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#1 nimblebear


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Posted 11 June 2012 - 09:28 AM

That was fast. The mega overnight bounce was hours long, and would have been missed by anyone who blinked. Is that the market telling us all they know Spain's goose is cooked ? It's sort of comical watching a bunch of ships who are all leaking massively, bail each other out. So if that doesn't tell you how large the EU QE really needs to be (and there isn't enough money to bail out Greece, let alone Spain), imagine how many trillions its going to take from the Fed to send their way, AND how many trillions the Fed needs to print out of thin air to bail the US. There aren't enough trillions in my view, and the whole worldwide propping episode we are witnessing is going to collapse sooner than many people are willing to concede. Of course thats just this one person's view, and what do I know anyway ? :huh: