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Biontech Staff Will Not Take Vaccines – Double Standard

Martin Armstrong Article

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#1 Russ



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Posted 23 November 2021 - 01:24 PM

"While the world is trying to imprison people who are not vaccinated, here Biontech owners and staff will not be vaccinated themselves for “safety reasons.” While 5 million are dead worldwide out of 7.8 billion, this is by no means a disease that has warranted destroying the world economy. This is for climate change and the Great Reset. The blind following of government commands without any independent thinking is very serious."




Also see this important interview with Nick Hudson (link below), chairman of Pandemics Data and Analytics who says the lockdowns are not making any difference.  Nick Hudson's main points need to be summarized and presented to our authorities. Like the stat that this virus kills 1 in 10,000 or 0.004% as mentioned by the host in this interview which is hardly comparable to something like the black plague of the dark ages that killed up to half of everyone. Also the study cited in this video that shows government mandated lock downs do not reduce Covid-19 Deaths. Forcing everyone to be injected with a drug that has not had long term studies done on it (2 months was the maximum cited) is wrong as Nick Hudson says and then taking civil rights away from those that refuse is medical fascism that is not even based on science. There is a bigger issue here too, as written about my forecaster Martin Armstrong, several prominent people including Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates mentioned in 2019 that there was a virus coming and they even started selling stocks well before the crash of 2020. Gates has also paid out over 300 million dollars to various media companies to push the agenda and most of the grant monies for research institutions is coming from the drug companies making the 'vaccines'. Armstrong says that Gates who was forced out of Microsoft by the government for bullying competitors then bought large amounts of the drug companies making these vaccines and wants to become the wealthiest man in history by making money from everyone that gets the 'vaccine'. Armstrong believes this virus was created in a lab and then someone was bribed to release it for the purpose of defeating Trump who was in the way of Klaus Schwab's Global Reset (you will own nothing and be happy). Armstrong says the fact that Schwab, Gates and others said in 2019 that a virus was coming and they sold large amounts of stock before the 2020 crash is evidence that this pandemic was planned. The main agenda according to Armstrong is to get the public used to lockdowns (climate lockdowns are next even though the Sun has cooled and the ice in Greenland is growing again according to the Danish Meteorological Institute as documented by Electroverse.net ) . Schwab's Global Reset (Communism 3.0 is Armstrong's term for it) has two purposes, destroy the petroleum industry and allow governments to default on the 300 Trillion dollars of Debt incurred since the end of World War II. This will be the end of Socialism according to Armstrong's AI computer model. The good news is that Armstrong says Schwab's plans are going to fail but the whole system is going to "CRASH and BURN" mostly likely around Armstrong's major Pi Cycle date of 2032.95 (which is the convergence of 3 main pi cycles, the 8.6, 51.6 and 309.6), after that civil war will happen and the USA, Canada and Europe will break up. We are headed for a major storm in our civilizations and it's all cyclical. see Armstrongeconomics.com (blog section)


"Nulla tenaci invia est via" - Latin for "For the tenacious, no road is impossible".
"In order to master the markets, you must first master yourself" ... JP Morgan
"Most people lose money because they cannot admit they are wrong"... Martin Armstrong


#2 Russ



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Posted 23 November 2021 - 02:22 PM

Correction to stat mentioned above, the host of the interview was talking about Africa's stats for death from Covid-19.  The number for the whole world is 5,000,000 (5 million) deaths is 0.064102564102564% of the 7,800,000,000 (7.8 billion) global population.

"Nulla tenaci invia est via" - Latin for "For the tenacious, no road is impossible".
"In order to master the markets, you must first master yourself" ... JP Morgan
"Most people lose money because they cannot admit they are wrong"... Martin Armstrong


#3 slupert



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Posted 23 November 2021 - 02:37 PM

Bill Gates warned virus is coming in 2019? Do you really belive this stuff.

#4 claire



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Posted 23 November 2021 - 03:54 PM

Bill Gates warned virus is coming in 2019? Do you really belive this stuff.



Apparently, many people believe it. It's very easy to distort and spread misinformation.  Gates had been warning about the importance of global preparedness for identifying, containing, and treating disease since at least 2010, including the potential for pandemics which are inevitable. He addressed this after the H1N1 outbreak which he saw as a wake-up call to build better capacity to track and manage a deadly epidemic. He repeated these concerns after the Ebola outbreak and cautioned that such diseases could be spread worldwide.  Ditto for Zika.


Epidemiologists and other scientists have been warning about such possibilities for many decades! Gates raised this issue again when Trump dissolved the pandemic office at the White House in 2018.  These concerns, shared by epidemiologists and other scientists, have been offered as "proof" that Gates knew that Covid was coming and had a hand in making it occur to benefit him.

Another such distortion that spread was that the CEO of Pfizer refused to take this known-by-him unsafe vaccination citing as proof of this that he couldn't fly to Israel until fully vaccinated. The CEO explained that he didn't get vaccinated immediately because he didn't want to cut-the-line because of his position, and he did get fully-vaccinated in March. This rumor is still floating around social media and will continue to be shared as evidence of the big hoax. These and other conspiracy theories multiply and metastasize. 


Yet, many people believe that all the developed nations are in collusion -- hell-bent on killing their populations, destroying their own economies, and managing to manipulate all their scientists to make this happen.

#5 pdx5


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Posted 23 November 2021 - 06:00 PM


Bill Gates warned virus is coming in 2019? Do you really belive this stuff.



Apparently, many people believe it. It's very easy to distort and spread misinformation.  Gates had been warning about the importance of global preparedness for identifying, containing, and treating disease since at least 2010, including the potential for pandemics which are inevitable. He addressed this after the H1N1 outbreak which he saw as a wake-up call to build better capacity to track and manage a deadly epidemic. He repeated these concerns after the Ebola outbreak and cautioned that such diseases could be spread worldwide.  Ditto for Zika.


Epidemiologists and other scientists have been warning about such possibilities for many decades! Gates raised this issue again when Trump dissolved the pandemic office at the White House in 2018.  These concerns, shared by epidemiologists and other scientists, have been offered as "proof" that Gates knew that Covid was coming and had a hand in making it occur to benefit him.

Another such distortion that spread was that the CEO of Pfizer refused to take this known-by-him unsafe vaccination citing as proof of this that he couldn't fly to Israel until fully vaccinated. The CEO explained that he didn't get vaccinated immediately because he didn't want to cut-the-line because of his position, and he did get fully-vaccinated in March. This rumor is still floating around social media and will continue to be shared as evidence of the big hoax. These and other conspiracy theories multiply and metastasize. 


Yet, many people believe that all the developed nations are in collusion -- hell-bent on killing their populations, destroying their own economies, and managing to manipulate all their scientists to make this happen.


While the covid vaccines are not even mandatory by government decree, I simply fail to understand the mentality of a irrelevant minority of anti-vaxxers constantly posting fear porn. Do they even look at the numbers and realize they have lost the battle BADLY and are becoming more irrelevant with each passing day? Who exactly are they trying to convert to anti-vaxxer agenda? The ever dwindling minority of Americans? May be not. Some people just don't know when they have lost.


At least 230,732,565 people or 70% of the population have received at least one dose.



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#6 claire



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Posted 23 November 2021 - 07:55 PM



Bill Gates warned virus is coming in 2019? Do you really belive this stuff.



Apparently, many people believe it. It's very easy to distort and spread misinformation.  Gates had been warning about the importance of global preparedness for identifying, containing, and treating disease since at least 2010, including the potential for pandemics which are inevitable. He addressed this after the H1N1 outbreak which he saw as a wake-up call to build better capacity to track and manage a deadly epidemic. He repeated these concerns after the Ebola outbreak and cautioned that such diseases could be spread worldwide.  Ditto for Zika.


Epidemiologists and other scientists have been warning about such possibilities for many decades! Gates raised this issue again when Trump dissolved the pandemic office at the White House in 2018.  These concerns, shared by epidemiologists and other scientists, have been offered as "proof" that Gates knew that Covid was coming and had a hand in making it occur to benefit him.

Another such distortion that spread was that the CEO of Pfizer refused to take this known-by-him unsafe vaccination citing as proof of this that he couldn't fly to Israel until fully vaccinated. The CEO explained that he didn't get vaccinated immediately because he didn't want to cut-the-line because of his position, and he did get fully-vaccinated in March. This rumor is still floating around social media and will continue to be shared as evidence of the big hoax. These and other conspiracy theories multiply and metastasize. 


Yet, many people believe that all the developed nations are in collusion -- hell-bent on killing their populations, destroying their own economies, and managing to manipulate all their scientists to make this happen.


While the covid vaccines are not even mandatory by government decree, I simply fail to understand the mentality of a irrelevant minority of anti-vaxxers constantly posting fear porn. Do they even look at the numbers and realize they have lost the battle BADLY and are becoming more irrelevant with each passing day? Who exactly are they trying to convert to anti-vaxxer agenda? The ever dwindling minority of Americans? May be not. Some people just don't know when they have lost.


At least 230,732,565 people or 70% of the population have received at least one dose.





I wish it were irrelevant. It's a sizeable minority who have been frightened by these messages and are not yet vaccinated. Many are filling the hospitals and overwhelming those who are working to save their lives. Medical costs can reach the high six figures for one person who needs to be treated in the I.C.U for a long time. This doesn't include post-hospitalization medical care. Health insurance costs will soar. Many will become destitute if they have any assets to pay for the co-pays and deductibles.  Many will die or be impaired because of the delays in treating other urgent conditions or delays in routine testing to identify serious problems before it's too late. Healthcare will be crippled as well as the economy. Much suffering has occurred and is continuing.  


Another matter that I wrote about frequently on this site - well before the vaccinations arrived - was the increased risk of LONG COVID (or post-viral illness) - the unseen and not understood illnesses that occured after the Covid infection among young, fit, and healthy people, including those with mild Covid Illness. 


I pointed out that a very conservative estimate was that 10% of people who were at all symptomatic had any of a long, long list of symptoms or clusters of symptoms that continued for many months post Covid illness and with no end in sight. Many of these people seemed to recover from the initial infection after a couple of weeks or longer which was followed by flares or continuous impairment from damage to just about any organ in their bodies or have systemic effects. Many have been quite seriously impaired. 


More recent studies have shown that about 70% of those who were hospitalized with more severe disease continued to suffer from serious symptoms and a decline in their health. While this is often true for other illnesses that require hospitalization, Covid seems far more damaging in its wake. Usually, conventional lab tests have been useless in identifying the damage. A great deal of research is finally happening to try to sort out this phenomenon with the hope for prevention and/or treatment.


Autoimmunity may be implicated, but there's no clear evidence of that yet or that it's the only factor triggering these consequences. I'm reading now that autoimmunity is being cited as a danger for the vaccine. That's always a rare possibility for any vaccine or infection, but it's important to understand is that the longer the body is exposed to a potential autoimmune elicitor, the more likely it is to occur. Natural infection persists in the body for weeks or longer. The vaccine is typically flushed out in a few days to up to a few weeks. This makes it more likely that an autoimmune response could occur from the infection rather than the vaccine. 


While those who were vaccinated may have breakthrough infections, this is also more likely to occur among those who had prior infections since their immunity wanes too. And for those who test positive who are asymptomatic, the non-vaccinated tend to harbor the virus longer than those who have been vaccinated. The longer one is infected, the more likely autoimmunity can be triggered. People with known autoimmune reactions to other infections are treated quickly to remove that infection and reduce this effect. That's what the vaccine does.



Nothing is perfect - no treatment or medicine can be 100% free of consequences or potential dangers.  If anyone were to examine closely the effects of any medication, many rare or atypical effects would be found. The mRNA vaccines seem to be remarkably effective  -- much better than anyone dared to hope for any vaccine.  Alarmist and misleading information is far more damaging to people during this pandemic when it inhibits people from being vaccinated.


I know that those who have very strong opinions about the vaccination won't be influenced by my comments. My reason for posting is my hope that any lurkers who may be concerned about inflated dangers may find some of the information that I post to be useful.




#7 Russ



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Posted 24 November 2021 - 06:56 AM


Bill Gates warned virus is coming in 2019? Do you really belive this stuff.



Apparently, many people believe it. It's very easy to distort and spread misinformation.  Gates had been warning about the importance of global preparedness for identifying, containing, and treating disease since at least 2010, including the potential for pandemics which are inevitable. He addressed this after the H1N1 outbreak which he saw as a wake-up call to build better capacity to track and manage a deadly epidemic. He repeated these concerns after the Ebola outbreak and cautioned that such diseases could be spread worldwide.  Ditto for Zika.


Epidemiologists and other scientists have been warning about such possibilities for many decades! Gates raised this issue again when Trump dissolved the pandemic office at the White House in 2018.  These concerns, shared by epidemiologists and other scientists, have been offered as "proof" that Gates knew that Covid was coming and had a hand in making it occur to benefit him.

Another such distortion that spread was that the CEO of Pfizer refused to take this known-by-him unsafe vaccination citing as proof of this that he couldn't fly to Israel until fully vaccinated. The CEO explained that he didn't get vaccinated immediately because he didn't want to cut-the-line because of his position, and he did get fully-vaccinated in March. This rumor is still floating around social media and will continue to be shared as evidence of the big hoax. These and other conspiracy theories multiply and metastasize. 


Yet, many people believe that all the developed nations are in collusion -- hell-bent on killing their populations, destroying their own economies, and managing to manipulate all their scientists to make this happen.


Armstrong reported that Biontech owner and staff are not taking the vaccines.  You then put up something about Pfizer ceo, you are not even being honest.  Did you even both to listen to Nick Hudson's video, he and his team have done extensive research around the world.  I see you as a  biased woman that spews disinformation. 

"Nulla tenaci invia est via" - Latin for "For the tenacious, no road is impossible".
"In order to master the markets, you must first master yourself" ... JP Morgan
"Most people lose money because they cannot admit they are wrong"... Martin Armstrong


#8 Russ



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Posted 24 November 2021 - 07:37 AM

New Covid cases in Japan have dropped to almost zero now... 

"Nulla tenaci invia est via" - Latin for "For the tenacious, no road is impossible".
"In order to master the markets, you must first master yourself" ... JP Morgan
"Most people lose money because they cannot admit they are wrong"... Martin Armstrong


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