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Decades long flood of easy money putting numerous country's citizens at risk

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#1 nimblebear


    Welcome to the Dark Side !

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Posted 30 April 2013 - 12:11 AM

At this juncture, the misallocations of capital, via unparalleled ease of money flow, has essentially created a complete and permanent vacuum on perspective. Society at large, has convinced itself all the former rules and ways of doing business are completely irrelevant, specifically and exclusively because of worldwide central bank easing and near zirp implementation in all corners. In a sense, it's completely tragic. Somehow to any number of people you might ask, all is still "well" as long as stock markets are rising. Someone might make a case here or there about any other topic of concern, but every single time, the reference point comes back to how the markets are still rising. The vast majority of the world's populace simply pays no attention to these artificial markers. For that we should all be extremely grateful. The violence in currency trading, metals or commodity markets, stock and bond exchanges, derivatives, is truly occurring at an atmospheric level, with our jet stream as a pretty decent analogy. Certainly the jet streams can affect day to day or even seasonal weather. At ground level however, we certainly don't consider what a jet stream might be doing in terms of how we plan our day relative to a local weather forecast, which by the way, can frequently be quite wrong. We also don't plan our year based on the weather. That said, the central banks have accomplished the equivalent of warping global jet streams, that can reek extreme havoc on many societies and their citizens. If people found out anyone was f**king with weather like that, or specifically jet streams, they'd certainly be dishing out some major backlash and hell to those they found messing things up. Whether it was crop devastation, or droughts, or recurring hurricanes, the people would clearly be doing a lot in terms of acting to put a stop to it. Monetarily, the fed and all central banks have accomplished that equivalent, and barely a word is whispered against them, that doesn't come across as some whacked out conspiratorial rant. It's shameful really, that "they" can get away with these monetary distortions, all of which were completely avoidable. And totally unnecessary, to the point of being one of the most worthless human endeavors of all time. In fact, I'd rank what these central banks, and the elitists who control them, to the outcome that charleton Heston witnessed when he realized what had occurred on Planet of the Apes. That's how tragic all this monetary manipulation and distortion truly is. Meanwhile the sheeple continue along on their daily journey as if nothing can be done, or even needs to be done, which would be similar to someone thinking about how the atmospheric jet streams exist, do affect our weather, but we don't know one way or the other how our day to day plans are affected by the jet streams, as weather people aren't paid to tell you what the jet streams are really doing, nor do they think anyone would really care. They just want to know if its going to rain tomorrow, or if it will be sunny. Anything beyond that is too much information. The risks are not only enormous but the people have literally no clue.