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Risk Windows for the Week of the 20th of January

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#1 Douglas



  • Traders-Talk User
  • 1,951 posts

Posted 18 January 2025 - 03:49 PM

According to my risk summation system, the days this coming week with the highest risk of seeing a turn in or acceleration of the current trend in the DJIA are Tuesday January 21st (possibly part of a wider window with last Friday the 17th) and Friday the 24th of January.  The Tuesday signal is the stronger of the two.


Last week the Monday the 13th risk window was another bullseye tagging a nice low.  The jury is still out on the Friday the 17th risk window which as I mentioned above may be part of a wider window with this coming Monday the 21st.  If the Wednesday gap is of the measuring variety, roughly 800 points from the low to the middle of the gap, and then 800 or so points from the middle to a top on Friday would do the trick.



Well, the BLS played nice and delivered a Goldilocks reading, not too hot and not too cold, so my alternate bearish EWave count that I showed last week died Wednesday.  I have rejiggered the count to keep a bearish alternative just in case the debt extension Congressional machinations get nasty.  Sentiment wind at the rally's back is fading fast with the TSP survey roaring back positive with 64% of folks surveyed voting bullish this week, so something else will have to step up to the plate to drive this rally.


