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#451 colion



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Posted 15 August 2023 - 10:46 AM

Two Princeton, MIT Scientists Say EPA Climate Regulations Based on a ‘Hoax’

... Citing extensive data (pdf) to support their case, William Happer, professor emeritus in
physics at Princeton University, and Richard Lindzen, professor emeritus of atmospheric
science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), argued that the claims used by the
EPA to justify the new regulations are not based on scientific facts but rather political
opinions and speculative models that have consistently proven to be wrong.

“The unscientific method of analysis, relying on consensus, peer review, government opinion,
models that do not work, cherry-picking data and omitting voluminous contradictory data, is
commonly employed in these studies and by the EPA in the Proposed Rule,” Mr. Happer and
Mr. Lindzen stated. “None of the studies provides scientific knowledge, and thus none
provides any scientific support for the Proposed Rule.”

“All of the models that predict catastrophic global warming fail the key test of the scientific
method: they grossly overpredict the warming versus actual data,” they stated. “The scientific
method proves there is no risk that fossil fuels and carbon dioxide will cause catastrophic
warming and extreme weather.
” ...



#452 Rogerdodger



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Posted 15 August 2023 - 03:33 PM

they stated. “The scientific
method proves there is no risk that fossil fuels and carbon dioxide will cause catastrophic
warming and extreme weather.
” ...


"Lock 'em up with that idiot Galileo"


#453 colion



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Posted 15 August 2023 - 08:22 PM


they stated. “The scientific
method proves there is no risk that fossil fuels and carbon dioxide will cause catastrophic
warming and extreme weather.
” ...


"Lock 'em up with that idiot Galileo"




The list of scientists through the ages that were "shouted" down is long, including Einstein (General Relativity), Wegener (Tectonic Plates), Mendel (Genetics), Harvey (Blood Circulation), Semmelweis (Cleanliness), Boltzman (Atom Theory), etc.


A couple of decades ago, Prof. Paul Reiter, Pasteur Institute, gave the UK parliament a memorandum about climate change and malaria in which he said:


"The issue of consensus is key to understanding the limitations of IPCC pronouncements. Consensus is the stuff of politics, not of science. Science proceeds by observation, hypothesis and experiment. Professional scientists rarely draw firm conclusions from a single article, but consider its contribution in the context of other publications and their own experience, knowledge, and speculations. The complexity of this process, and the uncertainties involved, are a major obstacle to meaningful understanding of scientific issues by non-scientists."

Sage advice when considering complex issues like climate change, AGW hypothesis, etc.

Edited by colion, 15 August 2023 - 08:23 PM.

#454 Rogerdodger



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Posted 16 August 2023 - 11:46 AM

Climate Alarmists all too often have the dreaded affliction called CLIMATE MYOPIA, aka short-sightedness.

Facts do not help this dreaded disease.


The deadliest U.S. wildfire: The 1871 Peshtigo blaze

The 1871 Peshtigo fire was amplified by extreme winds and an unusually dry season that primed vegetation to spread the blaze. The fire ravaged the Wisconsin town rapidly. “It rained fire; the air was on fire,” one survivor wrote in a letter. “Some thought the last day had come.”

For many, it had. In an hour, the town of Peshtigo is said to have been virtually wiped off the map. It is estimated that some 1,200 people died — 800 in Peshtigo alone — as the fire blazed through 17 towns on both sides of Green Bay, burning more than a million acres.

 Similar to last week’s fires that ripped through the island of Maui, in Hawaii, killing at least 106 people and razing the historic town of Lahaina, the 1871 Peshtigo fire was amplified by extreme winds and an unusually dry season that primed vegetation to spread the blaze. The fire ravaged the Wisconsin town rapidly. “It rained fire; the air was on fire,” one survivor wrote in a letter. “Some thought the last day had come.”

For many, it had. In an hour, the town of Peshtigo is said to have been virtually wiped off the map. It is estimated that some 1,200 people died — 800 in Peshtigo alone — as the fire blazed through 17 towns on both sides of Green Bay, burning more than a million acres.
How the Maui fires compare with some of the deadliest U.S. wildfires

Despite the mass destruction, America’s most lethal wildfire has long been overlooked, overshadowed by the Great Chicago Fire, which erupted that same night in 1871 and consumed public attention.

As the rising death toll reported from Maui saw it become the deadliest U.S. wildfire of the past century, the devastating events in Peshtigo carry renewed significance.

#455 colion



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Posted 16 August 2023 - 01:39 PM

Climate Alarmists all too often have the dreaded affliction called CLIMATE MYOPIA, aka short-sightedness.

Facts do not help this dreaded disease.


It's based on belief not science.  That's why many classify climate alarmism a religion which renders all rhyme and reason moot.

#456 colion



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Posted 18 August 2023 - 03:52 PM

This is getting serious.  The UN recently announced that "The era of global boiling has arrived" and now it is confirmed by The White House National Climate Taskforce.  Time to move to Alaska before it becomes overcrowded.





#457 colion



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Posted 22 August 2023 - 01:03 AM

Feeling warm?  You've been here before.



#458 Rogerdodger



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Posted 22 August 2023 - 01:12 PM

In the late 1970's (an seen in the chart above) the "CLIMATE EXPERTS" were warning about the "COMING ICE AGE!"


Plans were even underway to cover the snow packs with BLACK CARBON SOOT in an attempt to warm the planet!


I guess they are now EX SPERTS.

Edited by Rogerdodger, 22 August 2023 - 01:21 PM.

#459 Rogerdodger



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Posted 22 August 2023 - 01:32 PM

If it bleeds, it leads...





Yosemite closed March 2023!


Edited by Rogerdodger, 22 August 2023 - 01:41 PM.

#460 colion



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Posted 22 August 2023 - 03:30 PM

The alarmist will have their day in the sun as it is estimated that the Hunga Tonga volcano threw 50M tons of water into the atmosphere which combined with El Nino has already increase T by 0.64 degrees and is projected to persist over the next few years with an additional .05 degrees.  The UN is right - we have entered the Era of Global Boiling.

