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Profit margins have peaked and revenues are shrinking

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#1 nimblebear


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Posted 06 June 2013 - 08:58 AM

For this cycle it's all over, and profit margins are always mean reverting here in the US. ISM contraction below 50, signals shrinking revenues. ECRI predicted recession more than 6 months ago, so this is no surprise really. They got mocked pretty bad this go around, as everyone and their brother was calling for absurd notions of S&P going to 1900, etc,etc. So now that the market has sucked every one in the last 2000 Dow points, it's going to finally get interesting. I'd expect this rollover to be long and drawn out, and bulls fighting it extra hard, with what will probably turn out to be a large rolling top, which started in earnest earlier this year, and won't really evident until well into the fall. Choppy summer though, which we are about to begin to get into, with a strong amount of blather from both sides. Bear and bull. Of course we will be shown signs of all sorts of how we are entering a new boom, along with knock down drag outs, that will temp buy dippers everywhere. Admittedly I almost bit, but when the Chief screamed so loudly for a short period of time here, that was perfect timing to realize, this sucker is toast. Don't be suckered by the gas and oil boomlet, the FeDs QE, Japan's QE, and all sorts of wonder technology that will no doubt be announced or promoted throughout this top. 3d printing aint going to save this cycle, nor will the soon to be once again, rather cheap gasoline prices. Lastly, the consumer is all wet, exhausted, and being once again hung out to dry. 6 months from now you'll be hearing much more about dropping home sales, increasing foreclosures, and a new cycle of debt defaults followed by accusations of repeating subprime loans causing the latest round of failure. Car sales will have had their last gap this year, and will be plummeting while GM will be seeking another bail out by next summer. Will we ever learn ?