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OT: CDC "Experts" Wrong again.

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#1 Rogerdodger



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Posted 28 July 2022 - 09:42 AM

Many of the intelligent posters here have been highly criticized for their questioning of guidance from Fauci, CDC and WHO.

Guess they aren't so stupid after all.


Wed, July 27, 2022

New data suggests the CDC’s COVID guidance is wrong.


"There’s still all of these things that we’re not exactly sure about!"

Scientists have questioned the scientific rationale behind the five-day quarantine policy since the CDC introduced it last December. And now, critics of the policy have more data to back up their claims.
The mounting evidence is poking holes in the CDC's five-day quarantine policy
In two new preprints, scientists found that people infected with COVID-19 remained infectious after five days. One from the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston showed that one-quarter of COVID patients may still be infectious eight days after first testing positive.

Extending the isolation period from five to ten days could be more safe, according to the study.
Some scientists advise that people should stop quarantining only once they test negative.


Like the Pope told Galileo, "Follow the Science! Don't question it."

Edited by Rogerdodger, 28 July 2022 - 12:59 PM.

#2 gismeu



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Posted 28 July 2022 - 11:54 AM

Thanks Roger,

And didn’t you post a report recently showing the current rise in Covid death and ICU cases?

If so, could you please post an update?

Thanks, gis
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#3 pdx5


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Posted 28 July 2022 - 12:10 PM

The biggest blunder by CDC was when they said vaccine will "prevent" infection.

That is so wrong on so many counts. The 5 days or 8 days or 30 days is trivial issue in comparison.


Even the best vaccine ever invented (smallpox) which literally eradicated from earth

that deadly virus which has 30%+ mortality rate, did not prevent infection in me after vaccination. How can it?

The airborne virus can be inhaled straight into deep parts of lungs and it starts replicating quickly using lung tissue.

No vaccine has ever created a virus proof filter in the respiratory system. This is such basic common sense!


The only function of vaccine is to stock up the body with additional tools to fight virus when it invades.

That is exactly what the smallpox vaccine did in my 8 year old body, and I survived the ferocious attack by smallpox.

Edited by pdx5, 28 July 2022 - 12:11 PM.

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#4 bigtrader



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Posted 28 July 2022 - 12:34 PM

for the umpteenth time,   zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

No longer interested in debating with IGNORANT people.

#5 Rogerdodger



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Posted 28 July 2022 - 12:47 PM

And didn’t you post a report recently showing the current rise in Covid death and ICU cases?
If so, could you please post an update?


(Data is posted each day at the bottom of the Drudge Report)

Based on this data from July 5th to yesterday, July 27, USA 7 day average weekly cases increased from 101,047 to 132,067.

Weekly death 7 day average has increased from 312 to 437.


Edited by Rogerdodger, 28 July 2022 - 12:57 PM.

#6 K Wave

K Wave


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Posted 28 July 2022 - 12:53 PM

The biggest blunder by CDC was when they said vaccine will "prevent" infection.

That is so wrong on so many counts. The 5 days or 8 days or 30 days is trivial issue in comparison.


Even the best vaccine ever invented (smallpox) which literally eradicated from earth

that deadly virus which has 30%+ mortality rate, did not prevent infection in me after vaccination. How can it?

The airborne virus can be inhaled straight into deep parts of lungs and it starts replicating quickly using lung tissue.

No vaccine has ever created a virus proof filter in the respiratory system. This is such basic common sense!


The only function of vaccine is to stock up the body with additional tools to fight virus when it invades.

That is exactly what the smallpox vaccine did in my 8 year old body, and I survived the ferocious attack by smallpox.

So...when you had your smallpox vaccine, did it require boosters every couple of months.

Did it enhance the infectious process?

Did you go around spreading smallpox everywhere you went along with the repeated smallpox infections.

Did large smallpox outbreaks happen all over the place in fully smallpox vaccinated populations?


I just do not seem to remember that happening....


Maybe the super high IQ folks in the back start to get it?

Edited by K Wave, 28 July 2022 - 12:57 PM.

The strength of Government lies in the people's ignorance, and the Government knows this, and will therefore always oppose true enlightenment. - Leo Tolstoy



#7 Rogerdodger



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Posted 28 July 2022 - 01:05 PM

In a bid to combat Covid and pollution inhalation,

Chinese have taken to plugging their nostrils with cigarette butts.


#8 pdx5


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Posted 28 July 2022 - 01:25 PM


The biggest blunder by CDC was when they said vaccine will "prevent" infection.

That is so wrong on so many counts. The 5 days or 8 days or 30 days is trivial issue in comparison.


Even the best vaccine ever invented (smallpox) which literally eradicated from earth

that deadly virus which has 30%+ mortality rate, did not prevent infection in me after vaccination. How can it?

The airborne virus can be inhaled straight into deep parts of lungs and it starts replicating quickly using lung tissue.

No vaccine has ever created a virus proof filter in the respiratory system. This is such basic common sense!


The only function of vaccine is to stock up the body with additional tools to fight virus when it invades.

That is exactly what the smallpox vaccine did in my 8 year old body, and I survived the ferocious attack by smallpox.

So...when you had your smallpox vaccine, did it require boosters every couple of months.

Did it enhance the infectious process?

Did you go around spreading smallpox everywhere you went along with the repeated smallpox infections.

Did large smallpox outbreaks happen all over the place in fully smallpox vaccinated populations?


I just do not seem to remember that happening....


Maybe the super high IQ folks in the back start to get it?

The vaccine was done in 2 places on arm and it was not a needle, they used a circular tool to break skin and the tool was dipped in vaccine. Both those tool marks grew infection like reactions.

No boosters that I can remember, but I got vaccinated was 74 years ago, so all I remember is 2 big circular infections on arm between shoulder and elbow.

I got infected 2 years later, my guess is during 8 hour train journey on a jam packed crowded train from Vadodara to Mumbai.

Because I got sick soon after arriving in Mumbai. 

Every child in schools in India was vaccinated for smallpox. Nobody asked parents for permission.

You went to school, they vaccinated you.

So 100% of school children were vaccinated, but i clearly recall many of my college mates had those distinct marks on face which smallpox leaves behind. So the vaccine did nor prevent infection. I still have a few marks on face 72 years after recovery.

As for the covid vaccines, the only thing I know from personal experience (which you anti-vaccine folks do not have) is that the vaccines are big nothing burgers in creating side effects. All 7 members of my immediate family have received jabs and not a single adverse effect with anyone.  I have no evidence to prove the vaccines are effective in reducing severity of covid attack.

However recent data from New Zeeland is helpful to see effect from covid vaccines.

Not vaccinated__18285_____725_________3.95%
partially vaxxed__6556______182________2.77%
Fully vaxxed____175314____ 993________0.566%
with booster____ 105758____ 454_______ 0.429%

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#9 gismeu



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Posted 28 July 2022 - 02:21 PM

And didn’t you post a report recently showing the current rise in Covid death and ICU cases?
If so, could you please post an update?

(Data is posted each day at the bottom of the Drudge Report)
Based on this data from July 5th to yesterday, July 27, USA 7 day average weekly cases increased from 101,047 to 132,067.
Weekly death 7 day average has increased from 312 to 437.

Thanks Roger,

Wonder why that is not in the news. This year the deaths are always higher than last year and a lot of people with comorbidities or high age have left us already. Plus the vaccine.

So would one not expect the numbers to go down???

Puzzled, gis
P.S. Maybe it means what we are not supposed to say. To vaccinate the healthy and young is the wrong way?
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#10 pdx5


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Posted 28 July 2022 - 05:29 PM

Puzzled, gis
P.S. Maybe it means what we are not supposed to say. To vaccinate the healthy and young is the wrong way?


No need to be puzzled. People are wearing less masks. Here in Florida barely 10% wear masks.

Social distancing is practiced lot less. People are mingling more, going out more.

And vaccination numbers are down.  Add all that up. No mystery covid infections are up.

Add to that there are constantly NEW VARIANTS of covid-19 for which people do not have immunity from previous infections.


I am 82, my wife has cancer for 4.5 years. We both did 5 cruises in last 10 months, hundreds of visits to restaurants, stores and offices. We get tested for covid from professional pharmacies before each cruise.  We never tested positive. We wear masks, practice social distancing, and wash hands often. Result is no covid, no flu, no colds, no cough, no fevers. 

Edited by pdx5, 28 July 2022 - 05:31 PM.

"Money cannot consistently be made trading every day or every week during the year." ~ Jesse Livermore Trading Rule