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vedic astrology update

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#11 dharma



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Posted 08 November 2022 - 10:23 AM

today is the full moon . it takes place in aires. rahu is also in aires. the north node of the moon . rahu is passions and poisons. it takes place in the star , nakshastra baharani, the star of restraint. it is represented by the womb.. this star can hide or eclipse things. it just so happens that it is also a lunar eclipse. It carries the idea of struggles and suffering . it is ruled by yama , the lord of death Some ideas and concepts are going to die as a result of today . Which as the nakshastra indicates will be a birth. IT will take some time but i look for some change to take place to make elections more secure. The people need to know that their voice is heard. Today is obviously very important on many levels. hopefully every one watched 2000 mules , about the 2020 elections.


#12 dharma



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Posted 21 November 2022 - 10:37 AM

i want to step back and talk and talk about the present time we are experiencing from a large/huge time perspective. There are yugas which last a very long time. @ present we are in kali yuga. You have perhaps seen the image of kali dancing on the fallen figure of lord SHiva. This is the time period that we are in . I believe that we are going full speed ahead into the end of this yuga. Shiva is the destroyer, the destroyer of evil . W/ shiva vanquished kali reigns supreme. IT is a time when nothing is to believed , when nothing is be taken at face value. It is a time to go w/in and come to peace w/everything that arises. If one cannot believe anything that they are told , then it is a time to go w/in and check the validity there. SEE what is true for oneself. If you are believing the narrative, its a time to examine and see if you can find the truth While kali dances , one must be vigilant and examine for ones self . The truth is always available , its just at this time it needs to be sought out.. The ancient rishis saw this time coming and they put Jyotish , vedic astrology into the veda, they felt that forewarned is forearmed. WE are in a most intense time in this journey. there was alot that was hidden from view that has come to light . eg. the demise of ftx causing investors to lose all their money. Election grievances , in pennsylvania , arizona, and nevada. as the only ones that were reported. In the end our country and the world will be strengthened. ITs all part of the cleansing process. It needed to happen to prepare our nation and the world for the changes that are coming
There are several theories of how kali Yuga ends , i dont know if anyone knows for sure how we go into SAt yuga. SAt yuga is a time when mankind lives in accord w/all the laws of nature, Its a spontaneous event . I am going to suggest that things get so bad that the truth stands out and there is a spontaneous shift where it happens immediately -poof we are in a new time and age. An astrology update is coming but , i wanted to step back and look at the big picture
only love and peace

#13 Ken



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Posted 22 November 2022 - 08:17 AM



That was very interesting.  What solar year does the Kali Yuga end?  When I try to search on the internet there are various opinions but many say the year 2025.  Is that correct, in your opinion, and if so, when in 2025?  January? November?

#14 dharma



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Posted 22 November 2022 - 11:45 AM

honestly ken i have no idea


#15 dougie



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Posted 22 November 2022 - 12:52 PM


i want to step back and talk and talk about the present time we are experiencing from a large/huge time perspective. There are yugas which last a very long time. @ present we are in kali yuga. You have perhaps seen the image of kali dancing on the fallen figure of lord SHiva. This is the time period that we are in . I believe that we are going full speed ahead into the end of this yuga. Shiva is the destroyer, the destroyer of evil . W/ shiva vanquished kali reigns supreme. IT is a time when nothing is to believed , when nothing is be taken at face value. It is a time to go w/in and come to peace w/everything that arises. If one cannot believe anything that they are told , then it is a time to go w/in and check the validity there. SEE what is true for oneself. If you are believing the narrative, its a time to examine and see if you can find the truth While kali dances , one must be vigilant and examine for ones self . The truth is always available , its just at this time it needs to be sought out.. The ancient rishis saw this time coming and they put Jyotish , vedic astrology into the veda, they felt that forewarned is forearmed. WE are in a most intense time in this journey. there was alot that was hidden from view that has come to light . eg. the demise of ftx causing investors to lose all their money. Election grievances , in pennsylvania , arizona, and nevada. as the only ones that were reported. In the end our country and the world will be strengthened. ITs all part of the cleansing process. It needed to happen to prepare our nation and the world for the changes that are coming
There are several theories of how kali Yuga ends , i dont know if anyone knows for sure how we go into SAt yuga. SAt yuga is a time when mankind lives in accord w/all the laws of nature, Its a spontaneous event . I am going to suggest that things get so bad that the truth stands out and there is a spontaneous shift where it happens immediately -poof we are in a new time and age. An astrology update is coming but , i wanted to step back and look at the big picture
only love and peace


thanks Dhamrma: gives me some hope in a sea of despair

#16 dharma



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Posted 28 November 2022 - 11:07 AM

Divide and conquer. In this time of kali yuga we have come through a pandemic which saw people divided. its time for healing. ITs time for love to dominate in our lives. . its time for our hearts to be full , to appreciate the grace , beauty , and love in our lives. ts a time where the planet of beauty and love to be free. I am talking about venus here , which on December 6, enters into scorpio ruled by mars. Venus is not normally comfortable in scorpio , ruled by mars. But mars has retrograded back into taurus which is ruled by venus. So mars is in the house ruled by venus and venus is in the house ruled by mars. This is a powerful occurrence when planets switch rulerships w/each other. So venus is now free and will appear in the night sky. VEnus is a healing . Love is healing. WE have no control of what is happening in our world, But we are free to love , feel the grace in our lives. to open our boundaries , to be full and share. Venus is now free , it had been w/ketu during the time of the eclipse, then w/sun and mercury it is now free. Let the beauty and love dominate. Whatever is getting revealed as a result of the solar and lunar eclipses that we have gone through is healed by love Put all the bs of life in its place its time for our lives to be filled w/beauty, grace , love, and heal.. venus will be in scorpio until december 29
on November 23 jupiter went direct . Jupiter is optimistic it is the planet of knowledge , wisdom, and wealth. IT is powerful in his own sign. HE aspects , cancer, virgo, and scorpio. so these signs , and i am speaking vedic astrology will be affected in a very positive way. So if your rising sign or moon are in these 4 signs you will be affected by Guru. now, i am speaking vedic astrology , WEstern astrology is different by 23.8 degrees I am ;not going to get into the details for those 4 signs other than to say it is powerful position of jupiter /guru affecting them .W/ jupiter being in his own sign there is optimism operating in our lives. The next couple of months jupiter will be transiting the spiritual sign of pisces
On December 7 the moon is exalted and full in taurus. She is in the glory of her power. This is the divine mother in her full glory and fullness. She is bringing grace into our lives. The full light of the moon will reveal the darkness of the eclipses that occurred. i look for this month to have some revolutionary revelations of what has occurred in our world . The full moon occurs in the nakshastra of rohini, which is an auspicious star ruled by Brahma the creator. this is a star of people who serve the public. , it is earthy in nature. Mars is also in taurus , where he is not comfortable . MArs is at the same degree of the full moon . HE is getting the energy of the full moon. Mars is retrograde and will be in taurus for several monhs. IT is not a comfortable position for the commander in chief, lord of war. to be in Taurus i look for periods where anger rises and boils over. Above all we have to pray for peace. it seems there are leaders who want to see world war. @ many other times in history leaders were trying to open the world up to trade etc Today nuclear war crops up in the headlines. Pray for peace . our collective power of prayer is very powerful . never forget that. ITs a time when things that were hidden and obscured will come to light.
The sun is transiting scorpio where he is comfortable Although scorpio is a water sign, it is ruled by mars. so it is hot . when water gets hot , things are steamy making it more difficult to see things clearly. i want to conclude w/ Saturn is still in capricorn. making its way to Aquarius. SAturn is we the people. WE the people are waking up from the lockdowns. Life is returning. to normal.
This is a time when things are coming to light where things that happened are being exposed. There is a slow be steady awakening occurring. WE are on the brink of hard economic times. Money printing does not produce real wealth. IT is a trick , which doesnt last and causes inflation . as more money is created it is worth less and less. IT buys less and less. The world has gone through these times before. IT will all get sorted out in time. Use the power of prayer. . Open your heart. Be in your love and above all be grateful /Every thing is a matter of perspective. WE are here. make the best of it.
only love and light

#17 dharma



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Posted 14 January 2023 - 12:10 PM

There are quite a few significant planetary changes happening this month. ITs interesting to me that we are starting off the new year w/a flurry of planetary changes. Mars has been retrograde since october 30. On the 13 th mars in taurus went direct. When a planet goes into retrograde motion, it is a reflection of things from the past. ISSues that were unresolved come into focus and are worked on . Mars is the trigger it is impulse , it is action , mars is the commander in chief . My hope is mars changing direction changes the UKraine conflict and talks of peace and settlement start to dominate the narrative . Mars is in taurus which is practical, so folks have been dealing w/finances in the new inflationary environment .It seems prices of everything has rocketed up. Inflation is always a monetary phenomenon -milton friedman. IT is caused by government printing and spending money . Giving away stimulus checks etc This was the catalyst for this wave of inflation. The fed seems bent on curbing inflation that while the government spends and prints more money to pay for the deficits. ITs a cycle. SO people have had to readjust their budgets to buy food and gas. . REnts have also gone up. , its all part of the cycle. Mars in taurus is practical it has to do w/getting finances in order.
Within a few days retrograde mercury goes direct. Mercury deals w/communications and travels On the 18 mercury goes direct Its retrograde motion has caused havoc for travelers.. Not a wise decision to make travel plans during mercury retrograde. Also mercury is lord of communications I have found that during mercury retrograde periods , communications have to be very binary to prevent miscommunications. Mercury retrograde is not a time to assume its a time to clarify and be certain that one is on the same page w/their partner for example Be curious ask questions. During retrograde periods of planets there is alot of confusion , things get stirred up, then when they go direct the dust settles and we start to see the truth . IT will be revealed . That is interesting and exciting . Mars and mercury are in a 6 and 8 house relationship. This is a relationship that has powerful implications. 6 houses apart is enemies and 8houses apart is change/transformation These planets being in that relationship will expose and help bring about transformations. Freedom is the word that comes to mind. WE have been controlled and misguided by the media , now we are free to chose what to think and believe. Control from fear. These were the tactics used. Now we are free from that
Saturn has retrograded back into capricorn. SAturn is a hard teacher . Many feel saturn is Shiva . Shiva is the destroyer of evil. Saturn is we the people it is represented by government. On the 17th saturn begins its 21/2 yr transit through aquarius. Yes it is the dawn of the age of aquarius. I was in my 20s when the age of aquarius dawned in the 60s . Life was the straight and narrow. Then hippies came on the scene and it was an awakening of mankind. There was a war ragging by a president that was installed after the assissination of JFK. Johnson was to be in the car w/Jfk and at the last minute didnt go and john conolly went instead and was wounded. Saturn will bring a new awareness an awakening of humanity. A unity of mankind. The 1 st nakshastra it will be in is Dhanistha"the star of symphony" there ;will be a rise in the arts, much like the 60s,. Then saturn will move into the nakshastra of Satabisha "the hundred physicians " This is a time of great healing. Humanity will begin to heal from the lockdowns and all that was surrounded w/covid. its a time of great awakening and reflection. That will begin march 15 the transit into Satabisha nakshastra in saturns own sign of aquarius
Jupiter is transiting pisces, its own sign. The last sign of the zodiac . It is a sign of beliefs. Religion and politics have captured mankind forever. So jupiter/guru is finishing transiting the zodiac. When it goes into aires it is a fresh new beginning . SEeing things for the 1st time new. fresh. We are finishing all the old beliefs and starting something new fresh. a new beginning. Guru transits into aires on april 22.
As you can see the new year is going to be about change evolving from the old thoughts and ideas into a new time and age . The age of aquarius , the rise of the individual to reach his/her full expression. I remember the 60s it took awhile for the government to extricate itself from the war even as life evolved and individual ideas and expressions took hold of society . So some of the old ideas go away w/some resistance. The new springs. forth. The usa has spent its self into a huge debt situation as a result the currency buys less and less. i suspect that the fed , which is a privately owned bank, will undergo changes and may even disappear. REmember it was under w/wilson in 1913 that the fed and income tax came into existence. No matter what happens we have to be innocent and curious open to see change all the while examining. and open to change . WE are evolving as a species . WE went to kit carsons house, in the 1840s people ate on lead plates. They would cut a tomato on the plate and the enzymes in the tomato would mix w/the lead and it would kill them So the belief developed that tomatoes were poison. WE are learning that some things are not good for us. Be open . Examine . dont just do what you are told . while the people telling you may have good intentions they may not know . just like the tomato is poisonous. well yes, if you eat it on a lead plate , it is . Freedom is rising . remember the statue of liberty is the symbol of freedom. IT is time to get back to our roots. -freedom. freedom of thought and beliefs.
only love.

#18 dharma



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Posted 15 February 2023 - 10:57 AM

i have been unable to write this until now. February is the month where we move forward and make progress , we will all feel this in our personal lives. WE are going to see things change.
the new moon is feb 20th in aquarius . IT is at 7degrees of aquarius. saturn lord of aquarius is also there, thus the age of aquarius. A time when the individual flourishes. The significance of the moon being at 7d of aquarius is the usa natal moon is also @7 degrees of aquarius . i believe there will be an event towards the end of the month that will change the political landscape. REmember the moon represents mother ,, it represents the mind . From the mind the whole universe springs forth .Everything is the mind , and whats left is who we really are. Many people feel saturn is shiva. A hard teacher disciplinarian. Saturn is strong here in its own sign., conjoined by the new moon and sun in aquarius. Something is going to be revealed later this month
mars has moved direct last month and now it is out of bounds from january to may . mars is the planet of war, anger, agression, hostility. All of these feelings are going to bubble up later this month . All the things people have been angry about are going to bubble to the surface this month. ITs a time to keep your ideas to yourself. things are going to get hostile they are going to bubble. up. Mars is in taurus this month not a happy placement for the commander in chief. MArs is at an extreme declination "out of bounds" March is going to be very difficult . March is going to be the big trigger.
The full moon was february 5 it took place in the moons sign of cancer.. IT is quite an emotional sign. . IT is the 8th house of the united states chart. The house of transformations and change. Later this month things will be revealed of cover ups around money , there will be answers coming later this month. The new moon will be a new birth a new beginning.. this new moon is in the nakshastra called the hundred healers - satabisha. or the 100 physicians. Look for new medical discoveries to come out . Healing and hard to cure mental diseases. There will be new ways to deal w/certain diseases . it will be revealing to see these new discoveries. This nakshastra also deals w/the heavens. aliens etc
Saturn crossing over the natal moon of the usa is called sati sati. it is a major event that happens every 30 yrs. in 1964 the country was healing from the assassination of jfk . .1994 northridge earthquake. oj simpson trial. Airlines are going to have major problems. There is going to political change. and shifts. Racial tensions. many things are going to come to the fore.
Venus is going to enter its sign of exaltation on feb 15. the spiritual sign of pisces Jupiter is in its own sign , so both planets, although enemies are very strong here. IT is a very spiritual time as well. . Both planets in this sign can give us vision , truth , and healing. Finding cures for diseases. This will give humanity hope . i am going to stop here. All the planets are moving direct .This is a time to move forward w/your dreams . its a time when venus is in its most powerful position. Beauty and love and spirituality are supported at this time. Use this month wisely as venus goes into pisces. ITs a time for humanity to heal. its a time where things will be revealed . There is alot going on. MOVE Forward. Work on yourself . This time supports this .
only love dharma

#19 dharma



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Posted 11 April 2023 - 02:20 PM

in april jupiter transits into aries, the 1st sign of the zodiac, so it is a time of new beginnings and new starts . the sign of the pioneer. New beginnings and healings. W/ jupiter in aries. The 1st nakshatra in aries is ashwini, "the golden chariot" New ideas , bringing light and happiness. The light of dawn. There is going to be shocking revelations. In aries Guru will travel w/mercury , travel and communications. . Rahu is also transiting aries. its a time of accidents Be careful traveling . Mercury will be transiting in aires longer than its usual transits in signs , it will go retrograde. so communications and travel will be more difficult. Not a good time to be flying somewhere. Mars is going to be in gemini from march 12-may10 . so that is a change of signs between mars and mercury. So each planet brings its own energy and gets the energy of the other planet. So there is an exchange of energy between mars and mercury. Mars is accidents , exchanging signs w/mercury is a mutual exchange of energies. which will be positive and negative to which each planet brings. Mercury will be conjuct rahu april 5 -april 7 so this is not a good time to travel. April 8 Jupiter goes gandandanta until april 30 . this is a time when events are so intense it is a feeling of being overwhelmed or the feeling of drowning.. April 21 mercury goes retrograde for 3 weeks . This will be a very intense mercury retrograde period . Mercury rules travel and communications. In those areas of life it will be intense. IT takes 12 yrs for jupiter to go through all 12 signs. So 2 cycles ago was the stock market dot burst. and then if we go back to 1929 when jupiter was in pisces /aires conjunct rahu . I do look for this to be a weak time for the stock market .
On april 5 there was a full moon in virgo. Virgo is all about health and healing .Look for new discoveries w/health and healing following the effects of the full moon. Alot has happened these last few years, there will begin a new healing of the things that has happened. Humanity has been separated and placed into different categories. which is the separation. this will all start a healing process and bringing us all together. Together mankind is strong.
Also saturn is in aquarius which is on the natal moon of the usa . so it is an emotional time . I think many things will be revealed at this time. Saturn is strong here it is in its own sign. the sign of expression of individuality of uniqueness. . Not being one of the herd . but individual expression
Above all be careful traveling , car, rains, airlines. especially flying. . This period is going to be difficult for governments. and especially leaders of governments . There will be alot that has to be exposed and revealed. Out of this will be a healing . From that will be a new beginning . we are rapidly approaching the end of this period and the revelations of what transpired. There will be a new beginning. Guru has completed its 12 yr cycle on April 21 st and goes into aires . so all that has happened over these last 12 years will slowly come to light and a new beginning. There will be some pain involved. Some things will be revealed. When jupiter goes into the nakshastra of bharani " the womb" a birth or rebirth , a new beginning . The birthing process is painful , but it brings new life. On june 21st the summer solstice jupiter enters the nakshatra of bharani in the sign of aires. IT is a new beginning All of this separation, the 2 years in isolation is going to come to an end and there will be a new rebirth and a new beginning. The people will unite , there will be a new beginning. WE come here to evolve. and that is a healing. . WE reflect who we are. IT is a time to manifest what we want in this world. WE are at the turning point. REmember it is all an opportunity for us to be at peace , to evolve, to love and bring that light to the world
om shanti
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#20 stubaby



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Posted 12 April 2023 - 07:00 AM


in april jupiter transits into aries, the 1st sign of the zodiac, so it is a time of new beginnings and new starts . the sign of the pioneer. New beginnings and healings. W/ jupiter in aries. The 1st nakshatra in aries is ashwini, "the golden chariot" New ideas , bringing light and happiness. The light of dawn. There is going to be shocking revelations. In aries Guru will travel w/mercury , travel and communications. . Rahu is also transiting aries. its a time of accidents Be careful traveling . Mercury will be transiting in aires longer than its usual transits in signs , it will go retrograde. so communications and travel will be more difficult. Not a good time to be flying somewhere. Mars is going to be in gemini from march 12-may10 . so that is a change of signs between mars and mercury. So each planet brings its own energy and gets the energy of the other planet. So there is an exchange of energy between mars and mercury. Mars is accidents , exchanging signs w/mercury is a mutual exchange of energies. which will be positive and negative to which each planet brings. Mercury will be conjuct rahu april 5 -april 7 so this is not a good time to travel. April 8 Jupiter goes gandandanta until april 30 . this is a time when events are so intense it is a feeling of being overwhelmed or the feeling of drowning.. April 21 mercury goes retrograde for 3 weeks . This will be a very intense mercury retrograde period . Mercury rules travel and communications. In those areas of life it will be intense. IT takes 12 yrs for jupiter to go through all 12 signs. So 2 cycles ago was the stock market dot burst. and then if we go back to 1929 when jupiter was in pisces /aires conjunct rahu . I do look for this to be a weak time for the stock market .
On april 5 there was a full moon in virgo. Virgo is all about health and healing .Look for new discoveries w/health and healing following the effects of the full moon. Alot has happened these last few years, there will begin a new healing of the things that has happened. Humanity has been separated and placed into different categories. which is the separation. this will all start a healing process and bringing us all together. Together mankind is strong.
Also saturn is in aquarius which is on the natal moon of the usa . so it is an emotional time . I think many things will be revealed at this time. Saturn is strong here it is in its own sign. the sign of expression of individuality of uniqueness. . Not being one of the herd . but individual expression
Above all be careful traveling , car, rains, airlines. especially flying. . This period is going to be difficult for governments. and especially leaders of governments . There will be alot that has to be exposed and revealed. Out of this will be a healing . From that will be a new beginning . we are rapidly approaching the end of this period and the revelations of what transpired. There will be a new beginning. Guru has completed its 12 yr cycle on April 21 st and goes into aires . so all that has happened over these last 12 years will slowly come to light and a new beginning. There will be some pain involved. Some things will be revealed. When jupiter goes into the nakshastra of bharani " the womb" a birth or rebirth , a new beginning . The birthing process is painful , but it brings new life. On june 21st the summer solstice jupiter enters the nakshatra of bharani in the sign of aires. IT is a new beginning All of this separation, the 2 years in isolation is going to come to an end and there will be a new rebirth and a new beginning. The people will unite , there will be a new beginning. WE come here to evolve. and that is a healing. . WE reflect who we are. IT is a time to manifest what we want in this world. WE are at the turning point. REmember it is all an opportunity for us to be at peace , to evolve, to love and bring that light to the world
om shanti
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Thank you dharma!