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FF: today we close higher and start a buying panic

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#1 humble1



  • Traders-Talk User
  • 5,959 posts

Posted 27 April 2009 - 03:42 AM

* it is an AH1N1 virus and folks who have gotten a flu shot should have some immunity, since that is a virus type covered, even though this strain is different. we have not heard if the serious cases in southern mexico were folks who had flu shots, but it is unlikley that they had them since the health care system is very poor there. * tamiflu apparently works. it's a simple pill and there is a large stockpile. * it may not live very long in the air and not be so very easy to get. i am not an expert in the field but have read a few books on the subject of flu pandemics. we should know within days, or maybe even hours, if this is a big one. as i type this at just before 5:00 EST, globex is down just over ten fair value handles. that, alone, is a sign of tremendous strength, given the sudden appearance of this media hyped fright. comments?