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Cumulative Charts - 5/25/12

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#11 Dex



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Posted 27 May 2012 - 11:54 AM

Fib, because I respect your work, I note your directional calls in my journal. I'm not going to get into a peeing contest with you, but the answer to your question is: "Yes, you have." :)

You will never win a pissing contest with any guru. There techniques are very similar (knowingly or unknowingly) to fortune tellers. Fortune tellers allude to things, avoid being definitive, allow the person to project what they what on the 'reading' among other techniques.

Some techniques can be found here.
The best and most complete study of Astrology and other readers can be found in Skeptical Magazine at your library.

A good idea is to see what technical technique a person presents and if you find value in it use it but, the two line posts, not so much.
"The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made. "

#12 fib_1618



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Posted 27 May 2012 - 12:11 PM

You will never win a pissing contest with any guru.

Now I'm being labeled as a guru?

How insulting, bigoted and dogmatic.

Looks like it's time for another break...and a long one at that.

Seems my message continues to be misconstrued based on innuendo and supposition where nothing substantive is included or even a question posed for clarity.

Go pick on someone else...I'm done trying.


Better to ignore me than abhor me.

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Demagogue: A leader who makes use of popular prejudices, false claims and promises in order to gain power.

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#13 claire



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Posted 27 May 2012 - 01:24 PM

Fib: I'm sure there are lots of posters and lurkers who very much appreciate your posts (including myself) and hope you don't take another "vacation" from this board. To those who can't seem to control themselves, please try to keep in check unhelpful/challenging comments for the sake of others who do get value from people such as Fib who take the time to share their expertise. If you have questions or don't agree, there is a way to present such in a manner that isn't rude or insulting. I do have a question: What is a "Type 2 divergent correctional phase?"

#14 DrSP



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Posted 27 May 2012 - 01:28 PM


Thanks! - timeframes are helpful for your perspectives :)

stubaby B)

Fib, Given that all your previous 6 top and bottom calls have been wrong for the last 9 months, you know the criticism is not without merit. This call sets up an interesting issue if BETS can actually score atleast by coincidence.
You could be a billionaire or an industrial worker or a teacher or a moderator of a forum - Hold a good conscience because that is what matters.

#15 BigBadBear



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Posted 27 May 2012 - 01:30 PM

Fib is as clear as an uncut diamond but the real problem I have with him is his unwillingness to admit to his bulllish bias. I have been watching this 'guru' for over 5 years and I can tell you that even when the markets[say the dow] is down 1000...2000.......3000 points ; Fib or Dave is still hinting, alluding or suggesting a soon coming bottom to go long.

#16 bln



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Posted 27 May 2012 - 02:18 PM

Fib is as clear as an uncut diamond but the real problem I have with him is his unwillingness to admit to his bulllish bias.

So what? there is more than one dimension. You can be bullish Short Term and bearish Intermediate Term and still bullish on the markets Long Term.

is down 1000...2000.......3000 points ; Fib or Dave is still hinting, alluding or suggesting a soon coming bottom to go long.

Well, then you clearly do not understand his technique.

#17 BigBadBear



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Posted 27 May 2012 - 02:33 PM

Fib is as clear as an uncut diamond but the real problem I have with him is his unwillingness to admit to his bulllish bias.

So what? there is more than one dimension. You can be bullish Short Term and bearish Intermediate Term and still bullish on the markets Long Term.

Thats not the problem. HE is ALWAYS BULLISH and the 90% bullish alluding posts suggests so

is down 1000...2000.......3000 points ; Fib or Dave is still hinting, alluding or suggesting a soon coming bottom to go long.

Well, then you clearly do not understand his technique.

Do a search and you will see what I mean during the 2008 decline....always alluding to the coming rally

All I say to board members is to be aware of 'guru' suggestions or predictions

#18 Dex



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Posted 27 May 2012 - 02:52 PM

You will never win a pissing contest with any guru.

Now I'm being labeled as a guru?

How insulting, bigoted and dogmatic.

Looks like it's time for another break...and a long one at that.

Seems my message continues to be misconstrued based on innuendo and supposition where nothing substantive is included or even a question posed for clarity.

Go pick on someone else...I'm done trying.


"If the facts are against you, argue the law.

If the law is against you, argue the facts.

If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell."

- quoted by an Illinois native, Carl Sandburg, in The People, Yes (1936)

"When the law is against you, argue the facts.

When the facts are against you, argue the law.

When both are against you, attack the plaintiff."

- R.Rinkle

You're over doing it and it is showing.

Edited by Dex, 27 May 2012 - 03:01 PM.

"The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made. "

#19 Iblayz



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Posted 27 May 2012 - 03:42 PM

I agree Fib. If I were you I would leave too....again. I too believe that you exhibited a bullish bias over some time or you just chose to quit posting as much during extended drops. However, it appears to me that you took the criticism to heart and made an effort to show that you can identify weakness as well as strength. I respect you greatly for that as well as for your work. My question is......why should anybody be surprised that a), the market can change direction and B), it will change direction to the upside FAR, FAR more than to the downside? After all, it spends 67% of the time advancing and how many long funds are there vs. short funds? And isn't it true that a ton of pension/retirement money finds its way into the market each and every month? And isn't it true that the big boxes have been stealing a small percentage of that money over the years by taking the market up into those same inflows? And isn't everyone far happier when the market is advancing versus when it is falling? And isn't it true that you can't necessarily make longs sell but you sure can make shorts cover? So why should anyone be surprised that it is far harder to call tops than bottoms......expecially with so many hotshots trying to fade every call and every bias real or imagined.....especially the bearish ones? The problem here is that we can't tolerate anyone who posts on a consistent basis and manages to miss some calls.....as if that were a big surprise to anyone who has attempted this for any length of time. Its an ego thing and our egos are too big to admit how big they are. We can't just accept that others can make mistakes. We feel SO MUCH more important when we can stick a finger in our brother's eye even when our brother is merely trying to help US.........and truthfully......you are probably better than anyone here when it comes to trying to help when asked.....way better in fact. We can't just accept your work for what it is and accept the effort that it takes to put it up and leave it at that. Each and every time that something you expected doesn't pan out as expected WHEN YOU SAID IT....and that part is important......we have to throw it up in your face so we feel better about ourselves. The sad part is......there have been so many good ones to quit posting over the years.........this would REALLY, REALLY be an incredible place if we had just LEFT THEM THE HELL alone and appreciated them a little more. The body of work presented would really be incredible. I look forward to the day when you can overlook the petty ankle biters (and no way does Selecto fit that category) and post again. And, by the way, what I said wasn't necessarily in reference to this thread. I knew what was going on in here when I saw the numbers of posts when I came in off of the lake......the same thing that had been going on for the last two or three weeks........and just as Fib was giving it his best to give both sides of his excellent analysis. I will always respect anyone who has the guts to stick their neck out on a public message board.....more so when that poster has FORGOTTEN more about the market than I have ever known. Sad to see it if you stop posting here.....even sadder to see......that is what we deserve. Selah.

Edited by Iblayz, 27 May 2012 - 03:51 PM.

#20 Iblayz



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Posted 27 May 2012 - 03:43 PM

Duplicate deleted.

Edited by Iblayz, 27 May 2012 - 03:44 PM.