Divide and conquer. In this time of kali yuga we have come through a pandemic which saw people divided. its time for healing. ITs time for love to dominate in our lives. . its time for our hearts to be full , to appreciate the grace , beauty , and love in our lives. ts a time where the planet of beauty and love to be free. I am talking about venus here , which on December 6, enters into scorpio ruled by mars. Venus is not normally comfortable in scorpio , ruled by mars. But mars has retrograded back into taurus which is ruled by venus. So mars is in the house ruled by venus and venus is in the house ruled by mars. This is a powerful occurrence when planets switch rulerships w/each other. So venus is now free and will appear in the night sky. VEnus is a healing . Love is healing. WE have no control of what is happening in our world, But we are free to love , feel the grace in our lives. to open our boundaries , to be full and share. Venus is now free , it had been w/ketu during the time of the eclipse, then w/sun and mercury it is now free. Let the beauty and love dominate. Whatever is getting revealed as a result of the solar and lunar eclipses that we have gone through is healed by love Put all the bs of life in its place its time for our lives to be filled w/beauty, grace , love, and heal.. venus will be in scorpio until december 29
on November 23 jupiter went direct . Jupiter is optimistic it is the planet of knowledge , wisdom, and wealth. IT is powerful in his own sign. HE aspects , cancer, virgo, and scorpio. so these signs , and i am speaking vedic astrology will be affected in a very positive way. So if your rising sign or moon are in these 4 signs you will be affected by Guru. now, i am speaking vedic astrology , WEstern astrology is different by 23.8 degrees I am ;not going to get into the details for those 4 signs other than to say it is powerful position of jupiter /guru affecting them .W/ jupiter being in his own sign there is optimism operating in our lives. The next couple of months jupiter will be transiting the spiritual sign of pisces
On December 7 the moon is exalted and full in taurus. She is in the glory of her power. This is the divine mother in her full glory and fullness. She is bringing grace into our lives. The full light of the moon will reveal the darkness of the eclipses that occurred. i look for this month to have some revolutionary revelations of what has occurred in our world . The full moon occurs in the nakshastra of rohini, which is an auspicious star ruled by Brahma the creator. this is a star of people who serve the public. , it is earthy in nature. Mars is also in taurus , where he is not comfortable . MArs is at the same degree of the full moon . HE is getting the energy of the full moon. Mars is retrograde and will be in taurus for several monhs. IT is not a comfortable position for the commander in chief, lord of war. to be in Taurus i look for periods where anger rises and boils over. Above all we have to pray for peace. it seems there are leaders who want to see world war. @ many other times in history leaders were trying to open the world up to trade etc Today nuclear war crops up in the headlines. Pray for peace . our collective power of prayer is very powerful . never forget that. ITs a time when things that were hidden and obscured will come to light.
The sun is transiting scorpio where he is comfortable Although scorpio is a water sign, it is ruled by mars. so it is hot . when water gets hot , things are steamy making it more difficult to see things clearly. i want to conclude w/ Saturn is still in capricorn. making its way to Aquarius. SAturn is we the people. WE the people are waking up from the lockdowns. Life is returning. to normal.
This is a time when things are coming to light where things that happened are being exposed. There is a slow be steady awakening occurring. WE are on the brink of hard economic times. Money printing does not produce real wealth. IT is a trick , which doesnt last and causes inflation . as more money is created it is worth less and less. IT buys less and less. The world has gone through these times before. IT will all get sorted out in time. Use the power of prayer. . Open your heart. Be in your love and above all be grateful /Every thing is a matter of perspective. WE are here. make the best of it.
only love and light