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#1 cgnx



  • Traders-Talk User
  • 2,103 posts

Posted 24 June 2010 - 09:48 AM

I asked a couple of Brokers yesterday about gold. They were about as uninterested in gold as one could get. Also mentioned a few of there worst contrary accounts were in gold. I thought about that for a bit. My conclusion is gold is a long way from the top. Short term who knows. But these same brokers I bet were all in during the Dot Bomb and are not in Gold now. Before this is all over these same guys will be trying to sell me on Mining Stocks. It will definitely take some time for this to occur. I also was watching cnbc and Kudlow was on talking gold and the lack of reason for gold to be where it is and contempt was thick. Most people have the same view. The trader he had on was trying to say the charts were bullish and that was the only reason for golds up move. Their conclusion was, that was a lousy reason to own gold. I'd say 99% of people have no idea what makes markets tick. It's all about supply and demand. Very simple. While almost every other asset class is a Hot Potato, Gold is still extremely underowned. And they call it a crowded trade? Alan Greenspan called the market Irrationally Exuberant and he was right but boy was he early. The charts told us otherwise. Looks like a breakout to me. Could it be a fakeout? I'll take my chances. So far all systems are a go.
If it can be cornered, it will.