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By Request: The REAL story of Thanksgiving

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#1 Rogerdodger



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Posted 25 November 2015 - 07:08 PM

The REAL story of Thanksgiving:
The New England Patriots tried to steal a pigskin from the Redskins.
Although they deflated their arrows, the pig got away so they grabbed the first turkey they found. His name happened to be Tom. The End.

Happy Thanksgiving!

#2 Rogerdodger



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Posted 25 November 2015 - 07:40 PM

Almanac: "Thanksgiving...exit on Friday strength"
(Rogerdodger @ Nov 20 2011, 09:37 AM)
Stock Trader's Almanac: "Trading the Thanksgiving Market" "Come into the week long, exit on Friday strength" is basically the best strategy according to Stock Trader's Almanac, going back 35 years.
Since 1988, Wednesday thru Friday the DOW gained 13 of 22 times for a total 657.51 points versus the following Monday's DOW point loss of 870.79.

EDIT: Updated from this year's Almanac:

Sell into Friday strength.
Wednesday thru Friday the DOW gained 16 of 26 times for a total 658.98 points versus the following Monday's DOW point loss of 739.02, down 11 of 16 since 1998.

I might just try another quick UVXY buy on strength Friday.

Edited by Rogerdodger, 26 November 2015 - 10:48 AM.

#3 AChartist



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Posted 26 November 2015 - 10:42 AM

Should be the 10M 'airs last thankstaking, maybe the process is not complete to 2022 but 2016 should be a big shift

in consciousness.

The typical welfare value is 50k not taxed. legacy of Clinton math falsifying inflation for 20 years debasing labor,

taxes not bracket to real inflation.

At 5% interest takes two times 50k (taxed) divided by .05 interest equals 2M savings to pay one welfare.

But wait it gets better, at obama zirp say 1% market interest, it takes 100k/.01, 10M saved to pay one welfare.

They are instant 10M airs.

Imagine ignorant ceo's sweating a lifetime of commercial value for 1M bonuses, they could have had welfare.

The overlord claims max private labor pension should be 3M, 30k income taxed at 1% market interest.

Pigs to the slaughter.

The best thing will be when US breaks up and 40% cannibals are blocked out of constitutional jurisdictions,

leave them one fetal tissue sucking jurisdiction to self extinct. Ban guns so they have to kill each other off with knives,

then only the most physically big survive. Let them trade marijuana that will be their cashless society currency.

If they can get the entire global population into Austrialia 1 acre each, they can get 40% cannibals into say, peurto rico.

Give them free federali mind control, free gmo and porn, tv with 25M leg salaries, they wont know the difference.

Jim willie gets into the cause of ww-iii at about 50 minutes. But many dots in the connector had to come before most

importantly would be Clinton glass-steagle and inflation falsification is the root of labor debasement is income inequality.

Edited by AChartist, 26 November 2015 - 10:47 AM.

"marxism-lennonism-communism always fails and never worked, because I know

some of them, and they don't work"  M.Jordan