i dont know if i will do this every month but here goes. we will see what kind of respoinse
here we are in december. i want to start the ancient rishis saw that we were approaching kali yuga so they decided to put jyotish(vedic astrology0 into the veda. they thought forewarned is forearmed. so that is my motivation to do this monthly column. i saw as we approached 2020 a time that would be like no other that had occurred in my lifetime. now we are in the midst of that time band. so november 30 was a full moon and a lunar eclipse, it was a powerful time for change. it seems that the incumbent president had lost . and many just wanted him to go away. There was fraud in the election became his theme and it still continues today.. jHE has not conceded . in fact he is disputing the results. on the 14th the electoral college meets and pronounces the winner of the election. Yet on that day there is a pwerful solar eclipse. a solar eclipse is when the sun gets hidden by the earth. it gets dark for a period of time. so hidden things come to light it seems to me that Donald Trump is going to reveal something that has been hidden. and as a result the aatention will be back on him. the solar eclipse occurs @ almost 29 degrees of scorpio .that is gandanta ie it feels like things are out of control. like drowning. So there can be seismic events that can occur . now, also on that date kala sarpa yoga occurs. ie all of the planets are back inside the dragon. , on that date only venus remains outside the dragon. so that means that all the planets except venus are inside the rahu and the ketu(ancient rishis could not see uranus , neptune, and pluto , but they could feel their energies and they captured those energies in the rahu and the ketu.) if you remember during past months when kala sarpa yoga occurred everything, all the news centered around covid. well again everything will be centered around something. and it may be whatever it is that trump reveals it is the entrapment of all the karmas , so it could be many things on the 21 jupiter and saturn conunct in capricorn. i believe this will cause a big rise in the stock market. and it seems that will occur until april when jupiter leaves capricorn. mars went direct on november 18th in pisces. now virgo is the sign in opposition to pi sces and when mars went retrograde in virgo, there was some form of pandemic 1918 flu, aids virus , ebola etc on the 24 of december mars leaves pises and goes into aries. slowly the virus will be losing its sway on humanity . there will be anew sense of freedom and by march/april it will noticeable to all from 21 -24 mars goes gandanta a feeling of drowning and out of control. the eclipse is also gandanta this is all going to affect trump , this all occurs on trumps moon. , he was born under eclipse .he is going to feel a sense of urgency to expose things that have been hidden for many years. turmp is not going to go away. he is going to expose many dark things that have been going on for years. 50% voted for trump , the country is going to remain divided.. there are going to be changes. its all coming. . a lunar eclipse, a solar eclipse , big karma as reprepresented by kala sarpa yoga. mars and the eclipse occurring ain gandanta the last degrees of a sign. there will be big changes. in politics ?media? trumps destiny appears to be as a disruptor ! a revealer of dark secrets. also during the eclipse ketu and mercury are in scorpio . mercury rules communications. thus the media. it seems we are not being given the truth in any form of media . there will be changes there. there are hidden agendas by foreign entities . all of this will be exposed politics have caused such separation of us as people. family units are so divided. we have to come together . we can have different views but we have accept each other. there has to be unconditional love. it will dissolve all of these separations in beliefs.. this month is very powerful . its time to let the heart be the guide. unconditional love as the guide. politics are a small factor in life.