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vedic astrology update

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#1 dharma



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Posted 25 July 2022 - 02:09 PM

i spent most of my adult life studying economic history. i want to use this time for putting life from the perspective of vedic astrology. however, i just want to mention that china has stopped depositors from accessing their accounts. as a result they have placed tanks around the banks to protect them. heads up.
i want to start off w/the new moon in cancer. the sun and moon are considered the luminaries. they bring things to light.. w/the moon waxing and waning , it is powerful when its waxing , reaching most powerful when it is full. . the new moon is dark. it is covered by the sun. its why if one is born under a new moon, the mother has no influence , the father is essential for influencing the offspring. this new moon occurs on the 28 of july in the moons sign of cancer , the moons own sign. it occurs in the nakshastra (star) of pushya.. it is symbolized by the udder of the cow,indicating this a productive nourishing star. this is one of the most prosperous nakshastras. it deals w/food and nourishment. it also spreads knowledge and wisdom. since the moon is dark and things are not to be seen, its a time to go within and go inside for inner guidance..BE patient. remember new moons , there is no light , so the ideas that come will develop as things are seen . ITS a powerful time to rely on your higher SELF. the moon is in her own sign here. SHE is powerful. Truths are being exposed. be patient, the light will shine
Jupiter is in pisces , his own sign. HE is powerful here. it is like cancer a water sign. On the 29th jupiter goes retrograde. it does so in the nakshastra of Uttarabhadrapada. "the burning pair". The idea of this star is to control anger, the ability to move from lower consciousness to the spiritual plane. Jupiter is called guru so it is the planet of knowledge , wisdom, and wealth..He is powerful here in his own water sign. i look for the retrograde motion to cause floods and flooding. Jupiter will be retrograde until november 23, going direct november 24. The outer planets move more slowly, so this period of time look for things to happen that are not wise. OR w/lack of history. ie we make the same mistakes as in the past. pisces is represented by 2 fish swimming round and round. Doing the same thing , over and over. remember this is a very spiritual sign it is ruled by Guru. So remain within yourself , no judgements . Watch . take stock. While those around you are panicked be calm observe dont fall into emotions.. BE alert BE aware devise a plan. Remember what is real, be able to distinguish from what is a promise and what has intrinsic value. Our guru papaji, used to tell us to be a lion , not a sheep. . Flooding can happen on man levels , remember cancer and pisces are spiritual signs , this new moon in cancer and jupiter turning retrograde in pisces are both spiritual events. Do not be overcome what is happening externally. go within!!
then on about 29 of july, mars and rahu are conjunct in aires. mars rules aires. Note that everything so far that we are discussing is occurring in the planets own sign where the planet is powerful. ALL the effects that are happening will be very strong and powerful.This is a time in history , not for the faint of heart. IT is a very powerful time and will be for the next several months.. aires is a fire sign., ruled by mars the commander in chief of the army. mars is impulse, it is war it self, it is action. rahu is the north node of the moon(the ancient rishis could not see uranus, neptune, and pluto BUT they could feel their energies. and they captured those energies in the rahu and ketu). Rahu is passions and poisons. Mars conjuncts Rahu in mars sign of aires is a war situation. i dont know if ukraine will heat up. OR another war will develop or other countries get involved in the ukraine war.. WE are talking about 3 major powerful planetary events occurring w/in days of each other. this time is intense. IF you are not grounded in your SELF it will be a very emotional time. WE are told little that is the truth, dont be emotionally involved make plans and adhere to them Use your higher self for guidance . CAPTAIN america is not coming to save you.
The last event i want to mention is saturn retrograding in its own sign earthly sign of capricorn. this is important, i know i talked about it last month , but in the context of all that is happening in the world, it is necessary to mention it again. saturn is slow, shy, cautious, it is we the people. IT is government. it is earthy and practical. Saturn has retrograded back into capricorn , to show people again what is happening . IT is a wake up call. Watch all that gets revealed here. IT will be retrograde until October 22. Saturn moves slowly.. Many things will be revealed in this retrograde motion. Pay attention..Then when saturn moves direct it will go into aquarius next year and a new age will be upon us. Much like the 60s it will be the dawning of the age of the individual. Individual expression. In real time things appear to be moving slowly, but in actual time everything is moving quite quickly.. WE are moving through all of this rather quickly.
i use this venue to show how the universe is moving through its expression of the planets and signs. I try to keep politics and personal opinions out of the way. Though it is of course the astrologers interpretation of what is happening in the heavens. i have been reading about wild blueberries lately. they have 2x the antioxidants of cultivated blueberries. There is a company in oregon that will pick the wild blueberries and overnight them to you. IT is expensive . there are stores here in town that carry frozen wild blueberries. There are many things one can do diet wise to enhance their health. AFter all your tissues etc are all made , nourished from what you eat.We as a people will get through these times no matter how unsettling it all will be. the key is to be with your SELF .Not to be blown around by the winds of change. These are powerful times, in the end life on earth will be better. . know that feel that
om shanti


#2 jabat



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Posted 26 July 2022 - 07:50 AM

Thank you very much detailed outlines of astrological events.

#3 dharma



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Posted 11 August 2022 - 10:06 AM

took a look at mars last night.
mars is the indicator for the earth ie it is the karaka (indicator)for the earth, ie it is real estate.  nov 15,2007 mars went retrograde in gemini ,, then  that was around the start of the housing crises back then.  flash forward to today, then on april 28.2008 it went into cancer its sign of debilitation. . The stock market did not bottom till around 3/4 /2009. this move in real estate caused deflation in prices.  CBS -central banks had to print alot of money to prevent the world economy from slipping into recession or worse
     flash forward to today. the fed is raising rates. this makes it more expensive for buyers to buy properties. in many cases buyers are having to walk away or back out of recently closed deals.  lets look at mars today. Mars is currently transiting the earthy sign of taurus= finances and the earth or real estate.  on oct 30 mars goes retrograde in gemini and it retrogrades back into taurus  indicating that real estate prices will be under pressure.. Then if i flash forward, to may 10,2023 mars enters cancer , where it is debilitated. it is in weakest position.  
     folks what i am saying here is real estate is going to go down it will be under pressure, and that pressure will last for some time i think we are looking at the top prices for real estate. then on may10,2023 mars goes into cancer where it is weak and debilitated . not a good time for real estate.  The CBs will print money again, thus raising prices of everything, but real estate will have topped for this cycle it is not that stuff goes up , it is that the purchasing power of money goes down
     Mars is also the karaka for war, aggression, , impulse  .  there is a possibility of this occurring.  when there are financial problems . governments take people to war . after all someone has to be blamed,  IT is never governments fault.
     just a quick update
only love,peace

Edited by dharma, 11 August 2022 - 10:09 AM.

#4 dharma



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Posted 24 August 2022 - 10:00 AM

jupiter is said to be ruler of the gods. It represents knowledge and wisdom. preceptor of the gods. it is in a very powerful position right now in its own sign of pisces. Pisces are 2 fish swimming round and round. The feeling is "i have done this over and over again" That is usually the case . Pisces is the 12 sign in the zodiac . it is the end represented by ashrams, hospitalization , death etc endings @this time jupiter is retrograde. Which means something transpired and it needs to be seen again. In reality planets do not move backwards , but when an inner planet (eg earth ) passes by jupiter and is seen from the rear view mirror, so to speak, it appears to be going backward. In reality it is just moving slower . so now jupiter is having us take a look at things that have transpired. Because we may not have really seen or understood what happened. powerful events happened eg covid being locked down for 2 yrs . Take a good look at our world , take this opportunity to take a good look . BE objective, forget about what we were told about everything and see if you can see things for yourself. After all you are the ultimate observer. This is all your laboratuory. @this time mercury is aspecting jupiter. . So mercury is the decider, the intellect , the communicator . see if you can be objective and decide for yourself.
SATURN is also very strong in its own sign of capricorn. Saturn ;is slow , shy cautious, it represents we the people. SAturn is also retrograding into capricorn. So again we are being drawn to look at things again. things that happened in our world This is the time for that . In the chart of the usa . capricorn is the 2nd house the house of finances and money. Look what has happened to the wealthiest country in the world? Is there something wrong w/this picture? @ this time venus is aspecting saturn . Venus is beauty, love, finances. Venus being love and . money , its easy to see how many people fall in love w/money. That at the exclusion of everything else. By months end venus goes into the last few degrees of cancer. Thus it is gandanta. Which creates the feeling of losing control . Thus the feeling is drowning (cancer is a water sign) . Thus we the people feel this in relation to our finances. and money. This will be prominent the 29-30 of august.
Mars the commander in chief is in the earthy sign of taurus ruled by venus. Thus finances. MARS is aggression, it is war , it is impulse. so during mars transit of taurus look for finances to be an issue and come to the fore
the new moon is in leo ruled by sun. Again a planet is in a very strong position. Sun is father, it is self , it is ego, it is health, it is a luminary. Sun gives life. a new moon is something new. . the new moon is in the nakshastra magha"the mighty one" it represents people of leadership and ancestry. A good time to tap into your lineage. . the moon being a new moon has little power at this time, it is dark. BUT the significance is something new. IF you are born under a new moon , your father had the most influence over you.
This is a good time for introspection. ITs a time to examine and explore yourself. To see what is real and what is fleeting.. Things are getting more and more intensified. WE all need an anchor and luckily we have our inner sanctuary which no matter what and at all times must be respected by us . Of great interest to me is saturn entering into aquarius on jan 22. 2023. the last time that happened was the 60s and at that time it dramatically transformed the individual. So aquarian age is dawning early next year. the age of the individual. om shanti , shanti

#5 dharma



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Posted 04 September 2022 - 06:54 PM

From an astrological perspective, we are entering the most intense time of this cycle. From now through november  will be an intense time. So lets dive right on.  on Sept 2 mercury and jupiter are in exact opposition, they are looking at each other giving each other direct  aspect.   Jupiter is retrograde® in its own sign of pisces , it is very powerfully situated . When a planet goes r® it is time to look at a situation again, but w/a fresh point of view. WE may not have noticed the 1st time what the planet was showing us. Pisces is the end of the zodiac the 12th sign it is endings. death, ashrams, hospitalizations/   Jupiter being situated here  in its own sign it is very powerful. it is the planet of knowledge, wisdom, wealth, expansion. it is the preceptor of the gods.  as for mercury it is the decider, communicator, it deals w/travel . it is called buddah  the decider

so these 2 planets are very powerful.  each in a powerful placement. and they are giving each other their energies. Sharing their energies  can lead to profound realizations.  IT is a good time for learning  ITs a great time to take advantage of these energies.   These 2 planets will oppose each other 3 times. SEptember 2, sept 18, and October 11 of their exact oppositions. .  they will be opposing each other throughout this month.  Mercury will go retrograde in virgo on the 9th of september.  this is a time to reflect  and reassess. This is a special retrograde since mercury is in its highest vibration, it is exalted.  IT is even more powerful because guru , jupiter , is giving its energy to mercury through direct aspect.  Past events will resurface  and be analyzed .I think something will be revealed about the media(communication) , things that we were not told.  IT will be unveiled and received in  a knowledgeable way , where information will be received
     Going back in time  we find the last time these 2 planets were retrograde in these signs at the same time was 1975.     The vietnam war, which was very divisive was coming to an end . The country spent alot of money and resources on the war  The opec oil shock was causing high oil prices , which caused a recession and the stock market crash of 1973-74.  There are many similarities to  today.  WE are sending billions to fight the Russians in the ukraine.  The hope there is the same outcome of the vietnam  war, an end to the hostilities.  High oil prices are helping to ignite  recession.  Milton Friedman, the famed economist said inflation is always caused by Government spending and printing money. (paraphrasing)
     Mars is in the earthy sign of Taurus, the bull. this month. In fact mars will be in taurus for sometime  IT is slowing down and will go retrograde on October 30 and then retrograde back into Taurus.    Mars will be in gemini from october 15 -november 13.   Then from november 13 - march 12 it will be in taurus. This will give us a glimpse of where we are headed .Taurus is finances , it is earthy and practical . when this  occurred in the past 2008, 1991  there were recessions.  In both of those cases the recessions were serious and needed to be addressed. .  Mars in taurus also tends to be bring aggression, anger, violence, and even war.  ITs a time to focus on ones inner world to be peaceful within.   To bring love and joy. .  The situation is very large and we cannot change it. we certainly dont have to like it. But we can do our part by being peaceful. IN extreme situations there is great peace . What we put our attention on grows. Dont get caught up in the world.  IT will not make you happy and there is little one can do. 
     On sept 10 is the full moon in aquarius.  and the sun in its own sign of leo.   in india the vaidyas we studied w/used to encourage us to go for a walk in the full moon light to receive the grace of the moon . Aquarius is the individual.  individual expression.   Time to do things that make you happy.   Time to focus on yourself
     The new moon is on september 25 . it takes place in virgo.  w/mercury exalted . venus is also transiting into virgo.. Jupiter is giving direct aspect to the full moon . this will be very positive energy.     .Moon represents mother and mind.  this whole universe is nothing but mind.  this will be a very powerful new moon w/conjunction of exalted mercury, venus , and sun, receiving direct aspect from R) jupiter expansion , happiness in its own sign. 
      i am out of gas here. but i do want to mention that october and november are the eclipse season. Solar and lunar eclipses will be occurring and are very powerful.. The eclipses along w/other events that occur this month will begin a clean up of past events and then a healing.  Use mercury this month as it goes retrograde and is direct in its exalted position to make decisions.    Jupiter in opposition from the spiritual sign of pisces  provides guidance.  Go within to find answers  Follow your heart .   which by the way was a restaurant that we used to frequent w/our spiritual master.    Tune out the outside go within for answers trust what you receive
bring  peace and happiness to all beings of the universe 
om shanti 


#6 Ken



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Posted 05 September 2022 - 07:12 PM

Thanks dharma!  I appreciate your posts on astrology.  Very interesting.

#7 dharma



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Posted 29 September 2022 - 12:05 PM

we are moving into a very intense time . it is a time to be inward, when in a storm , w/winds blowing and rain pouring down the only peace one has to g watch and be silent
i want to start w/the new moon on the 25 th of september . the new moon takes place in virgo in the nakshastra of uttaraphalguni .j it is an earthy star represented as "the fig tree"it is fruitful and ruled by the sun. it is a star that creates leaders in their fields. it is also translated as the star of patronage. people who can assist others. it is also represented as a bed , people who can heal others. . the sign of virgo is a healing sign , people born w/virgo ascendent are healers are concerned w/health . mercury rules this sign , at present mercury is retrograde in this sign. this is the most powerful position for mercury , it is exalted. mercurys indicators are communication, deciding , and travel. retrograde is the opportunity to revisit and look w/a discerning eye on what events just occurred. you may have missed seeing them the 1st passage. so the new moon and sun in virgo get energy from exalted mercury. and venus is also in virgo the planet of beauty , love , and finance. so this new moon has alot of energy for something new . be discerning of what you hear in communications. if traveling be careful, going to places like s/florida in hurricaine season is not wise. as for finances at this time, be very careful investing the markets are readjusting to higher interest rates. , which makes things like buying a house more expensive and less affordable. virgo is an earth sign so one has to rely on being practical at this time. . there will be another big rally in the stock market but that will occur when the fed starts reversing course.
i want to jump next to october 25 , this is when the solar eclipse occurs . an eclipse occurs 2x a year when the sun and moon are w/rahu , north node of the moon and ketu s/node of the moon . so this new moon occurs in libra -balance -scales for balancing all the aspects of ones life. . ketu is sitting in libra w/the new moon and sun . the ancients thought eclipses would reveal something coming out of the darkness brought to the light. Eclipses are in a way revelations . something is brought to light. venus rules libra, it is very powerful here. it is beauty, love, and finances. this eclipse will have a very powerful affect on the world. the world will be out of balance, so one has to find their peace and balance in a time where peace and balance are scarce. venus is almost exactly conjunct the sun trust is the word here it is difficult to have trust in leaders , partners , anyone at this time. . this is a time to bring the world to a place of peace. its a time to bring ourselves to a time of peace. this is going to be staring us in the face.
Then on october 30th mars goes retrograde in gemini and will retrograde back into taurus mars is the planet of war . it triggers events . it is impulsive. when it goes back into taurus on november 13 look for war and civil unrest. i dont know if this will be a war in addition to ukraine will it be a revelation of who destroyed nord stream 1 and 2 ? i dont know , but it is a time to be cautious. , very cautious everyone is going to be on the edge. mars will be retrograde until jan 12. this will also be a tough time for the economy . the last time mars was retrograde was 2008 and then again in 1990-91 also a period of recession. so this is going to be a tough time for the economy. any way you can reduce or get rid of debt. the debt will loom large as the economy pulls back into a slower mode.
saturn has been retrograde in its own sign of capricorn on october 24 saturn goes stationary and then direct. that is saturn stops movement is stationary and then moves direct. when a planet stops motion . it is a very powerful time. the earth will shake , yes there will be earth quakes. there will be alot of tension in the world causing the earth to shake this is a very powerful event saturn changing motion.. saturn is in capricorn its own sign , so it is very powerful here anyway But stopping and then changing direction is a powerful event saturn is government , it is we the people something will be revealed in the government in this changing of direction.
these planetary events that occur this month are each very powerful and when taken as a complete picture it is profound. its interesting to me the new moon occurs on october 25 th in libra. the sign of justice, balnace , scales. . its an opportunity for us to get balance in our lives. venus is in her own sign in a position of dominance called moolatrikona . its a time to highlight the love in our lives. its a time to be ia light in the darkness. of the eclipse. we must be trustworthy. not say one thing and do another. honesty above all. the change starts as a spark , we must radiate that change be that light. we are in eclipse season w/the next eclipse occurring november 9 . BE the light , so everyone around you can find their peace. this is the center of this time of change. investigate everything. what you are told even by a reputable source may or may not be the truth.
om shanti
only love


#8 dharma



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Posted 28 October 2022 - 09:03 AM

 i have been thinking about writing this up for days, finally it is bubbling up and i need to write it now. the world is on the precipice of entering a new time . a healing , a place where we realize that we all have differences and need to accept those differences as making us whole . the leaders are old and stuck in old thoughts and patterns and using old ideologies. we are on the doorstep. we just have to go through this to get to the other side. so i have decided to start w/the change and then go back to what we must go through

On jan 22. 2023 saturn enters into aquarius. saturn is slow , shy, cautious, it represents the government, it is we the people . So these changes will take shape slowly. Aquarius is ruled by saturn it is the sign of individual expression. The development of the individual. it is the age of aquarius, for those old enough it started in 1967 . the hippies. IT is reflected in art , music, individual expression IT is development of the individual to pursue who he really is. i met my first teacher maharishi mahesh yogi in 1970.. an expression of that is seeking truth . IT is a time of development of the individual. @ this time saturn is in dhanishtha represented by the drum " the star of symphony" to have a symphony it takes many people playing together to create a beautiful sound. as opposed to the world where we reside right now , w/ differences as being unacceptable. we are by nature all different and need to express those differences to make up the whole the wholeness of life. so , this is where we are headed to get there here is what we go through. Saturn is conjunct venus in Aquarius . venus is beauty, love, and finances. So this is part of the individual expression at this time. ITs an awakening of the heart. if one is in their heart there is love , acceptance.. this is where we are headed!!
We are in the time of year when eclipses occur , as written up last time in the new moon we had a solar eclipse . now the full moon is november 8 and is a lunar eclipse. the sun and moon are known as luminaries they bring light. they bring light. they bring feelings and thoughts. the ancients believed that a dragon came and swallowed the moon , during a lunar eclipse. THus blocking the light of the moon. In that darkness that occurs during the eclipse something happens that is unseen. IT just so happens that the mid term elections occur during the lunar eclipse . Something is going to happen which is not seen or known , BUT will be revealed. IT will cause anger and frustration. i am not going to guess what it is , but it will cause people taking to the streets , being hostile and frustrated. IT will get resolved.. maybe not to everyones satisfaction , dont let your prejudices run here. dont be part of the narrative, think for yourself. examine for yourself.. Above all dont become part of the problem your silence and inner examinations set the silent platform for resolution of this issue. if there is a delay of the election , for example it will occur at a better time , having the election on an eclipse is poor planning. OR if its fabricating votes, then our system needs to be updated so there is no cheatinmg. IN either case the solution needs to implemented so we all feel better over our choice in a democratic system . REmember who you are , dont get caught up in what is swirling in the world i always like to encourage people to get out at night and let the light of mother divine shine on you, even just for a few minutes.
On october 30, mars goes retrograde. mars is god of war, impulse, anger.. MARs retrogrades from gemini in the star Mrgashira'the deer"it is a soft, gentle star, that is peaceful, and attractive like a deer. it is also called the searching star. On november 13 mars retrogrades back into TAurus. This is troublesome mars in taurus is not a peaceful situation . Which is not to say that one cannot be peaceful. its going to be challenging not to get caught up w/what is happening in the world . Just know in your heart change is necessary and that is what is happening WE are making a better world . All of this news the last months has been very unsettling . However when viewed from the perspective of evolution to a better place, it can be accepted more easily. Mars is in taurus for months , it goes out of Taurus on march 13. So if you are a scorpio rising, speaking vedic astrology, just know your partner is the same person, your view of them , having mars in your 7th house has changed. so be aware and tread lightly
The sun on november 8, is in libra. Sun represents self, health, ego, father, ruler , ir is a luminary, it gives. life. @ this time it is in libra , the balance scales ruled by venus . Venus is in her own sign it is powerful. also present are ketu , the trunk of the dragon , logic and reason and ketu represents moksha , liberation. and mercury is also transiting libra. Three planets and the s/node of the moon. this is powerful because venus is ruler of this sign and she is here. . of interest is queen elizabeth passed which is what sun/ketu conjunction shows. . in 1963 kennedy was assassinated . and this while jupiter was in pisces and saturn was in capricorn. this situation w/ saturn giving aspect, looking at libra . w/ketu and sun means passing of leaders Our president had best be careful during this time . during this time w/sun, mercury , venus, and ketu being in libra its trying to balance many aspects of our lives. travel, communication , beauty , love, finances, moksha, and health , self all in balance and harmony. .The sun is in the nakshastra of Visakha the star of forcefullness, determination, discipline and resolve to accomplish our goals . 'the star of purpose" a time for success. i refer to my book on nakshastras so often the binding just fell apart!
running out of gas. i want to cover a few more things. jupiter, guru is still retrograding in his own sign of pisces. it is very powerful here. it is a spiritual sign and all 3 nakshastras in pisces are spiritual it is at present transiting uttarbhadrapada the power to control anger. The ability to move from lower consciousness to a higher plane , which should make it easier to control ones emotions during this time.
saturn is also in its own sign of capricorn . look how many planets are in their own signs. its a very powerful time. the key for all of us is to be able to control our emotions and not get caught up in the narrative. easy to do , when one is aware that the world is subject to change. one time when traveling while learning ayurveda . DR raju was visiting patients and a woman had been given her last rights it was a shared room . her 5 sons , wives and children were there. The family swami was there and another swami and us. dr raju told us to meditate so we sat on the floor and meditated while he administered treatment. a month later we went to vistt this family and the worman was sitting up playing w/her grandson. i could not believe this puddle on the bed was back to being a vibrant human being. in silence alot can be accomplished. dont let the winds of change blow you around .STay centered in your heart . All is well
only love,

#9 stubaby



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Posted 28 October 2022 - 10:15 AM

Thanks dharma.


I like to call it 'chemicalization' and it is sometimes painful and frightening, but is always a precursor to change.  Change through increase in awareness and growth.  

#10 dougie



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Posted 31 October 2022 - 01:34 AM


 i have been thinking about writing this up for days, finally it is bubbling up and i need to write it now. the world is on the precipice of entering a new time . a healing , a place where we realize that we all have differences and need to accept those differences as making us whole . the leaders are old and stuck in old thoughts and patterns and using old ideologies. we are on the doorstep. we just have to go through this to get to the other side. so i have decided to start w/the change and then go back to what we must go through

On jan 22. 2023 saturn enters into aquarius. saturn is slow , shy, cautious, it represents the government, it is we the people . So these changes will take shape slowly. Aquarius is ruled by saturn it is the sign of individual expression. The development of the individual. it is the age of aquarius, for those old enough it started in 1967 . the hippies. IT is reflected in art , music, individual expression IT is development of the individual to pursue who he really is. i met my first teacher maharishi mahesh yogi in 1970.. an expression of that is seeking truth . IT is a time of development of the individual. @ this time saturn is in dhanishtha represented by the drum " the star of symphony" to have a symphony it takes many people playing together to create a beautiful sound. as opposed to the world where we reside right now , w/ differences as being unacceptable. we are by nature all different and need to express those differences to make up the whole the wholeness of life. so , this is where we are headed to get there here is what we go through. Saturn is conjunct venus in Aquarius . venus is beauty, love, and finances. So this is part of the individual expression at this time. ITs an awakening of the heart. if one is in their heart there is love , acceptance.. this is where we are headed!!
We are in the time of year when eclipses occur , as written up last time in the new moon we had a solar eclipse . now the full moon is november 8 and is a lunar eclipse. the sun and moon are known as luminaries they bring light. they bring light. they bring feelings and thoughts. the ancients believed that a dragon came and swallowed the moon , during a lunar eclipse. THus blocking the light of the moon. In that darkness that occurs during the eclipse something happens that is unseen. IT just so happens that the mid term elections occur during the lunar eclipse . Something is going to happen which is not seen or known , BUT will be revealed. IT will cause anger and frustration. i am not going to guess what it is , but it will cause people taking to the streets , being hostile and frustrated. IT will get resolved.. maybe not to everyones satisfaction , dont let your prejudices run here. dont be part of the narrative, think for yourself. examine for yourself.. Above all dont become part of the problem your silence and inner examinations set the silent platform for resolution of this issue. if there is a delay of the election , for example it will occur at a better time , having the election on an eclipse is poor planning. OR if its fabricating votes, then our system needs to be updated so there is no cheatinmg. IN either case the solution needs to implemented so we all feel better over our choice in a democratic system . REmember who you are , dont get caught up in what is swirling in the world i always like to encourage people to get out at night and let the light of mother divine shine on you, even just for a few minutes.
On october 30, mars goes retrograde. mars is god of war, impulse, anger.. MARs retrogrades from gemini in the star Mrgashira'the deer"it is a soft, gentle star, that is peaceful, and attractive like a deer. it is also called the searching star. On november 13 mars retrogrades back into TAurus. This is troublesome mars in taurus is not a peaceful situation . Which is not to say that one cannot be peaceful. its going to be challenging not to get caught up w/what is happening in the world . Just know in your heart change is necessary and that is what is happening WE are making a better world . All of this news the last months has been very unsettling . However when viewed from the perspective of evolution to a better place, it can be accepted more easily. Mars is in taurus for months , it goes out of Taurus on march 13. So if you are a scorpio rising, speaking vedic astrology, just know your partner is the same person, your view of them , having mars in your 7th house has changed. so be aware and tread lightly
The sun on november 8, is in libra. Sun represents self, health, ego, father, ruler , ir is a luminary, it gives. life. @ this time it is in libra , the balance scales ruled by venus . Venus is in her own sign it is powerful. also present are ketu , the trunk of the dragon , logic and reason and ketu represents moksha , liberation. and mercury is also transiting libra. Three planets and the s/node of the moon. this is powerful because venus is ruler of this sign and she is here. . of interest is queen elizabeth passed which is what sun/ketu conjunction shows. . in 1963 kennedy was assassinated . and this while jupiter was in pisces and saturn was in capricorn. this situation w/ saturn giving aspect, looking at libra . w/ketu and sun means passing of leaders Our president had best be careful during this time . during this time w/sun, mercury , venus, and ketu being in libra its trying to balance many aspects of our lives. travel, communication , beauty , love, finances, moksha, and health , self all in balance and harmony. .The sun is in the nakshastra of Visakha the star of forcefullness, determination, discipline and resolve to accomplish our goals . 'the star of purpose" a time for success. i refer to my book on nakshastras so often the binding just fell apart!
running out of gas. i want to cover a few more things. jupiter, guru is still retrograding in his own sign of pisces. it is very powerful here. it is a spiritual sign and all 3 nakshastras in pisces are spiritual it is at present transiting uttarbhadrapada the power to control anger. The ability to move from lower consciousness to a higher plane , which should make it easier to control ones emotions during this time.
saturn is also in its own sign of capricorn . look how many planets are in their own signs. its a very powerful time. the key for all of us is to be able to control our emotions and not get caught up in the narrative. easy to do , when one is aware that the world is subject to change. one time when traveling while learning ayurveda . DR raju was visiting patients and a woman had been given her last rights it was a shared room . her 5 sons , wives and children were there. The family swami was there and another swami and us. dr raju told us to meditate so we sat on the floor and meditated while he administered treatment. a month later we went to vistt this family and the worman was sitting up playing w/her grandson. i could not believe this puddle on the bed was back to being a vibrant human being. in silence alot can be accomplished. dont let the winds of change blow you around .STay centered in your heart . All is well
only love,


MAhalo Dharma!

some good dharma there