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vedic astrology update

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#1 dharma



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Posted 25 July 2022 - 02:09 PM

i spent most of my adult life studying economic history. i want to use this time for putting life from the perspective of vedic astrology. however, i just want to mention that china has stopped depositors from accessing their accounts. as a result they have placed tanks around the banks to protect them. heads up.
i want to start off w/the new moon in cancer. the sun and moon are considered the luminaries. they bring things to light.. w/the moon waxing and waning , it is powerful when its waxing , reaching most powerful when it is full. . the new moon is dark. it is covered by the sun. its why if one is born under a new moon, the mother has no influence , the father is essential for influencing the offspring. this new moon occurs on the 28 of july in the moons sign of cancer , the moons own sign. it occurs in the nakshastra (star) of pushya.. it is symbolized by the udder of the cow,indicating this a productive nourishing star. this is one of the most prosperous nakshastras. it deals w/food and nourishment. it also spreads knowledge and wisdom. since the moon is dark and things are not to be seen, its a time to go within and go inside for inner guidance..BE patient. remember new moons , there is no light , so the ideas that come will develop as things are seen . ITS a powerful time to rely on your higher SELF. the moon is in her own sign here. SHE is powerful. Truths are being exposed. be patient, the light will shine
Jupiter is in pisces , his own sign. HE is powerful here. it is like cancer a water sign. On the 29th jupiter goes retrograde. it does so in the nakshastra of Uttarabhadrapada. "the burning pair". The idea of this star is to control anger, the ability to move from lower consciousness to the spiritual plane. Jupiter is called guru so it is the planet of knowledge , wisdom, and wealth..He is powerful here in his own water sign. i look for the retrograde motion to cause floods and flooding. Jupiter will be retrograde until november 23, going direct november 24. The outer planets move more slowly, so this period of time look for things to happen that are not wise. OR w/lack of history. ie we make the same mistakes as in the past. pisces is represented by 2 fish swimming round and round. Doing the same thing , over and over. remember this is a very spiritual sign it is ruled by Guru. So remain within yourself , no judgements . Watch . take stock. While those around you are panicked be calm observe dont fall into emotions.. BE alert BE aware devise a plan. Remember what is real, be able to distinguish from what is a promise and what has intrinsic value. Our guru papaji, used to tell us to be a lion , not a sheep. . Flooding can happen on man levels , remember cancer and pisces are spiritual signs , this new moon in cancer and jupiter turning retrograde in pisces are both spiritual events. Do not be overcome what is happening externally. go within!!
then on about 29 of july, mars and rahu are conjunct in aires. mars rules aires. Note that everything so far that we are discussing is occurring in the planets own sign where the planet is powerful. ALL the effects that are happening will be very strong and powerful.This is a time in history , not for the faint of heart. IT is a very powerful time and will be for the next several months.. aires is a fire sign., ruled by mars the commander in chief of the army. mars is impulse, it is war it self, it is action. rahu is the north node of the moon(the ancient rishis could not see uranus, neptune, and pluto BUT they could feel their energies. and they captured those energies in the rahu and ketu). Rahu is passions and poisons. Mars conjuncts Rahu in mars sign of aires is a war situation. i dont know if ukraine will heat up. OR another war will develop or other countries get involved in the ukraine war.. WE are talking about 3 major powerful planetary events occurring w/in days of each other. this time is intense. IF you are not grounded in your SELF it will be a very emotional time. WE are told little that is the truth, dont be emotionally involved make plans and adhere to them Use your higher self for guidance . CAPTAIN america is not coming to save you.
The last event i want to mention is saturn retrograding in its own sign earthly sign of capricorn. this is important, i know i talked about it last month , but in the context of all that is happening in the world, it is necessary to mention it again. saturn is slow, shy, cautious, it is we the people. IT is government. it is earthy and practical. Saturn has retrograded back into capricorn , to show people again what is happening . IT is a wake up call. Watch all that gets revealed here. IT will be retrograde until October 22. Saturn moves slowly.. Many things will be revealed in this retrograde motion. Pay attention..Then when saturn moves direct it will go into aquarius next year and a new age will be upon us. Much like the 60s it will be the dawning of the age of the individual. Individual expression. In real time things appear to be moving slowly, but in actual time everything is moving quite quickly.. WE are moving through all of this rather quickly.
i use this venue to show how the universe is moving through its expression of the planets and signs. I try to keep politics and personal opinions out of the way. Though it is of course the astrologers interpretation of what is happening in the heavens. i have been reading about wild blueberries lately. they have 2x the antioxidants of cultivated blueberries. There is a company in oregon that will pick the wild blueberries and overnight them to you. IT is expensive . there are stores here in town that carry frozen wild blueberries. There are many things one can do diet wise to enhance their health. AFter all your tissues etc are all made , nourished from what you eat.We as a people will get through these times no matter how unsettling it all will be. the key is to be with your SELF .Not to be blown around by the winds of change. These are powerful times, in the end life on earth will be better. . know that feel that
om shanti


#2 Russ



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Posted 27 July 2022 - 11:02 AM

President Ford predicted that a future president with a woman VP would die in office and you said this year has similar astrology to 1963 when JFK was assassinated and Armstrong also says this is an assassination cycle year, he A.I. computer said years ago the US president could get assassinated this year 2022.   


Edited by Russ, 27 July 2022 - 11:03 AM.

"Nulla tenaci invia est via" - Latin for "For the tenacious, no road is impossible".
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"Most people lose money because they cannot admit they are wrong"... Martin Armstrong


#3 dharma



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Posted 02 July 2023 - 10:27 AM

July1 and mars goes from its weakest station , cancer , where it is debilitated , into leo. LEO is a fire sign . For the 1st few degrees , it is gandanta, a feeling of being overwhelmed. Mars is the commander in chief and in the fire sign of leo it is mars is angry , it is aggressive.On june 6th venus enters into leo and joins saturn. Also rahu is transiting aries, a house ruled by mars and ketu is transiting libra a house ruled by venus . So mars and venus are affecting , having influence over rahu/ketu.. With mars/venus transiting leo it brings changes in rulership, this is worldwide.. We are going to see changes at the highest levels of society., world wide. While mars is gandanta there will be storms , so hurricane season will begin Also at this time mercury is conjunct the sun in gemini, maercurys own sign. Mercury will be in gemini until july 8 , this is the best time to get things done.Mercury in gemini will give clarity of thought, Mercury is the lord of decision, communication, intellect. then mercury goes into cancer where emotions are strong and it will not be as easy to have clarity , as emotions are strong The conjuction of mrercury /sun occurs in ardra "the storms god represented as a tear, meaning it causes pain . There will be severe weather , and in addition there will be emotional storms people will be out of control. . .AS i mentioned there will be changing of leadership which will cause some people to be emotional
Then on the 3rd the moon is the full moon in saggitarius in the nakshastra, star , of purvashada it is a dreadful star ruled by venus"the undefeated". The moon is in full aspect to the sun/ mercury conjunction in gemini . This will be a powerful full moon.
On july 20 mars aspects saturn. This is the most frustrating aspect of all mars is impulse, saturn is shy, cautious. They are opposite ends. IT is a very frustrating tme. There will be attempts at false information. There will be reports about aliens . The veil of misinformation is being lifted, humanity is starting to see the truth.These configurations of the planets are extraordinary , they are not every day events. Big revelations are coming out , These are extraordinary times. . There has been alot of information which has been hidden from humanity which is being revealed and its not easy for people to see. There are questions that need to be asked, and many people have avoided asking these questions. These events after the next few months are going to change our world forever. ITs time to get our health in order. Watch your diet, exercise, get your health in order. There is going to be big revelations. Our world is changing for the better. People wake up after great conflict, Truth and reality will be revealed. There will be a backlash to things that our government has done.. Mars on the 29 is in the nakshastra of magha , this represents leaders, government . Again more revelations
The on the 17 th the new moon occurs in cancer in the nakshastra of purnavasu the star of "renewel" giving us hope. All of this is happening for a divine reason.
Then a big event occurs on the 22 of july where venus goes retrograde and it will remain retrograde until sept 3. This will bring out love, relationship , and finances. VEnus rules love, relationships and finances. love and money. The fact that venus goes retrograde in leo is significant because leo represents open heart energy. Then on the 23 venus is in the nakshastra purva phalguni ruled by venus . it is a lucky star"the fruit of the tree" So this venus retrograde will be about marriage and relationships.. LEarning to love, heal yourself. . then you can love. Venus has an 8 year cycle , w/5periods of retrograde. this is a very spiritual cycle . one of healing.. Every 8 years venus returns to the exact place it was belfore. SAme sign, same place. So in july/august of 2015 trump announced his big for president. . So look for someone to announce their bid for president this july/augu.st. This will change the whole completion of the presidental race. Now during this time venus goes from an evening star to a morning star. in between it disappears. . The myans. thought this is a time of war. There is something coming up , so a warning to get your health in order. IT may be another epidemic.? Venus retrogrades back into cancer Then from oct 1 -nov 2 venus will go through leo for a 2nd time and that will bring a big healing in relationships
On july 23 rahu aspects venus . betrayals can occur . they can occur w/loved ones. They can occur between countries. fear will be rising . There are some that want war . War gives power rights and freedoms disappear during war. This is a time to unite w.others .To be w//others This will be a way to help heal yourself. REmember everything is how you take it. This ia a time to heal yourself
om shanti

#4 dharma



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Posted 01 July 2024 - 10:15 AM

     Saturn went retrograde on the 29th.   Saturn is the task master. It makes us work hard.. It is the planet of discipline. Many feel saturn is lord Shiva.it deals w/responsibility it deals w/karma, Saturn is the planet of the shudras, the untouchables.  IT is the hardest teacher.  Saturn is slowing down stops and then goes retrograde. Planets dont actually move backwards , but compared to the movements of the inner planets  it appears to move backwards. Saturn is retrograde until november 14. Saturn retrogrades from 25degrees of aquarius to 18degrees of aquarius. The signs being affected by saturn and its retrograde motion( we are speaking about vedic astrology) Are aires,  leo, scorpio, and aquarius.  These signs are receiving the energy of saturn through dristi ie saturn looking (aspecting) these signs.  IF you have planets  or rising sign in these signa or houses , you will feel the effects of saturn more strongly. especially if your planets are in the degrees mentioned above for the retrograde motion

@ present @ 25 degrees  of aquarius it is in the nakshastra  of Purvabhadrapada "the burning pair"it is people who are passionate and impetuous or people who have unstable minds. IT is ruled by jupiter so it represents people who are repentant. Saturn will be in this nakshastra until october 3 . then it moves into sattabisha until december 27..@present the nakshastra is also a vision , so a vision of the future will be given to mankind. . This nakshastra although ruled by jupiter is very difficult. It can be 2 faced  IT is someone who pretends to be something that they are not.  Because it is saturn i believe this 2 faced person will be unveiled and the truth will be seen. Listen to your gut it will unveil whoever it is that appears to speak the truth  but does not -2faced .  during this period and again when saturn goes direct and goes into this nakshastra again the truth will be revealed.   Then October 3rd  saturn transits sattabisha the 100 healers. Many healing modalities will come out durning this timel IT is the time for great healing for mankind. I never remember a time when people were so divided  so at odds w/each other. i look for a healing  for mankind.   There are many healing modalites that deal w/energy.  vibrations  etc that will come to the fore.  My view is we are leaving  the presnet world behind and something new is going to rise to the fore.  WE are entering a new tiem , A new thought. . A new age . This world will change.  IT will not be coming from pharmaceutical companies.  The science of astrology  will come to the fore. 
      So the 2 faced will be revealed by saturn retrograde.. retrograde goes back over the degrees we have gone through before. But w/saturn retrograde because saturn is the task master, if we are open w/no prejudices and influences of other sources and we examine our hearts the 2 face will be revealed to us and we will see the truth. All  these things that we have gone through these last years are coming to a realization of the present time. The world is about to shift  WE are entering a new time. Be open in your heart..  LEt your heart guide you. Forget the media.  ITs a new dawn . a new day.. And saturn the disciplinarian is the teacher Be open to this opportunity . Next year saturn goes into pisces wrahu  the last time that happened was 1968. Think about that time and what was going on in the world  There will be many similarities. For now follow your heart.   There was a restaurant in canoga park calif  named follow your heart . we would have lunch w/our guru there .That restaurant had many revelations for me.  follow your heart
om shanti 


#5 dougie



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Posted 16 July 2024 - 09:55 PM

     Saturn went retrograde on the 29th.   Saturn is the task master. It makes us work hard.. It is the planet of discipline. Many feel saturn is lord Shiva.it deals w/responsibility it deals w/karma, Saturn is the planet of the shudras, the untouchables.  IT is the hardest teacher.  Saturn is slowing down stops and then goes retrograde. Planets dont actually move backwards , but compared to the movements of the inner planets  it appears to move backwards. Saturn is retrograde until november 14. Saturn retrogrades from 25degrees of aquarius to 18degrees of aquarius. The signs being affected by saturn and its retrograde motion( we are speaking about vedic astrology) Are aires,  leo, scorpio, and aquarius.  These signs are receiving the energy of saturn through dristi ie saturn looking (aspecting) these signs.  IF you have planets  or rising sign in these signa or houses , you will feel the effects of saturn more strongly. especially if your planets are in the degrees mentioned above for the retrograde motion

@ present @ 25 degrees  of aquarius it is in the nakshastra  of Purvabhadrapada "the burning pair"it is people who are passionate and impetuous or people who have unstable minds. IT is ruled by jupiter so it represents people who are repentant. Saturn will be in this nakshastra until october 3 . then it moves into sattabisha until december 27..@present the nakshastra is also a vision , so a vision of the future will be given to mankind. . This nakshastra although ruled by jupiter is very difficult. It can be 2 faced  IT is someone who pretends to be something that they are not.  Because it is saturn i believe this 2 faced person will be unveiled and the truth will be seen. Listen to your gut it will unveil whoever it is that appears to speak the truth  but does not -2faced .  during this period and again when saturn goes direct and goes into this nakshastra again the truth will be revealed.   Then October 3rd  saturn transits sattabisha the 100 healers. Many healing modalities will come out durning this timel IT is the time for great healing for mankind. I never remember a time when people were so divided  so at odds w/each other. i look for a healing  for mankind.   There are many healing modalites that deal w/energy.  vibrations  etc that will come to the fore.  My view is we are leaving  the presnet world behind and something new is going to rise to the fore.  WE are entering a new tiem , A new thought. . A new age . This world will change.  IT will not be coming from pharmaceutical companies.  The science of astrology  will come to the fore. 
      So the 2 faced will be revealed by saturn retrograde.. retrograde goes back over the degrees we have gone through before. But w/saturn retrograde because saturn is the task master, if we are open w/no prejudices and influences of other sources and we examine our hearts the 2 face will be revealed to us and we will see the truth. All  these things that we have gone through these last years are coming to a realization of the present time. The world is about to shift  WE are entering a new time. Be open in your heart..  LEt your heart guide you. Forget the media.  ITs a new dawn . a new day.. And saturn the disciplinarian is the teacher Be open to this opportunity . Next year saturn goes into pisces wrahu  the last time that happened was 1968. Think about that time and what was going on in the world  There will be many similarities. For now follow your heart.   There was a restaurant in canoga park calif  named follow your heart . we would have lunch w/our guru there .That restaurant had many revelations for me.  follow your heart
om shanti 


THanks Dharma

#6 dharma



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Posted 04 August 2024 - 06:32 PM

 Today is the new moon in cancer  it is in the nakshastra ashlesha "the coiled snake The moon is in her own sign of cancer, but it is dark and lacks power. People born under a new moon , their mother has little influence over them. The father is the one w/the big influence. So the new moon will bring something new, w/the moon in ashlesha something is ready to strike, it is after all a coiled snake. Be prepared
IT seems to me that we are entering into an intense period until the end of the year at least. WE have 2 eclipses happening in october.. And much to talk about this month.
     In ancient times the kings had wise men holy men , preceptors as their advisors. They also consulted astrologers. for everything they did. IN vedic astrology there is something called a muhurtha " auspicious.time"   so when one starts out on a trip, has a wedding, or an important event,  a muhurtha is done to ensure that the event is successful. That the happening has the support of the devas. I do these when we travel or if a big event is occurring to ensure its success. Evidently the democrats randomly picked a date for their convention. August 19. While kamala harris has a powerful chart, and it is evident from looking at why she is running for president.  the date of the convention is not a wise choice.  Mercury lord of communication is retrograde, making communications difficult. IF you have paid attention to mercury retrogrades then you know that at that time communications w/your partner have to be precise and clear otherwise an uncomfortable situation arises I suspect that the message out of the convention will not be clear or easy to understand .Something in the message will be lost. Mercury is retrograde in leo in the nakshastra of magha the mighty one. . LEo is ruled by the sun so this nakshastra magha is "the mighty one" Mercury is conjunct the sun , which is in its own sign and is powerful there. But being w/retrograde mercury affects the communications that occur. . As a general rule when mercury is retrograde it is better not to travel and it is better to communicate as little as possible. And yet this is a major happening for the democrats.  REtrograde saturn is giving aspect drishti to the sun and rmercury . Saturn is the people , it is government .. Saturn is in its own sign of Aquarius. so it is comfortable and powerful here .Saturn is in the nakshastra purvabhadrapada " the burning pair" it represents people who are passionate who have unstable minds. So under this influence it is not something that wants to be portrayed.   ALso mars is conjunct jupiter in Taurus on this date.  Mars is the planet of war , aggression and Jupiter is big it tends to exaggerate things.. I believe it was 1968  the democratic convention was also held in chicago under the mayor richard daily and he was going to show the protestors a thing or two. IT turned out to be a messy bloody affair. Unfortunately w/mars conjunct jupiter this democratic convention  has the makings of another messy bloody affair.. This was not a wise chocie of dates. In the new age i see coming. Astrologers will be consulted more  for picking auspicious events. Nancy Reagan was the only leader who used an astrologer that i am aware of . .REportedly JP morgan also used an astrologer. . The 19th is also a full moon w/the moon full in Aquarius. in the star of Dhanistha which is ruled by mars. IT is the star of symphony .So this star will be trying to unite people.  AS i said the message is going to be lost.
     There is a reason the ancient rishis put jyotish , vedic astrology into the veda.  Everything has a proper time , date , and place to do things. Why not do things when the support of nature is highest.  WE will all sit back and watch the convention take place.. After looking at gauvin newsomes chart i thought he would be a very strong representative for president of the united states. Trump has a very powerful chart and he will be difficult to defeat. SO we sit back and watch it all unfold. IT is a time when economically it is not favorable to the stock market . By november the 4 yr cycle low will be due for the stock market. IT is a time when economically  the economy is weak  and the stock market will reflect this reality.  The debt matters. . Inflation has been decimating the backbone of the country , the middle class.  Americans vote w/their wallet. 
   i am available for readings 
om shani shanti shanti

#7 dharma



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Posted 07 October 2024 - 10:57 AM

 a short update. Jupiter is in taurrus. Jupiter is the planet of knowledge , wisdom , and wealth.  Taurus is the earthy sign of finances.  On the 9th of october jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus.  I look for the wheels to come off the economy .  jupiter remains retrograde until February4,2025.    dharma

#8 SemiBizz


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Posted 09 October 2024 - 09:15 AM

Today is October 9th.


Looks like Milton is leading the way.

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