And by we, I mean a diverse team of folks who have a lot of stuff going on right now. We try to cover for each other, but the problem is, we're often busy at the same time. We don't delete ANYTHING*. Most of the time, it's sitting right where you put it, visible only to admins and moderators, waiting for us to read back through the posts to get a feel for what happened, and who started what. Once we figure out what's what, we can open up the posts again, move them or open them and close the topic, or ask the poster if we can edit them. It's asking a heck of a lot of us to drop everything and read through a bunch of posts and PM's, send some private messages, then negotiate with or discuss the problem with the parties involved for no money when the friggin' market is going ape. It's HUGELY distracting. I don't know why some folks don't get that. If your post was invisible, it was because it appeared to be inflammatory. Period. It might not have been. It may have been justified or not. All we did is make it invisible so a small fight didn't explode into a flame war, while we were distracted off, you know, TRADING (or putting out other fires). When we can focus, we try to get back and clean everything up. Our preference is to make as much visible as possible. If it's just a lot of off topic back and forth, well, it's going to the archive because it's off topic. It strikes me as a bit oversensitive and inconsiderate to get bent out of shape with us if a post of yours gets made invisible for a while. *except duplicate/blank posts or outright unrelated spam/phishing/scam posts by banned spammer/scammer/phisher IP's.

Mark S Young
Wall Street Sentiment
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