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The obvious American health care horror show

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#1 diogenes227



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Posted 27 December 2019 - 03:16 PM



"If you've heard this story before, don't stop me because I'd like to hear it again," Groucho Marx (on market history?).

“I've learned in options trading simple is best and the obvious is often the most elusive to recognize.”


"The god of trading rewards persistence, experience and discipline, and absolutely nothing else."

#2 Rogerdodger



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Posted 28 December 2019 - 07:02 PM

"It's good to be King!"

Center for Responsive Politics.


So far, in 2018, Democratic federal candidates and incumbents have received $63 million from this industry, while Republicans have received $49 million.

Top Recipients, 2019-2020 Candidate Office Amount

Sanders, Bernie (D) Senate blue.gif $2,111,497

Buttigieg, Pete (D)   blue.gif $1,856,781

Warren, Elizabeth (D) Senate blue.gif $1,421,175

Biden, Joe (D)   blue.gif $1,371,234

Harris, Kamala (D-CA) Senate blue.gif $1,309,391

Edited by Rogerdodger, 28 December 2019 - 07:05 PM.

#3 Rogerdodger



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Posted 31 December 2019 - 10:58 AM

Why I chose concierge medicine | Medical Economics



By Simon Murray, MD
September 12, 2019
In this practice model physicians see a limited number of patients who pay an annual fee of around $1500.00 per year to cover non-covered services.

It really is the way things should work in a free market system.

When insurance pays medical bills to doctors instead of patients, it takes the power from patients who have little recourse for poor services. The doctor is payed regardless of how he or she performs.

The government’s efforts to define and reward quality are so primitive they are laughable.


Several of my colleagues asked, “what if every doctor did this, who would take care of the large number of primary care patients?” As I started the new practice I quickly realized that about half or more of the daily patient visits I was doing were actually unnecessary. Many of these patients could be managed safely over the telephone or with remote monitoring devices, or didn’t need to come at all.

I realized that we had been keeping our schedule full to keep it full.


Seeing only the patients who actually needed visits, allowed for walk-ins and add-ons, patients who might have been sent to the ED previously because the schedule was full. It turned out to be a great savings to the system. For example, patients with migraines could be managed in the office and not after a costly workup in the ED.


MDVIP did a five-state survey which showed that MDVIP patients saved Medicare about $350,000,000 per year by avoiding unnecessary admissions, readmissions, and providing shorter hospital stays.

Edited by Rogerdodger, 31 December 2019 - 11:07 AM.

#4 AChartist



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Posted 26 January 2020 - 12:43 PM

The Harvard business school report states that the peak year of medical insurance merger and acquisiton was 1997, increased substantially in 1996

and very low in years before and practically non existent before 1992. It continued at a high rate thereafter the peak year.


Before pedo-demo satanism, my mother delivered several children with 1-week hospital stay, for $100 in Christian hospitals. 


Lets see


do you think the satanic ignorance religion will keep chanting for more


50 private media companies before 1994 merged to 5 with one board of directors. clinton

medical insurance monopoly consolidation.clinton

revoke FDR era glass-steagle. clinton

cloward-pivon motor voter registraion "legislation" illegal immigrant vote fraud. clinton

private prison "statute" ultimately jailing 40% of all black men, ultimately engineering 95% black illegitimate birth rate. clinton

Murrah Bldg false flag eliminating the people and paper trial of $20B missing trough south-central HUD office. clinton

Waco child massacre. clinton

Iraqi sanctions historic leftist genocide of 500,000 children. Clinton

legalize gov(cia) propaganda fake news, obamacide National Defense Authorization "Act"

Obamacare, historic leftist genocide. Obamacide

"marxism-lennonism-communism always fails and never worked, because I know

some of them, and they don't work"  M.Jordan