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vedic astrology for december

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#11 dharma



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Posted 14 May 2021 - 10:59 AM

 as more planets come out of the dragon it seems covid has less of a grip on society. the fear this virus has generated is palatable. mars ,mercury , and the moon have left the dragon and the sun and venus will leave soon. so i believe this covid scare will be in the rear view mirror before too long.

    jupiter is in aquarius the air sun , which is much friendlier to jupiter, called guru. jupiter is more comfortable here then in its weakest station of capricorn. it is in the star dhanistha which is the drum or symphony. so the arts are being brought back to life .  then on may 22 jupiter in aquarius moves to the star satabisha which is known as the 100 physicians,it is a healing star . so look for more healing from this virus. look for healing in society.  which is being pulled apart
    saturn remains in its own sign of capricorn so  we will see if it is more rights and freedom for the people as saturn is strong here in its own sign
     sun , rahu, venus , and mercury are all in the earthy sign of taurus.  look for work to be on finances .  venus is very strong here as it is in its own sign.  look for some practical solutions to problems
     last on my list here is the moon which is full on the 26 and it is a lunar eclipse.  eclipses reveal things which were hidden from view.  so i look for some things that we are in the dark about to be revealed.    also on the 10of june is a solar eclipse. so this revealing process should continue
     this attack on the colonial pipe line is serious . the colonial provides oil and gas to the east coast. the colonial is back operating . i have read they paid the 5mil ransom dont know if its true or not . but they are back operating.
     it seems during this time there are many areas of life being pulled apart.   it is for observation only at this point , dont let it affect your peace.  there is not much one can do
we are most effective when we dont let emotions cloud our thinking
as for gold i see either or both eclipses as the start of the run . right now i dont see the build up buying of gld  so it tells me this move is stealth or investors dont believe it can have legs.  which is a good thing as a contrarian

#12 dharma



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Posted 05 July 2021 - 12:24 PM

i want to start off this pivotal month w/saturn in capricorn and mars giving direct aspect(drishti) in cancer. this is about security,protection. this aspect will shape things. also at this time the sun forms a relationship w/ketu and saturn called a yag a finger of GOD. so this whole first week of july is a time to be within. our independence day is a time of freedom and truth. we want to know the truth. the truth is slowly coming out , we have been lied to. we as "the people "want to know the truth" mars/saturn are both in 18 degrees of cancer/capricorn. capricorn is a sign of government it is ruled by saturn which represents the people. this whole situation w/the lockdowns, we "the people " want to know the truth. there could be power outages, there could be a plane crash, and there could be eruptions volcanoes or earthquakes. the country is very divided . mars in cancer is its weakest station it is debilitated its very weak.it remains in cancer until the 20th where it then goes into leo. but while in cancer our will is very weak. however, when mars in leo will bring more drive more energy. now while mars is in the last degrees of cancer it will be gandanta this happens july 17 -22 there will be floods , hurricaines. drowning. w/this aspect, it could affect president biden in some way, perhaps healthwise. he has mars in libra his 12 house @18degrees so that is how this comes into play w/saturn and mars also at 18degrees at the beginning of the month. jupiter is retrograde in the 3rd house of usa . the house of courage. it is in the nakshastra satabisha"the hundred physicians" jupiter is knowledge and wisdom . and in this star it represents healing.so look for new techniques to come out to heal. i believe sound will be used as a technique of healing. also , it is also called the "veiling star" so alot has come out recently about ufos , look for more information to come out in that regard. aquarius is a coming together of people jupiter retrograde in aquarius lasts for some time even through the whole month of august rahu(ascending node of moon)ketu(descending node of the moon) are sitting in taurus/scorpio. at about 16degrees. this placement is an indication especially 1-3 months after a solar eclipse of war. so i look for some kind of war to breakout during this month. i suspect it will be in the middle east and affect the price of oil.there will be heat , hot temperatures. 9th of july is new moon in the star purnavasu the star of renewal. then on 23rd is the full moon in the star uttarashada ruled by the sun known as"the universal one" so it will be a coming together its time to heal its time to return to the oneness. its time to unite as people. july is a step in that direction. there are lots of cosmic energies going on this month , but know its all towards a good end. a coming together. this month is a reminder of our freedoms w/the 4th of july celebration. it rained here last night as a cleansing. its a time to lie low at the beginning of the month

#13 Russ



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Posted 05 July 2021 - 03:37 PM

russ i get your point , what are you saying here is it in reference to my post?  thanks


Dharma,  Sorry I did not see your reply to me last winter regarding my post about how fear rules the world.  Yes it was a response to your original post in which you wrote about unconditional love etc. and I agree all that is good but underneath all that people have fear, that is why we all have locks and keys including keys to our wealth stores (banks and brokerages with encrypted passwords etc.)  I suppose it is the yin/yang, trust and love but be careful as there is danger in the world. Trust in Allah but tether your camel. 

"Nulla tenaci invia est via" - Latin for "For the tenacious, no road is impossible".
"In order to master the markets, you must first master yourself" ... JP Morgan
"Most people lose money because they cannot admit they are wrong"... Martin Armstrong


#14 dharma



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Posted 04 September 2021 - 01:32 PM

September is a powerful month . so lets jump right in . on september 1st the sun/mars are in the suns sign of leo, sun is in its own sign. Sun represents ego /self /health . it is conjunct mars , impulse/commander in chief /impetus. it means to me that there will be some kind of war like actions taken this month. the world administration may step up its acts on the unvaccinated. on september 6, is the new moon taking place w/the sun/moon in leo. new moons have no power , it is the sun that dominates on the new moon. its why if you are born under a new moon your mom has little power and influence , it comes predominantly from your dad. in leo the sun has great power. it is bright and showy like the male lion or the king. then on sept 17 the sun joins mars/mercury in virgo. virgo is the virgin carrying the pot of water, careful not to spill a drop. mercury is very powerful here as it rules virgo. virgo can be critical. it also has to do w/health. WE will see new modalities come about/or new information w/dealing w/covid. new things will come to light in regard to health and dealing w/the virus. there will be revelations regarding health. on september 27th mercury goes retrograde in libra and transits back into virgo. this is the time when i expect to see new health protocols get discovered and deal w/the virus . this then becomes a time when we learn to live w/this virus w/o the need for drastic measures. its a time when health comes to the fore w/the sun/mars /mercury all in virgo from september 6 venus is in own sign of libra, balance . trying to balance all aspects of life. on september 9-11 the moon is also in libra . so the mind is trying to balance all things in life. then on sept14 jupiter/guru retrogrades back into capricorn w/saturn in its own sign . saturn is powerful in capricorn it is its own sign. while jupiter is weak in its weakest station of the zodiac . in capricorn the people ie government do things over and under board. the symbol of capricorn is the alligator who can live above the water on land or under the water. so while saturn remains here the government will do things that are not always exemplifying the truth . this is a time to get things done sun/mercury/venus /saturn are all in their own signs and are very powerful. use this time wisely it is powerful support from the planets as they are near their highest vibrations. fittingly there is the equinox a change of season. so changes will be presented this month. its time to stay focused. cut the noise of the world off and go about accomplishing whatever it is that you want in your life. there is great support at varying times this month and all the while the rahu/ketu are in their station of the highest vibratory rate. dont let this month and opportunity pass you by. cut out the outside and listen to your heart/your higher Self. keep your goals in mind. set up the life that you want . covid will be w/us . but the revelations that come about in september/october will give folks tools to deal w/this virus. as new protocols are revealed. take advantage of this time . do not waste time focusing on the world . focus in your heart. this time is for our development and unfoldment. its an opportunity