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OT : a problem of compatibility...

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#1 andr99



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Posted 08 October 2024 - 04:55 AM

...between different cultures :



in the meanwhile leftists in italy have organized public unauthorized pro-hamas protests against Israel. The leftist leaders call them ''pacific''. 

Infact 34 policemen were wounded, that is what they call ''pacific''. just to let you know what is happening in Europe. 


They call it ''far right'', but you have to translate it as ''democratic'' which comes form ''democracy'' which means power of the people and not of the ''elites''


For all the rest i.e. the stock market, nothing has changed in my perspective and I'm bullish. 

Edited by andr99, 08 October 2024 - 05:03 AM.

forever and only a V-E-N-E-T-K-E-N - langbard

#2 andr99



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Posted 08 October 2024 - 08:28 AM

I think there is a problem of compatibility between me and communism...LOL



“Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.” Winston Churchill—Perth, Scotland, 28 May 1948

forever and only a V-E-N-E-T-K-E-N - langbard

#3 linrom1



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Posted 08 October 2024 - 09:16 AM

There is a Professor on X that calls it "suicidal empathy." He also provides an explanation to what is happening: their brains have been taken over by parasites to support a cause that eventually leads them to commit suicide. He calls it "parasitic mind."

#4 andr99



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Posted 08 October 2024 - 09:59 AM

There is a Professor on X that calls it "suicidal empathy." He also provides an explanation to what is happening: their brains have been taken over by parasites to support a cause that eventually leads them to commit suicide. He calls it "parasitic mind."


linrom1........I can only speak about the italian leftists and I can tell you that there is a logics behind them. It's a perverse logics, but it exists. There are tons of apparent contradictions in their behavior as they 

can say one thing and its opposite as easily as you can drink a glass of water, but still a logics exists. For example, historically they are atheist, but as atheists they want to build religious centres for islamics.

Every year they organize the so callled gay pride events, which at our eyes of right wing voters are a sort of carnival with no sense at all, but then they support the islamics who are homofobic. Every time an

italian woman is victim of an italian man, they say it's a fault of the italian society that is based on patriarchy (that is the latest one of their inventions), but they don't see any form of patriarchy when an islamic

does worse things on islamic women. It's their culture they say. Twenty years ago they used to say that they wouldn't have allowed globalization because it exploits the poors. Now they fight against those who

want to oppose the globalization. The number of apparent contradictions is infinite. As a result I look at them as I looked at the lions when I was a kid and I was taken to the zoo by my parents as they seem

to me totally irrational, only guided by instinct. But unfortunately there's a project behind them. The project comes from their owners who are the economic and financial elite that rules italy outside the parliament.

Those who are untouchable and are used to give orders that can't be discussed. Those that have thrown us into WW2 that no one here wanted because we can only understand wars to defend our land and by the

way they threw us into WW2 with no weapons that deserved to be called real weapons. These dirty powers, want slaves from poor countries to exploit them and to keep the cost of labour as low as possible. And what

political part do they use to achieve their targets ? The communists, those that in their own propaganda are used to fight for the workers' rights. LAUGHABLE.  

Edited by andr99, 08 October 2024 - 10:07 AM.

forever and only a V-E-N-E-T-K-E-N - langbard

#5 12SPX



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Posted 08 October 2024 - 10:51 AM

The way I look at is pretty simple.  If you don't want to follow the rules set by the government and want to bring along your failed rules from the country you left because they were bad, then go back and if you want to complain  and protest against the country then you should just shipped back.  There is no place for it especially radical religion!! 

#6 andr99



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Posted 08 October 2024 - 11:02 AM

I just want to underline that I often depict here the italian reality of politics, which many might be not-interested in, but I think that the same is happening in many other western countries. 

For example the leftists here have been pioneers in the use of justice against political opponents, but there are many other examples of that around the western world. And I close it here

not to make the whole discussion derail. The only thing I'm glad of is that in Brussels the centre-left majority has little time remaining. Europe will get back to Europeans, not to the elites.        

Edited by andr99, 08 October 2024 - 11:03 AM.

forever and only a V-E-N-E-T-K-E-N - langbard

#7 andr99



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Posted 08 October 2024 - 01:05 PM

as a last remark, here are a few photos of the ''pacific protests'' held yesterday by some ''democratic figures that belong to the leftist world''. 




34 policemen wounded and taken to the hospital.


We have to deal with the most ignorant left of the whole world. Unfortunately teen agers begin to be indoctrinated by ''philosophy'' teachers


at high school and some even before, always by teachers of humanistic disciplines most of which couldn't understand the theorem of Pitagora


and all bringing water to the communist cause. This is Europe in 2024, while others are projecting to go to Mars, we are stuck in this mud that 


keeps us at the stone age. Nothing else to add, while waiting that my portfolio rises a bit more (if these nice guys don't go back to power and tax me by 99%)   

Edited by andr99, 08 October 2024 - 01:07 PM.

forever and only a V-E-N-E-T-K-E-N - langbard

#8 andr99



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Posted 14 October 2024 - 01:57 PM

nice example of red pacifism........eradicating road signals is ''the factory mark of pacifism'', in italy , for leftist press 


Edited by andr99, 14 October 2024 - 02:00 PM.

forever and only a V-E-N-E-T-K-E-N - langbard