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Zeitgeist - The Movie

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#11 tr8r



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Posted 24 July 2007 - 03:37 AM

The following link is direct video full page link:

C:\Documents and Settings\"username"\Local Settings\Temp

The Macromedia Flash file is stored in the above location as a temporary file and could be renamed Zeeitgeist.swf, but seems impossible to copy to another folder.

fla##.tmp 305MB

IMO, it needs to be distributed widely through whatever means possible and watched by ALL.

One can watch a higher resolution version here:


One will find the movie from above link in the following folder:

C:\Documents and Settings\"username"\My Documents\My Videos\DivX Movies

divx-139-vo-llnwd-net_1322946.part 728,697KB
(copy the file to another folder before closing web page or it will disappear)

Use VLC Media Player or Divx Movie player to play movie.
What have you lost? The Illusion...

#12 HiFiGuy



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Posted 24 July 2007 - 01:12 PM

tr8r, Thanks for posting those links. The DivX stage 6 is down right now, but that's great to know there's a way to see a high-res version on the net. thanks again.
"A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny." - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

#13 HiFiGuy



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Posted 07 August 2007 - 08:08 PM

just noticed how much airtime this video is getting...its climbed to the #5 most watched on google's stats.
(yes, its a shameless bump.)

ZEITGEIST, The Movie - Official Release - Full Film

All time views: 1,168,783

Views/// Rank
All time 1,168,783/// 486
Yesterday 45,956/// 5

"A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny." - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

#14 stocks



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Posted 21 August 2007 - 11:54 PM


Saturday, August 25 08:00 PM

Sunday, August 26 12:00 AM

Examines the various conspiracy theories espoused on the Internet, in articles and in public forums that attempt to explain the 9/11 attacks. It includes theories that the World Trade Center was brought down by a controlled demolition; that a missile, not a commercial airliner, hit the Pentagon; and that members of the U.S. government orchestrated the attacks in hopes of creating a war in the Middle East. Each conspiracy argument is countered by a variety of experts in the fields of engineering, intelligence and the military. The program also delves into the anatomy of such conspiracies and how they grow on the Internet.

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Defenders of the status quo are always stronger than reformers seeking change, 
UNTIL the status quo self-destructs from its own corruption, and the reformers are free to build on its ashes.

#15 stocks



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Posted 25 August 2007 - 11:17 PM

The Conspiracy Industry
By JAMES B. MEIGS, Editor-In-Chief, Popular Mechanics
Published on: October 13, 2006

* Popular Mechanics Investigates 9/11 Myths:

On February 7, 2005, I became a member of the Bush/Halliburton/Zionist/CIA/New World Order/ Illuminati conspiracy for global domination. It was on that day the March 2005 issue of Popular Mechanics, with its cover story debunking 9/11 conspiracy theories, hit newsstands. Within hours, the online community of 9/11 conspiracy buffs—which calls itself the “9/11 Truth Movement”—was aflame with wild fantasies about me and my staff, the magazine I edit, and the article we had published.

The Web site www.911research.wtc7.net, an organization that claims that questioning the “official” story of 9/11 is “an act of responsible citizenship,” fired one of the first salvos: “Popular Mechanics Attacks Its 9/11 LIES Straw Man,” read the headline of a piece by a leading conspiracy theorist named Jim Hoffman.

We had begun our plunge down the rabbit hole. Within hours, a post on www.portland.indymedia.org, which claims to be dedicated to “radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of truth,” called me “James Meigs the Coward and Traitor.” Not long afterward, another prominent conspiracy theorist produced an analysis that concluded that Popular Mechanics is a CIA front organization. Invective and threats soon clogged the comments section of our Web site and poured in by e-mail:
I was amused at your attempts to prove the conspirator theorists wrong by your interviewing people who work for the government. Face it: The U.S. government planned this attack to further its own agenda in the Middle East.

Rest assured, puppet boys . . . when the hammer comes down about the biggest crime ever perpetrated in the history of man—AND IT WILL—it will be VERY easy to identify the co-conspirators by their flimsy, awkwardly ignorant of reality magazine articles. Keep that in mind the next time you align yourself with evil scum.


I shouldn’t have been surprised. In researching the article we’d spent enough time studying the conspiracy movement to get a feel for its style: the tone of outraged patriotism, the apocalyptic rhetoric, the casual use of invective. A common refrain in conspiracy circles is the claim that “We’re just asking questions.” One would think that at least some quarters of the conspiracy movement might welcome a mainstream publication’s serious, nonideological attempt to answer those questions. One would be wrong.

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Defenders of the status quo are always stronger than reformers seeking change, 
UNTIL the status quo self-destructs from its own corruption, and the reformers are free to build on its ashes.

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Posted 14 September 2007 - 03:17 PM


Saturday, August 25 08:00 PM

Sunday, August 26 12:00 AM

Examines the various conspiracy theories espoused on the Internet, in articles and in public forums that attempt to explain the 9/11 attacks. It includes theories that the World Trade Center was brought down by a controlled demolition; that a missile, not a commercial airliner, hit the Pentagon; and that members of the U.S. government orchestrated the attacks in hopes of creating a war in the Middle East. Each conspiracy argument is countered by a variety of experts in the fields of engineering, intelligence and the military. The program also delves into the anatomy of such conspiracies and how they grow on the Internet.

History channel experts:

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Defenders of the status quo are always stronger than reformers seeking change, 
UNTIL the status quo self-destructs from its own corruption, and the reformers are free to build on its ashes.

#17 EntropyModel



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Posted 14 September 2007 - 07:21 PM

I got around to watching this today. Whilst I agree with parts and disagree with other parts, I do believe this kind of perspective is healthy and essential. All democracy's are not equal, the quality is on a spectrum. The weakest form of Democracy can mean as little as giving people a vote. The strongest form means having a vote based upon - 1. Educated voters who are able to understand the issues they vote upon. 2. A free media, who can presented objective information, without slanting it to a particular viewpoint. 3. Ability to question leadership on any issues, and get answers validated by independent objective third parties. In my view the western form of democracy is currently closer to the weakest form, than the strongest. That is why I see movie's like this as healthy and essential part of 2, even though it is 'biased', it balances equally biased pieces in the media, though unfortunately, no one will be answerable to the issue's raised. It wouldn't matter anyway, because we don't have 1. One could certainly label the contents 'conspiracy theories', in that they are not mainstream views. But I believe generally the term 'conspiracy theory' is thrown around as a pejorative i.e. 'if you believe this, you are crazy', which is a natural function of the emotional fear that is hard wired into 90% of humans, an is then an attempt at closing minds to what is for that person, unsettling ideas, remember the mainsteam tortured to death any conspiracy theorist who said the world was round. But if one seeks 'truth' via reason, one must ask every conceivable question and have no fear of those questions or the answers. Whenever I see fear of a question, it makes me wonder ( rhetorically) what is there to fear? ...as the saying goes...and where there's smoke... Mark.

Edited by entropy, 14 September 2007 - 07:26 PM.

Question everything, especially what you believe you know. The foundation of science is questioning the data, not trusting the data. I only trust fully falsified, non vested interest 'data', which is extremely rare in our world of paid framing narratives 'psy ops'. Market Comments https://markdavidson.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLznkbTx_dpw_-Y9bBN3QR-tiNSsFsSojB

#18 risktaker



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Posted 18 September 2007 - 05:23 AM

Nice stuff. Thanks for posting this! The trailer can be better, but the movie is very well put together compared to other independent films like "Farenheit 911" or "Inconvenient Truth".

#19 Tor



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Posted 18 September 2007 - 05:29 AM

It's important to understand the context in which we are living as it directly impacts our sanity, health and financial well-being. I just watched this film and feel it is so important to share. You may agree or disagree with all or part of it, but its absolutely critical that we all at least be aware of the questions to ask and to use our own reasoning and ability to research facts to draw our own conclusions. I've drawn mine.

I've copied the below comments from the person who posted the trailer. on google video.

If you wish to skip Part I, which deals with religion, you may do so by skipping to minute 35:50. You can always go back and watch it later if you wish.

This is simply the most amazing documentary you'll ever see in your life. So extremely powerful and eye opening. What do Christianity, 9/11 and The Federal Reserve have in common? Well, go to the following URL, then sit back and relax with your favorite beverage, and allow your mind to be awoken from its slumber.


Right now, consciously and subconsciously, increasingly vast numbers of people are instinctively feeling that something's not right in this world. They might not be able to articulate in detail what it is. They just have that faint but nagging feeling that something's not right about what's going on in the world. And the spark that will set that afire is the INFORMATION to explain what IS going on. And when people have access to that INFORMATION -- suddenly, what seemed to be a bewildering, complex, "what's-going-on?" kind of world, becomes perfectly understandable. To understand what is happening, you have to understand what those in power are trying to achieve. If you don't know that, then you have a co-ordinate missing that is fundamental to understanding. If you suffer from terminal naivete and believe that governments are there to somehow serve the people and do what's right for the country, then you'll look around at what's happening in the world and say things like: "this government is just stupid, they're incompetent, what they're doing is crazy". But when you realise that the goal is NOT to serve the people or the country, it is to serve a continuing agenda for global centralization of power and control, then you realise that what's happening in the world is actually GENIUS and not stupidity - because the outcome is exactly what it's meant to achieve.

Thanks for that. maybe it is all made up? Ie pure fantasy?

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