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Nikola Trucks Can Roll Downhill!

Zero Emissions

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#1 Rogerdodger



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Posted 15 September 2020 - 07:53 AM

Note: Thus far, there are NO "zero emissions" anything, when one takes into account the power source (often coal) and the devastating environmental damage and pollution produced in production of the product and the required charging energy production.

But as we saw in the Solar Panel fad (Solyndra's $535,000,000 vanishes), there is plenty of room for fraud.


Nikola Electric Trucks. Zero Emissions or Fraud Scheme?


Is zero-emission truck maker Nikola the new Tesla, or just hot air?

With its electric and hydrogen-fueled trucks, the firm Nikola aims to revolutionize the future of the transportation sector. But with one investor claiming the group is running on empty.


"Nikola had the truck towed to the top of a hill on a remote stretch of road and simply filmed it rolling down the hill."

Nikola responded that it had "never stated its truck was driving under its own propulsion in the video" but had simply said that it had been "in motion."

Hindenburg shot back Monday that the company's explanation was "completely inadequate."

Edited by Rogerdodger, 15 September 2020 - 08:08 AM.