i know this is off topic but since we are talking about the general market figured i would add this here
the ndx peaked in march 00 it fell to a low of about 800
since that time we have climbed to about 14000
the difference between the two is about 13000 points a multiple of 13 a fibonacci number
the number of years since mar 00 till now is 21 another fib number
so we have an advance of 13000 points in 21 years
i believe that is what is called a squaring of price and time
looking at the chart of that action on the monthly it sure looks to me like we did a wave 1 into mar 00
and we have now done a wave 3 into 2021
this could be totally off and the ndx may just blow thru 14000 here which is fine . it also may not
just something to watch