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Common Sense and Herd Dynamics

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#1 James Quillian

James Quillian


  • Traders-Talk User
  • 1,364 posts

Posted 03 March 2014 - 08:03 AM

Remember that common sense only works in one’s favor if all of life’s coping euphemisms are removed. That being done, the social media business becomes the herd management business. Much profit is made today by attracting aggregations of people and then managing their thoughts and behavior. Social media, news media, government and entertainment are huge in this area. When these organizations work together it is not necessarily a conspiracy. They have common goals and aspirations. Keep the animals comfortable and they will remain pliable and docile. Let them experience any kind of stress and their herd managers’ risk losing control and profitability. Any dairy farmer understands these things. Do not let the herd suffer because suffering activates the thinking process. Aggregations (herds) start to fall apart and people’s thoughts and actions go in unpredictable directions. Global turmoil will wreak havoc on herd management profitability. Given un-hidable global turmoil the herd managers might be moiré vulnerable than others.