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Risk Windows for the Week of February 3rd and by a Gnat's

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#1 Douglas



  • Traders-Talk User
  • 1,954 posts

Posted 01 February 2025 - 04:11 PM

According to my risk summation system, the windows this coming week with the highest risk of seeing a turn in or acceleration of the current trend in the DJIA are a window from Monday February 3rd thru the morning of Tuesday the 4th and a window stretching from the afternoon of Thursday the 6th thru the morning of Friday the 7th.  


Last week pretty much every day was in a risk window, not terribly useful, but the Monday one did catch the low for the week and the other one covered a high, possibly of some significance.



The dollar risk windows identified in last week's post shown below tagged a nice low and the subsequent test.  Pretty good result.  That turn low on the 27th has all the hallmarks of a biggie.  Time, of course, will tell the tale.




This past Thursday morning I was so sure that the alternate bearish DJIA EWave count would be dead by the weekend that I went out and bought the lilies, the casket and a black suit, but, no, it survived by a gnat's you know what, 20 lousy DOW points, right at the dead end of a risk window.  Unbelievable, and to top it off there was some actual serious fundamental news, the tariffs, driving the turn. Of course the bearish count could bite the dust early next week if the buy-the-dippers come roaring back in force.  Who knows, but for the time being it's still got a pulse, just.


