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what the hell, out on a limb. the 1850ish low marks the bottom of this correction. the next leg higher begins now

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#1 dharma



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Posted 21 October 2020 - 09:54 AM

i deliberated about this and thought  why not! 

@690 gold folks were not sure of the bottom

@1228 gold folks were not sure of the bottom

@1850 gold folks were not sure of the bottom

and so it goes. folks dont buy significant low points

whether its the stock market , bit coin, or gold/silver

and yet gold is up 26% this year,more than 3x the sp 500

whoever wins this election , gold will be the big winner.   they are all out of ideas and what they come up

w/is print money , throw it at the problem

i cannot count the times in40+yrs of doing this i have missed a big move trying to be too precise.  its not going to happen this time. i ride until well into the parabolic . i dont know where gold ultimately tops out .sinclair who i respect has 50k , i think 10k is my number.  for now , lets see if we can get above 2089 more and more r people are waking up. 

senor gave what i consider a heads up this morning on silj . if you havent noticed his abilities then go back and take a look 

these last 2+months have worked off the bullishness in the sector last i looked at dsi it was 29 gold and 30 silver. so this grinding correction has achieved its purpose the froth is gone. 



#2 gannman



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Posted 21 October 2020 - 04:30 PM

i hear you dharma and if it has bottomed or if it takes some more time it is going a lot lot higher


there is no doubt in my mind. and i am a bug i love gold i love the beauty of it but i try and let ta rule


we had a massive first wave up now we have been correcting for 2.5 months it has put everyone to sleep


good because the blast off is coming to me at 2600 2700 at a minimum 

feeling mellow with the yellow metal

#3 dharma



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Posted 21 October 2020 - 05:41 PM

gannman ,  there are alot of other bugs in your camp.   like take me for instance, i am not
a bug, but from studying history i believe this is the place to be. and the truth of the m
atter is the miners are still way  undervalued.  and yet everyone is asleep . just look at
the prices in 11 and look at the prices today.  by the way apple is worth more than the ent
ire sector.  when the herd heads this way 10 baggers will be fairly common. there i go out
on a limb again. and yet the silence here is loud and clear
by the way today was a nice close https://pbs.twimg.co...=jpg&name=large

Edited by dharma, 21 October 2020 - 05:43 PM.

#4 dharma



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Posted 22 October 2020 - 10:37 AM

not perturbed by todays action. more choppy action.  in this biz crowds are not desirable

the main show is yet to start , the election.  the deep state has bashed trump from the get go. 

iwe will see if the silent majority is as advertised

did a little buying this am  drilling in the north is done for the season, but results are still coming. in.  and for some jrs the results are 

a bonanaza/

anyone watching the deliveries on the comex. they are still occurring at a blistering pace.  its a new breed of investor. they are taking delivery . . w/jewelry sales worldwide in decline  , investors are taking delivery of physical , making up for the jewelry shortfall.  now the dec contract on comex is the heaviest traded  lets see what happens there in the way of deliveries


one point of view https://pbs.twimg.co...ng&name=900x900

#5 senorBS



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Posted 22 October 2020 - 01:06 PM

not perturbed by todays action. more choppy action.  in this biz crowds are not desirable

the main show is yet to start , the election.  the deep state has bashed trump from the get go. 

iwe will see if the silent majority is as advertised

did a little buying this am  drilling in the north is done for the season, but results are still coming. in.  and for some jrs the results are 

a bonanaza/

anyone watching the deliveries on the comex. they are still occurring at a blistering pace.  its a new breed of investor. they are taking delivery . . w/jewelry sales worldwide in decline  , investors are taking delivery of physical , making up for the jewelry shortfall.  now the dec contract on comex is the heaviest traded  lets see what happens there in the way of deliveries


one point of view https://pbs.twimg.co...ng&name=900x900

In general I think we have sloppy 5 ups from Sept (close only charts look better IMO), if correct todays drop in a lot of stuff could be ending c waves from Oct 14 high. Not really "high" confidence but to me best guess at this time



#6 dharma



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Posted 22 October 2020 - 02:28 PM


not perturbed by todays action. more choppy action.  in this biz crowds are not desirable

the main show is yet to start , the election.  the deep state has bashed trump from the get go. 

iwe will see if the silent majority is as advertised

did a little buying this am  drilling in the north is done for the season, but results are still coming. in.  and for some jrs the results are 

a bonanaza/

anyone watching the deliveries on the comex. they are still occurring at a blistering pace.  its a new breed of investor. they are taking delivery . . w/jewelry sales worldwide in decline  , investors are taking delivery of physical , making up for the jewelry shortfall.  now the dec contract on comex is the heaviest traded  lets see what happens there in the way of deliveries


one point of view https://pbs.twimg.co...ng&name=900x900

In general I think we have sloppy 5 ups from Sept (close only charts look better IMO), if correct todays drop in a lot of stuff could be ending c waves from Oct 14 high. Not really "high" confidence but to me best guess at this time




thanks for your input , my concern is the wild card- the virus - which is spiking again will this throw the all financial assets for a loop again , as in march!!!???


#7 gannman



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Posted 22 October 2020 - 05:27 PM

i think that the election will settle this . my guess is biden wins but who knows 


a them victory would actually be bullish imo if they take the senate .  if not more


grid lock lots of plates spinning in the air here we are all taking our best guess 

feeling mellow with the yellow metal

#8 ryanoo



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Posted 22 October 2020 - 05:41 PM

a them? wh and them? senate will put massive stimulus and will drive gold [rice to the next level.  easing trade tensions and increasing trade, less protective trade policies will be good for the oil and gas stocks.  who knew a gop gov will be the worst for the oil/energy companies?  

if the early voting surge is any indication, the voting sets record, even since 1908, then the impact of the so called hidden voters are mute.  

mask wearing from the get go would have saved possibly half those who died, maybe combined w social distancing and its just so ridiculous how the mask can be a political issue. who in the right mind would make mask wearing a political issue?  never seen such a backward country.  

Edited by ryanoo, 22 October 2020 - 05:42 PM.

#9 dougie



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Posted 22 October 2020 - 09:17 PM


Edited by dougie, 22 October 2020 - 09:17 PM.

#10 Russ



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Posted 23 October 2020 - 04:20 AM

i think that the election will settle this . my guess is biden wins but who knows 


a them victory would actually be bullish imo if they take the senate .  if not more


grid lock lots of plates spinning in the air here we are all taking our best guess 

Some commentators think Biden got creamed tonight over Hunter's laptop from hell. Most of the media has being trying to ignore the Hunter scandal so far but they may not be able to ignore it much longer with the FBI admitting they had the hard drive for a year.  This is a major scandal as well as the Clinton fake dossier. Tin pot dictatorship stuff. 

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