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we either have a wave 1 of a new bull market or more backing and filling

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#1571 dougie



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Posted 14 September 2023 - 08:25 PM

given that we live in clownworld USA, why is the USD so strong?

#1572 linrom1



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Posted 14 September 2023 - 08:34 PM

given that we live in clownworld USA, why is the USD so strong?

Russia, Russia, Russia

#1573 Russ



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Posted 15 September 2023 - 04:54 AM

Bull flag on gold breaking out but possible low in Dec.


"Nulla tenaci invia est via" - Latin for "For the tenacious, no road is impossible".
"In order to master the markets, you must first master yourself" ... JP Morgan
"Most people lose money because they cannot admit they are wrong"... Martin Armstrong


#1574 crossd



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Posted 15 September 2023 - 07:29 AM

9/15 morning blurb...


Gold prices continued to climb on Friday after hitting a three-week low earlier in the week, after a batch of inflation reports were seen as not alarming enough to force more immediate action from the Federal Reserve.


Gold is on track to finish this week around where it started as data on consumer and producer prices affirmed that inflation continued to re-accelerate in August, but not by a wide enough margin to alarm markets and central bankers.

What's more, in Europe, the European Central Bank signaled that it has likely finished raising interest rates after delivering another 25-basis-point hike on Thursday to lift its deposit rate to 4%.


After marching to its highest level in six months, the U.S. dollar was taking a pause on Friday, which also contributed to gold's gains, analysts said.

"The slight buoyancy of gold on Friday has also been assisted by a slight weakening in the strength of the US dollar, the currency which gold has an inversely correlated relationship with as the metal is typically priced in dollars," said Rupert Rowling, a market analyst at Kinesis Money.

The ICE U.S. Dollar Index DXY, a gauge of the buck's strength against a basket of rivals, was off by 0.1% at 105.31.

-Joseph Adinolfi

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#1575 K Wave

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Posted 15 September 2023 - 07:38 AM

SLV.....Creek Jump number 1???


Now it has to clear the next big level...


1 min



5 min---Island Bottom







Edited by K Wave, 15 September 2023 - 07:40 AM.

The strength of Government lies in the people's ignorance, and the Government knows this, and will therefore always oppose true enlightenment. - Leo Tolstoy



#1576 K Wave

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Posted 15 September 2023 - 07:49 AM

given that we live in clownworld USA, why is the USD so strong?

Cleanest shirt in an incredibly dirty laundry....you have to remember WHAT you are comparing it to when you say "Dollar Strength"...certianly does not look that strong against the Real Deal through the ages.


Just have a look at Gold/Yen for instance....Yen is completely broken and on its way to toilet paper...


Gold Dollar will get there soon enough, but I have always said "It will start in Japan", and the end game seems to be afoot....expect LOTS of war...human beings are a bit of sad predictable lot....


The strength of Government lies in the people's ignorance, and the Government knows this, and will therefore always oppose true enlightenment. - Leo Tolstoy



#1577 Smithy



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Posted 15 September 2023 - 09:22 AM

KW - when you have a moment can you expand on your views about war?

#1578 dharma



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Posted 15 September 2023 - 10:13 AM

i happen not to agree w/kwave  i dont  think we have a world war. i think people are waking up at an accelerating rate . there my 2c

i listened to this yesterday,  he has a poor trading  mind set. i appreciate his historical basis.   i thought gold started trading on comex in 74 prior to 71 the price was fixed and regulated by the govt. any way , i dont have a 60 or 90 yr cycle for gold so this expands my thinking.  the 8yr cycle is due to bottom in 7/24   so i am open to what the gann guy has to say its 39 min total 34 if you dont listen to the pitch( which i didnt)


i thought some one here would appreciate  his data bank and what he has to say


#1579 Russ



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Posted 15 September 2023 - 10:25 AM

i happen not to agree w/kwave  i dont  think we have a world war. i think people are waking up at an accelerating rate . there my 2c

i listened to this yesterday,  he has a poor trading  mind set. i appreciate his historical basis.   i thought gold started trading on comex in 74 prior to 71 the price was fixed and regulated by the govt. any way , i dont have a 60 or 90 yr cycle for gold so this expands my thinking.  the 8yr cycle is due to bottom in 7/24   so i am open to what the gann guy has to say its 39 min total 34 if you dont listen to the pitch( which i didnt)


i thought some one here would appreciate  his data bank and what he has to say


Armstrong and his AI computer predicted this war about a decade ago and he was also looking at Wheeler's 25 year war cycle, so some credit is due there and he says this war is going to turn into WWIII. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/north_america/americas-current-economy/war-cycle-of-target-sad-to-say/  cycleofwar-2014.jpg

"Nulla tenaci invia est via" - Latin for "For the tenacious, no road is impossible".
"In order to master the markets, you must first master yourself" ... JP Morgan
"Most people lose money because they cannot admit they are wrong"... Martin Armstrong


#1580 K Wave

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Posted 15 September 2023 - 11:19 AM

KW - when you have a moment can you expand on your views about war?

When the powers that be feel threatened...they start wars


They are feeling VERY threatened right about now...just look what is happening politically all over the globe...huge shifts in sentiment about the status quo

And that is addition to ponzi finance schemes all over the planet possibly about to collapse...starting with Japan.


I can only hope sanity is restored before it is too late.....and we have a peaceful transition to a new power structure....I have young daughters.


Thankfully a A LOT of folks are waking up to the constant 1984 Orwellian Russia bashing....Elon getting Twitter has been especially helpful.


But I fear something bad may happen over next year or so...hope I am wrong.

The strength of Government lies in the people's ignorance, and the Government knows this, and will therefore always oppose true enlightenment. - Leo Tolstoy