The Social Democrats had their worst results since 1933? !933? That seems to ring a chime. Wasn't that the last time the Nazis began to rise in Germany?
It may ring a chime, but, the situations are so different there is NO relationship.
In 1933 the country was in the deepest Financial Darkness ever experienced in a western country. You need to do some real research of the Wiemar Republic... where people would have to take a wheelbarrow full of cash to buy a loaf of bread .
The present situation is the destruction of the Civil Society of Austria. The electorate now faces a huge rise in crime, including rape, property destruction, and an unbelievable assault on the social safety net.
In 1933 ... with general electorat ... the rise of the Nazis had nothing to do with racial tensions. It was all about recapturing the Germany of pre-World War I amd nothing to do with with conflict with the Jews and other so-called undesirables that that raised its ugly head much later.
I suggest you you take some time to bone up on the complete history of depression-era Germany and less time on what seems coincidental to you.