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Seven Sentinels Suggest Very Big Decline This Week

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#11 Lee48



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Posted 18 December 2011 - 04:36 PM

I also found it interesting that NYSI never changed direction after the huge late Nov rally.
R Walker's NYSI RENKO chart points it out very well. I never looked at a renko chart, on page 10.
He also has an interesting monthly ewave chart.


As for a short term move, who knows with this govt controlled bankrupt debt ridden market..

#12 nimblebear


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 06:20 PM

IYB. You always manage to outdo yourself time and again, with some of the best reasoned, and "seasoned" context coupled with most interesting (if not robust)TA. It's always a joy to read something like this. So it seems though, however we are stuck with one Ben Bernanke who suffers us all, in the sordid role of manipulating the crap out of world markets, using essentially all of our own money, our kids money, and kid's kids money leveraged upon leverage to provide a distortion to markets thats unparalled in modern history. So as someone who is prone to short the living [bleeeep] out of the market at any time, I usually just get the willies when someone like you comes out with such thoughtful and sound TA. If Ben weren't around and the FED not so utterly corrupt and morally bankrupt, I'm sure I'd have made a fortune by now. :P But alas, as always, I'll probably only be able to take very modest and "safe" positions, and hope like hell we don't get the mother of all Santa rally's courtesy of one Ben CorruptbeyondALLComprehension Bernanke. :lol: Thanks for the Xmas wishes, and here's to the best that holiday cheer and tidings that can be brought to you and yours ! :) P.S. Someday, maybe in a hundred years or more, people will be able to look back and realize the incredibly immoral, unethical, and poisonous behavior of this man, Benny B. They will be able to see, just as we look back and marvel that Hitler got away with so much for so long by so many, how incredibly devastating his actions have been to the entire world economy. All put upon by his notion, that he believes his "policies" are somehow preventing a depression that would be worse than the 1930's. He is so incredibly wrong with that notion, but way too many people have been suckered in by his professorial like "knowledge" and false *******-like knowingness, that it has become impossible to prevent the inevitable collapse. The solutions are so simple, yet he simply can't humble himself long enough to acknowledge how wrong he has been, so that we may recover far sooner than history will no doubt prolong for this nation and the world. I print out and save these postings, and write a number of outside the line private comments, so that my children and grand children will understand what happened, how, and why, and perhaps some day live to help prevent such a thing from ever happening again. People just do not at all have an appreciation for what it means to be ethical and moral, and get blinded by the current goings on within a particular society and its buzz of the day, week, year. Ive seen it all too many times in corporation's that Ive worked for, and its been the undoing of many a management. People have asked me years afterward how it was I knew when a certain management would fail so miserably, that appeared on the surface to be doing the "right" thing. Every situation boiled down to the ethics and morality of the decisions they made. The company I recently left this year, will no doubt fail big time due to their lack of ethics, integrity, and immoral behavior. The same will be said of our current POTUS, Benny B., and many now in congress. It takes a lot of time for most to be able to look back,under the context of all history to see the moral failings of a certain time. Bankers, CEO's of most public corp's and Wallstreet have a played a big role in our country's current decline. It will become evident though, just as evident as we now view the immoral actions of Enron, and Skilling, and Lay, and the millions of people they hurt and destroyed.

#13 Rogerdodger



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Posted 18 December 2011 - 06:36 PM

How does Terry feel about you posting extracts form a subscription site?

I try to be cautions about revealing anything beyond his free weekend discussions. http://www.ttheory.c...bservations.php
He has specific dates and reasons for those dates which I don't discuss out of respect for his subscription service.
He has made no secret about his Mega #3 as identified also by Peter Eliades. LINK

His Public Charts List also reveals when he thinks the next low should hit:

In his public discussions in the past, he has discussed counting the dots on his Volume Oscillator.
That is an "outside the box" type of TA specific to the T theory concept.

Since he began a pay sub site, I have not referred to T Theory as often as previously because I didn't want to be accused of being a shill.
Besides, Terry probably owes me a finder's fee from many of his 600+ subscribers.
I have received several e-mails similar to this one today:
"Thanks for posting references to Laundry's work from time to time.
I have paid close attention to those posts.
Only a few months ago, I was not aware of who he was, but I now
believe he is the genuine article.
I also subscribe to his Forum."

Edited by Rogerdodger, 18 December 2011 - 07:01 PM.

#14 Echo



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Posted 18 December 2011 - 11:51 PM

RD, you are a good man. There is no secret that he uses Ts and the you have an equal duration on either side of the centerpost. That is the definition of a "T". No matter if you measure it in days on either side or use dotted lines for the data and count the number of dots (just another way to count the number of days to keep the T symmetric). Though more complicated that posting the centerpoint at the trough of the volume osc., often he does just that... BTW, I became aware of Terry back in 2005 when Airedale88 mentioned him and his assessment was that he was an honest, hard working technician with interesting ideas. I too have found him to be the real deal. IYB, very interesting week this should be. Fasten your seatbelts and very best to you. Doc

Edited by Echo, 18 December 2011 - 11:52 PM.

#15 Rogerdodger



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Posted 19 December 2011 - 12:07 AM

Thanks Doc. I still remember somebody at Stockcharts Public List posting stuff about T's years ago. I thought it might have been Terry but he seems a bit unfamiliar with Stockcharts and has Parker do that. Anyway, my seatbelt has been fastened since the end of April's MEGA T #3 ended. :D

Edited by Rogerdodger, 19 December 2011 - 12:17 AM.

#16 vitaminm



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Posted 19 December 2011 - 12:20 AM



#17 DrSP



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Posted 19 December 2011 - 11:30 PM



Vita, I request you not to post such charts that work in front of your eyes after the fact but doesn't work in reality. For example, your chart would have signalled a buy on Oct 10th, at 1196 SPX close. You take the buy signal. It signalled a sell on Nov 1st, at 1215 SPX. So, you had a total gain of 15 points? Some of the buy and sell signals overlapped.

I would test a system before posting here repeatedly!! It is easy to watch the current signal, what you need to test is 2 consecutive signals. Or develop a better exit points. If you didn't develop a better exit point, I suggest not to post that chart.
You could be a billionaire or an industrial worker or a teacher or a moderator of a forum - Hold a good conscience because that is what matters.

#18 Slothrop



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Posted 20 December 2011 - 09:03 PM

So, IYB, we're up about 3% at the Tuesday close? What happened?

#19 DrSP



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Posted 21 December 2011 - 05:05 PM

So, IYB, we're up about 3% at the Tuesday close? What happened?

Slopthrop, You amaze me. You are bang on target without missing not one. If I were you, I would aim at this higher low and lower high thread http://www.traders-t...mp;#entry608054 :lol:

Edited by DrSP, 21 December 2011 - 05:06 PM.

You could be a billionaire or an industrial worker or a teacher or a moderator of a forum - Hold a good conscience because that is what matters.

#20 vitaminm



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Posted 22 December 2011 - 05:15 PM

do all these posted chart work in a real time reality?
you may ignore this chart the way other viewers did.

Why not post your chart that works?



Vita, I request you not to post such charts that work in front of your eyes after the fact but doesn't work in reality. For example, your chart would have signalled a buy on Oct 10th, at 1196 SPX close. You take the buy signal. It signalled a sell on Nov 1st, at 1215 SPX. So, you had a total gain of 15 points? Some of the buy and sell signals overlapped.

I would test a system before posting here repeatedly!! It is easy to watch the current signal, what you need to test is 2 consecutive signals. Or develop a better exit points. If you didn't develop a better exit point, I suggest not to post that chart.

Edited by vitaminm, 22 December 2011 - 05:17 PM.
