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"Free" Healthcare is a killer

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#1 Rogerdodger



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Posted 05 March 2013 - 11:28 AM

Japanese man dies after being turned away from 25 hospitals

Public healthcare in Japan is heavily subsidized and generally of a high global standard.

A 75-year-old Japanese man died after 25 hospitals refused to admit him to their emergency rooms 36 times over two hours, citing lack of beds or doctors to treat him, an official said Tuesday.
Paramedics rushed to his house but were told in turn by all 25 hospitals in the area that they could not accept the man because they did not have enough doctors or any free beds, a local city official said, adding some institutions were contacted more than once.

The ambulance eventually made a 20 minute drive to a hospital in neighbouring Ibaraki prefecture, but the man was pronounced dead shortly after arrival.

Commentators warn that with a population that is living longer and with fewer young people entering the workforce, healthcare operators could become increasingly strained over the coming decades.

Edited by Rogerdodger, 05 March 2013 - 11:29 AM.

#2 Rogerdodger



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Posted 05 March 2013 - 03:12 PM

OBAMASCARE: One-Third of Physicians Miss Electronic Test Results...

MONDAY, March 4, 2013 — Patients might assume that their doctors are keeping close track of their health records, but a new survey shows a large percentage of physicians are missing important electronic alerts, possibly due to the fact they receive too many notifications to reliably keep track of.

Edited by Rogerdodger, 05 March 2013 - 03:13 PM.

#3 voltaire



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Posted 05 March 2013 - 11:23 PM

OBAMASCARE: One-Third of Physicians Miss Electronic Test Results...

MONDAY, March 4, 2013 — Patients might assume that their doctors are keeping close track of their health records, but a new survey shows a large percentage of physicians are missing important electronic alerts, possibly due to the fact they receive too many notifications to reliably keep track of.


So you think it better when the poor in the US rushed to emergency at hospitals and sat for sometimes days to get treatment.

#4 Rogerdodger



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Posted 13 March 2013 - 11:29 PM

Obamacare Draft Application Is Online with 60-Pages of Description...
Unsurprisingly, the application for Obamacare is a bureaucratic mess. The draft version of the Obamacare application and the 60-page description appeared online without any warning. They can be found here.

It is 15 pages with 21 steps, some steps having additional questions. Three government agencies including the IRS will scrutinize the application for identity, finances, and citizenship. If approved, you then have to pick a health plan. In order to pick a health plan, you have to be familiar with healthcare jargon.

Yesterday, Sen. Mitch McConnell’s office tweeted a photo of a print copy of all the Obamacare regs to date:
Posted Image

This is over 20,000 pages and measures 7′ 2.5″. These are all the Obamacare regulations published in the Federal Register up through last week. Then last Friday they added another 828 pages.

Posted Image

Obamacare is going to cause an unmitigated natural disaster. Trees consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Trees will be slaughtered indiscriminately to print the Obamacare regulations. The reduction of trees will decrease oxygen levels and increase carbon dioxide levels. An increase in carbon dioxide will cause a temperature increase throughout the world. Oceans will rise, ice will melt, fertile plains turned into desert wastelands.

Obamacare will bring about the destruction of our planet and cause unstoppable global warming.

Edited by Rogerdodger, 13 March 2013 - 11:32 PM.

#5 voltaire



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Posted 16 March 2013 - 12:04 AM

Obamacare Draft Application Is Online with 60-Pages of Description...
Unsurprisingly, the application for Obamacare is a bureaucratic mess. The draft version of the Obamacare application and the 60-page description appeared online without any warning. They can be found here.

It is 15 pages with 21 steps, some steps having additional questions. Three government agencies including the IRS will scrutinize the application for identity, finances, and citizenship. If approved, you then have to pick a health plan. In order to pick a health plan, you have to be familiar with healthcare jargon.

Yesterday, Sen. Mitch McConnell’s office tweeted a photo of a print copy of all the Obamacare regs to date:
Posted Image

This is over 20,000 pages and measures 7′ 2.5″. These are all the Obamacare regulations published in the Federal Register up through last week. Then last Friday they added another 828 pages.

Posted Image

Obamacare is going to cause an unmitigated natural disaster. Trees consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Trees will be slaughtered indiscriminately to print the Obamacare regulations. The reduction of trees will decrease oxygen levels and increase carbon dioxide levels. An increase in carbon dioxide will cause a temperature increase throughout the world. Oceans will rise, ice will melt, fertile plains turned into desert wastelands.

Obamacare will bring about the destruction of our planet and cause unstoppable global warming.

#6 Rogerdodger



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Posted 18 April 2013 - 09:14 PM

As a dishonest used car salesmen might say: "Utopia...You gotta sign it to see what's in it."

Obamacare Architect: Affordable Care Act 'Beyond Comprehension'

"Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), one of the architects of the Affordable Care Act, said on Tuesday that the healthcare law, set to go into full effect in less than eight months, is “probably the most complex piece of legislation ever passed by the United States Congress” and “is just beyond comprehension.”
Rockefeller said he is concerned that early missteps with implementing the healthcare overhaul may cascade into confusion and chaos. The law, said Rockefeller, is “so complicated and if it isn’t done right the first time, it will just simply get worse.”
Rockefeller’s consternation echoes comments made earlier this week by Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who groused that "no one fully anticipated” all the complexities of the federal government's deep penetration into an industry that represents one-fifth of the U.S. economy.
HHS also acknowledged that the Obamacare government healthcare exchanges will cost $4.4 billion to implement, a figure more than double the Obama Administration's original $2 billion estimate."

OBAMACARE: Individual plans to cost 80% more starting 2014...

Theater Owners Begin Cutting Employee Work Hours...
"Theaters are most concerned about a provision that requires companies to provide coverage for those working at least 30 hours a week, not just full-time employees who work at least 40 hours. So, guess what? Theaters are beginning to reduce part timers’ to less than 30 hours a week. “All of [the major theater companies] are making adjustments in the workforce,” Stephen Gooding, President of Reynolds & Reynolds — an insurance firm that specializes in exhibition concerns — tells me. When it comes to preparing for the changes “the very large circuits are ahead of the curve, but the smaller and midsized ones are just realizing and going ‘Oh, my’.” For example, Regal Entertainment has begun to cut part-timers” hours, and told managers to pin the blame on ObamaCare."

Edited by Rogerdodger, 18 April 2013 - 09:29 PM.

#7 voltaire



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Posted 20 April 2013 - 02:29 AM

As a dishonest used car salesmen might say: "Utopia...You gotta sign it to see what's in it."

Obamacare Architect: Affordable Care Act 'Beyond Comprehension'

"Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), one of the architects of the Affordable Care Act, said on Tuesday that the healthcare law, set to go into full effect in less than eight months, is “probably the most complex piece of legislation ever passed by the United States Congress” and “is just beyond comprehension.”
Rockefeller said he is concerned that early missteps with implementing the healthcare overhaul may cascade into confusion and chaos. The law, said Rockefeller, is “so complicated and if it isn’t done right the first time, it will just simply get worse.”
Rockefeller’s consternation echoes comments made earlier this week by Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who groused that "no one fully anticipated” all the complexities of the federal government's deep penetration into an industry that represents one-fifth of the U.S. economy.
HHS also acknowledged that the Obamacare government healthcare exchanges will cost $4.4 billion to implement, a figure more than double the Obama Administration's original $2 billion estimate."

OBAMACARE: Individual plans to cost 80% more starting 2014...

Theater Owners Begin Cutting Employee Work Hours...
"Theaters are most concerned about a provision that requires companies to provide coverage for those working at least 30 hours a week, not just full-time employees who work at least 40 hours. So, guess what? Theaters are beginning to reduce part timers’ to less than 30 hours a week. “All of [the major theater companies] are making adjustments in the workforce,” Stephen Gooding, President of Reynolds & Reynolds — an insurance firm that specializes in exhibition concerns — tells me. When it comes to preparing for the changes “the very large circuits are ahead of the curve, but the smaller and midsized ones are just realizing and going ‘Oh, my’.” For example, Regal Entertainment has begun to cut part-timers” hours, and told managers to pin the blame on ObamaCare."

If you can't look after your poor then you seriously need to reevaluate your society.

I would call it a very sick society.

The US has a a great reputation as a benevolent society that gives much to charity.

Why isn't government the best way to allocate that charity.

Individual charity is capricious.

It targets individuals "in favour" or in select areas.

I see a bunch of wealthy saying " Let's vote where we allocate our money this year".

That is so sick.

#8 Dex



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Posted 20 April 2013 - 10:38 AM

If you can't look after your poor then you seriously need to reevaluate your society.

The issue isn't about taking care of the poor. It is about good paying jobs for people so they aren't poor.

Maybe if Australia and New Zealand allowed more to of the poor of the world immigrate there legally and illegally they could show the rest of the world how to take care of the poor.

Edited by Dex, 20 April 2013 - 10:39 AM.

"The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made. "

#9 voltaire



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Posted 21 April 2013 - 03:52 AM

If you can't look after your poor then you seriously need to reevaluate your society.

The issue isn't about taking care of the poor. It is about good paying jobs for people so they aren't poor.

Maybe if Australia and New Zealand allowed more to of the poor of the world immigrate there legally and illegally they could show the rest of the world how to take care of the poor.


I think we have probably the fastest growing country in the world through immigration.

When I was born the population was 8 million and now 24 million.

I think something like 1/3rd weren't born here.

Yes, there is a situation with lots of boats arriving now and a conflict about how to handle it.

#10 Rogerdodger



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Posted 12 May 2013 - 10:39 AM

Free healthcare may mean "Bring your own shovel to the cemetery" because whenever Central Control Statists seek equality they always destroy the good, making everybody equally miserable, except for the "Controllers" who try to exempt themselves from their own rules. (See Cuba, East Berlin, Detroit)
Lawmakers seek Obamacare exemption
"Congressional leaders in both parties are engaged in high-level, confidential talks about exempting lawmakers and Capitol Hill aides from the insurance exchanges they are mandated to join as part of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, sources in both parties said.
The talks — which involve Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), the Obama administration and other top lawmakers — are extraordinarily sensitive, with both sides acutely aware of the potential for political fallout from giving carve-outs from the hugely controversial law to 535 lawmakers and thousands of their aides. Discussions have stretched out for months, sources said."

Free Government Healthcare in UK = D.I.Y.: (Do it yourself)

Now we pull out our own teeth: Boom in DIY dental kits as patients cannot afford NHS fees

THOUSANDS of Britons are carrying out DIY dentistry, pulling their own teeth with pliers and using household glue to stick down fillings.
Unable to afford soaring charges, almost a fifth of people have all but given up going to their dentist, the Sunday Express has discovered.
There has been a surge in sales of dental kits at pharmacies including chemicals to whiten teeth.
Experts say that up to 200,000 DIY dentists risk injuring themselves and missing out on potentially life-saving check-ups.
Up to a third of adults no longer have an NHS dentist, according to the latest figures.
Gulf War veteran Ian Boynton, 46, from Woodmansey, East Yorkshire, pulled out 13 of his teeth with pliers because he was in agony and could not find an NHS dentist to treat him.
In another case a 46-year-old man from Wandsworth, south London, needed major surgery after he stuck a crown into his mouth with super glue which rotted the bone in his gum.


Edited by Rogerdodger, 12 May 2013 - 10:46 AM.