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Global Citizen "Charity" $9 Million in Salaries

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#1 Rogerdodger



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Posted 19 April 2020 - 09:50 AM

Biggest expansion of govt authority in generations...


I couldn't watch this week's "Global Citizen" concert scam once I saw it was an advertisement for the United Nation's World Health scam and it's incessant Globalist agenda.


The unconstitutional and ever increasing removal of our Bill of Rights is paving the way for the for their goal of global control.

But "the end justifies the means," as they say.


Other's find a different reason to question their motivation:


According to Global Citizen’s Form 990 for 2017, their top execs got a $2 million rise from the prior year. TWO MILLION DOLLARS. Total salaries now come to $9 million.

And despite revenue being up, and salaries being up, Global Citizen gave ZERO DOLLARS in Grants to anyone. In fact, somehow they’re saying they’re in the red. On paper, they lost money. Their revenue less expenses was MINUS $849,984. Their liabilities TRIPLED to $3.8 million. Net fund balances were down by $900,000. Global Citizen, which started out calling itself the Global Poverty Project, is UNRATED on Charity Navigator. It has NO RATING. Why? Click here and you can read for yourself. “…the organization does not meet our criteria. A lack of a rating does not indicate a positive or negative assessment by Charity Navigator.”


https://showbiz411.c...=global citizen

Tonight’s Lady Gaga TV Extravaganza Comes from Global Citizen, a Group with Big Salaries that Does Not Feed the Poor or the Hungry

by Roger Friedman - April 18, 2020 3:17 pm

Edited by Rogerdodger, 19 April 2020 - 10:04 AM.