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800 Times Big Tech Censored Covid debate!

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#1 Rogerdodger



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Posted 11 February 2022 - 06:26 PM

Covid Debate Censored 800+ Times by Big Tech...



Challenges to the LAMESTREAM narrative on COVID-19 were repeatedly censored.


MRC Free Speech America tallied a whopping 808 total cases of COVID-19 censorship across a litany of Big Tech platforms between March 17, 2020, and Feb. 3, 2022, in its unique CensorTrack database. Those included Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Ads, TikTok and YouTube. The platforms restricted anyone from skeptical epidemiologists to curious scientists to working journalists to concerned lawmakers speaking to constituents.


Even prominent academic journals like the British Medical Journal.


“We now have PROOF that Facebook's fact-checker program actively suppressed valid debate about the origins of Covid and instead promoted Chinese propaganda. Facebook must end their fraudulent fact-check program now that we know how dangerous it is.”


The Covid Plagues and Big Tech's' lying cover-ups remind me of the Sunday School lesson:

"The False Prophet performed signs deceiving those who had the mark of the beast."