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The Sexual Revolution Dies an Ugly Death.

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#1 stocks



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Posted 22 July 2019 - 11:22 AM

The Sexual Revolution was always about the Ruling Class sexually exploiting the Lower Class.  "Anything Goes" loose morality ripped apart lower class families.  


Jeffrey Epstein partied with Trump's closest advisers including Wilbur Ross, Rudy Giuliani, and Steve Mnunchin at dinner hosted by David Koch just TWO MONTHS after his release from prison 


'The culture before #MeToo was — "You’ve done your time, now you’re forgiven,"'   


The party that night was also attended by designers Tory Burch and Tamara Mellon, billionaires Henry Kravis and Steve Schwarzman and publicist Peggy Siegal.  


-- -
Defenders of the status quo are always stronger than reformers seeking change, 
UNTIL the status quo self-destructs from its own corruption, and the reformers are free to build on its ashes.

#2 stocks



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Posted 24 August 2019 - 08:23 AM

Austin Texas library hosted a "Drag Queen Story Hour" for kids featuring a reader who has a criminal record.   


Parents in Texas discovered that David Lee Richardson, who goes by the drag name "Miss Kitty Litter" and has been participating in Drag Queen Story Hour events for the Austin Public Library System over the past year, has a criminal record for prostitution.   


This is not the first case of a library inviting Drag Queen Story Hour readers with a criminal history to read to and interact with young children. Two men charged with sexually assaulting a child were allowed to read to children at a library in Houston last year.    


-- -
Defenders of the status quo are always stronger than reformers seeking change, 
UNTIL the status quo self-destructs from its own corruption, and the reformers are free to build on its ashes.

#3 AChartist



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Posted 28 September 2019 - 08:43 PM

Moleneux also does alot on the feminist satanist species auto genocide technologies



Marriage Rates Are Falling Due To Shortage Of "Economically Attractive" Men, Study Finds





"marxism-lennonism-communism always fails and never worked, because I know

some of them, and they don't work"  M.Jordan

#4 Rogerdodger



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Posted 28 September 2019 - 10:19 PM

Cradle to Grave Government (President Johnson's $20,000,000,000,000 Great Society) makes fathers, family, and even homes an unnecessary burden.


Get a pet.

Millennials are picking pets over people - The Washington Post

Edited by Rogerdodger, 28 September 2019 - 10:23 PM.

#5 AChartist



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Posted 29 September 2019 - 09:28 AM

That is an excellent video I posted above and others like Moleneaux and Peterson have extensive analysis,

a major point of many to takeaway, has a feminist society

ever existed long enough in all of ancient history to have existed at all. None because it is always at

the end state of civilizational satanist collapse. It is always at the end state that the barbarians at the gate

pillage the remnants of the last of the producing meritocracy. As I have tried to explain different ways, in

a microcosm organization and such as a fractal is the entire civilization it is only one of one thousand producing

all the intellectual energy that employed thousands. I can testify that I have doubled the performance of an

organization that is basically the only meaningful private free mkt employer of an entire city and when the satanists

run me out such as getting offshore any free sanctuary,

a national company will basically go away because I am doing but not giving away proprietary technology.

The corporation is organized the same as socialist/communist "government". There are many who benefit and

claim credit that dont even know how or what I do it and I am not giving it away. I would answer questions completely but

the lowest denominator would not even know what questions to ask so I'll take it with me to the grave and it will never fall

into the hands of the cannibals parasites barbarians communist satanists. They always get what they chanted for.

Edited by AChartist, 29 September 2019 - 09:34 AM.

"marxism-lennonism-communism always fails and never worked, because I know

some of them, and they don't work"  M.Jordan

#6 diogenes227



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Posted 29 September 2019 - 10:59 AM

The Sexual Revolution was always about the Ruling Class sexually exploiting the Lower Class.  "Anything Goes" loose morality ripped apart lower class families.  


Jeffrey Epstein partied with Trump's closest advisers including Wilbur Ross, Rudy Giuliani, and Steve Mnunchin at dinner hosted by David Koch just TWO MONTHS after his release from prison 


'The culture before #MeToo was — "You’ve done your time, now you’re forgiven,"'   


The party that night was also attended by designers Tory Burch and Tamara Mellon, billionaires Henry Kravis and Steve Schwarzman and publicist Peggy Siegal.  



The sexual revolution died with the advent of AIDS.


I knew a guy back in that era who was a real ladies man, who had a different woman it seemed every night. When AIDS-HIV came along, I asked him what he was going to do about his sex life and he said without a second's hesitation - "Younger women."


Evidently, we know now, that's what Epstein was supplying to Trump and his many slimy friends.

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