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vedic astrology update

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#21 dharma



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Posted 06 May 2023 - 11:48 AM

2 weeks ago we had a solar eclipse , today may 5 we have a lunar eclipse . the dragon, rahu/ketu (nodes of the moon) , the ancients thought the dragon swallowed the sun/or moon whichever eclipse was occurring. during that period of darkness, when the eclipse was occurring events unseen occur and then when the luminaries come out events that took place get revealed. Sometimes it takes some time for the revelations to occur. I believe as a result of the eclipses events or situations will be revealed to us. This eclipse occurs w/the moon in libra , w/ketu . Ketu is things from the past. The moon represents mind, mother, our emotional body.. During this time everyone will be affected emotionally. The eclipse will reveal big changes. Someone will rise in popularity , a political figure who will talk to the citizens of the world.From the darkness will come to the light. Time to heal old issues. The eclipse occurs in the nakshastra, star which is determination,forcefulness, and discipline"the star of determination".
This nakshastra is ruled by jupiter, which just entered into aires , where it will transit for the next year. Rahu is also transiting aires , as is the sun and retrograde mercury. All of these planets are aspecting , ie looking at the moon and ketu in libra. Jupiter will conjoin rahu on the 31of may @9degrees of aires. Rahu is in the nakshastra of ashwini which is ruled by ketu. This star is the light of the gods. it is the ashwini demigods riding in a golden chariot across the heavens bringing light,happiness and healing people rahu and ketu are in each others nakshastras. Rahu/ketu are destiny.As if this is not enough changes retrograde mercury is also in aires. Mercury rules communication and travel , look for glitches in both those areas. There is talk of the pilots going on strike . Mercury goes direct on the 15 may so after that travel and communications will return to a more normal situation. During this time make sure your communications are clear and understood. Jupiter is still gandanta , so things are still a little out of control Gandanta occurs when a planet transits the 1st 3 degrees of a fire (aires) or water sign. On may 10 mars enters into cancer, its sign of debilitation. Mars is the indicator for the earth, ie real estate. Look for real estate prices to get very weak. It will be there until july 1. This is a time when real estate prices will be very weak. Leaders of the world will be affected at this time. Look for changes in leadership. 2 big anchors have been removed from their positions. Things are being censored. All is going to be revealed. Eclipses are powerful. The next eclipses occur in october. This will bring about big changes. The planets jupiter, rahu, retrograde mercury, and sun in opposition to the moon and ketu are all in aires, ruled by mars . Mars is the commander in chief , it is war. There will be alot revealed and anger will be on the rise during this period. Frustration. Observe stay out of the way. Look at what is coming up for you. Deal w/it , otherwise it will keep coming up. deal w/it now.. This is a time of enormous change . Eclipses reveal things that have been hidden from us. There is so much we are not being told. BE open. . BE silent. Observe the changes. and revelations
om shant idharma

#22 dharma



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Posted 28 August 2023 - 09:52 AM

      SITTing  here  watching major events occur in the world .   Today August 27 ,  we have 3 planets retrograde. . Mercury, Venus, and Saturn are all retrograde.  REtrograde planets give us an opportunity to examine what has happened . IT gives us an opportunity to respond in a different way , where we have objectified the experience and take it to a higher plain.  SAturn is in its own sign of Aquarius.  Every 25 years or so we have an age of Aquarius the rise of the individual. Saturn is transiting the star of Sattabisha " the hundred physicians. I see this period as a time of healing the fractures that are /have occurred in society. I see it as a time for new medical modalities of healing . Many years ago Helga Clark came out w. the book"The Cure for all Cancers"  . Hanna kroeger also thought as did Clark that all cancers were caused by parasites.  I have read recently that Drs are now coming to that conclusion as well.  Mercury has gone retrograde in LEo. in the star Uttarphalguni"the  fig tree"  the "star of patronage . IT is the star  where leaders are born..IT yields fruitful results.  So endeavors that one begins now is likely to have fruitul results . The god mercury holds the caduceus in one hand the snakes intertwined  the symbol of the medical field . So mercury is a healer  I look for new healing modalities to come out during this time.   Venus is retrograde in  cancer in the star Ashlesha "the entwiner" it is the coiled snake , ready to strike .A time to keep ones emotions in check, not to let them leap forth. 

     September is going to give humanity a  major wake up call around the world. Folks belief systems are going to be challenged  IT will be a wake up call, many will be confused because they will not want their belief systems challenged . When the dust settles the world will be better.  Rahu/ketu the nodes of the moon ( the ancients could not see uranus, neptune , and plute -but they could feel their energies and they expressed those energies in the rahu/ketu) Remember he nodes normal motion is retrograde . Rahu sits @0 degrees of  of Aries  and on november 28 it retrogrades back into the last degrees of Picses  , which is the end of the zodiac.This while ketu enters into virgo.  Rahu @29 degrees of the water sign. pisces . Rahu/ketu are destiny , are gandanta ,  a feeling of being out of control .  In the nakshastra of revati  "the wealthy" This star is ruled by the deva pusha nourishing  star is revati.Rahu in pisces during hurricane season , we will experience more hurricanes and storms  This will be a very stormy hurricane season.  With the confusion of breaking old belief systems people will be more spiritual , they will seek GOD for answers . The world will undergo an awakening
    September 4 Venus goes direct in  cancer in the star ashlesha. September 15 Mercury goes direct in Leo in the nakshastra  purvaphalguni it is a very lucky or fortunate star. .When mercury is retrograde it brings up many issues. around travel, communication. health , working class.  Mars is in mercurys sign of virgo. Mars is energy, it is war , it is the commander in chief. IT will be the catalyst for clashes in all the areas that mercury rules as mars is in the house of mercury
Venus going direct will bring a healing in relationships.  The day venus goes direct Guru , jupiter goes retrograde in aires in the nakshastra of bharani the star of restraint   represented by the womb  its lord is yama the lord of death . Jupiter is knowledge and wisdom , it is wealth.  When it goes retrograde it is going to put stress on the economy.  I think this is going to  put pressure on the economy. The stock market will be under duress.  On september 25 jupiter is going to station @20 de of Aires . it will aspect libra, saggitarius, and  leo(mercury is here) . IT will trine aires (rahu  is in aires)  , leo (mercury is in leo) and  saggitarius.IF you have any planets @ 21 deg in any of those signs in your birth chart, you will get the blessings jupiter will give you  that day
      The solar eclipse is oct 14   when rahu is 0 degrees of aires and ketu is 0degrees of libra.When ketu enters into vigo it deals w/heal issues, enemies . obstacles.  Health issues will be at the fore when ketu enters into Virgo. . 
       mars in virgo . will be in 6/8 relationship  w/saturn    this is a very difficult  placement ., ie a 6/8 relationship.  IT also has a 6/8 relationship w/jupiter. .  Mars/Saturn   and  mars/jupiter  is going to deal w/struggles  of health , healing , enemies.  obstacles.   wealth ..  These aspects will cause major shifts in this country.  On the 26th moon is conjunct saturn in aquarius   Moon is mind this whole universe is from the mind.  moon is emotion it is mother. IT enters this 6/8 relationship w. mars/saturn giving this added emotion and energy.     There is going to be major upheavals in the usa.   during this time.  To repeat this is all going to be a spiritual awakening  It is a time  to be inside yourself  , be at peace.  Whats outside does not have to be brought inside.Inside is peace, calm,  it is spirit .  Be at peace w/your self
       On september 29 is the full moon in  pisces  Sun in virgo.  This period while difficult will offer big spiritual openings  to be more at peace , more in your SElf  . IT is a time to be free   Its a time to heal.  This is the biggest opening in quite some time on earth.  There are many difficult  transits and aspects at this time. IF you look to the outside , your confusion will be great. IF you hold onto current belief systems  you will be confused . LOOK Within reside there   be innocent like a child . Dont land anywhere. 
BE in love, joy , and peace. 



On september 4 guru (jupiter) goes retrograde. This period that we are in now is what inspired me to write. The ancient rishis put jyotish(vedic astrology) into the veda because they felt forewarned is forearmed. So , i thought it would be helpful to have this information to understand it better. This is going to be a big awakening on earth, it will be a time for personal freedom. STay centered , no attention on the moving parts , they are changing. Think for yourself . Be centered in your SElf . Be innocent like a child. Be at peace!!!

#23 dharma



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Posted 03 October 2023 - 02:14 PM

My wife was in a womans vedic astrology group. She bought parasharas light , both volumes . I asked her when she was not reading the books if i could study them. well she decided she didnot want to study astrology, and i became absorbed in the study . This was back in 1991 . After some months of study , i started doing readings for friends. and was told i had an intuitive feel for astrology . I get pictures of things in my mind. a couple of yrs ago i peered into the present time, and saw what was happening , and felt compelled to write. so here we are
On september 29 the moon was full in pisces, the last sign of the zodiac in the star of uttarabhadrapada which is a warrior star"the burning pair" moving from a lower nature to a higher nature. WE are moving to a higher nature. Pisces is the end of the zodiac, the last sign, ruled by jupiter life on earth will be moving to a higher nature
Moving on to october. its a time for all of us to investigate everything we are told or read. ITs a time to come to our own conclusions based upon what we have found out from our investigations . October is a very powerful month . There are 2 eclipses this month. A solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse. This happens when the sun or moon is conjunct w/rahu or ketu(the nodes of the moon). Remember the rahu/ketu are the dragon. The ancients thought the dragon had swallowed the sun/moon. IN that moment of darkness something happens and the revelation of that happens when the sun/moon are expelled from the dragon.. This is a very powerful event. There are so many events this month i will try to cover them. The solar eclipse occurs when the sun, moon , and earth align. The solar eclipse is a new moon . The lunar eclipse is a full moon. The solar eclipse occurs on October 14 in virgo. The sun/moon/mercury/mars. are all in virgo and ketu is is in 00:41 of libra, remember the nodes always move retrograde, so ketu is moving back into virgo and is just 4degrees from the sun , so it is conjunct the sun.Virgo is about healing ,disease etc we have gone through that w/the pandemic, but now they are trying to bring that back as a focul point. This will bring up issues of trust of what we are being told. It will bring up issues of trust of the media and the government.. WE have 2 solar eclipses a year, the next one will be in april. This will affect us until the next solar eclipse , In that darkness of the eclipse things get revealed that we didnot realize or know about. This is individual and collective , it will affect all of us. It is a time of deep inner reflection , the darkness comes amidst the light . This is a transformation as the light returns. This eclipse occurs w/r/saturn 6 houses from this event in aquarius its own sign. R/jupiter is 8 houses away in aries. Rahu/ketu motion is slowing down they are stationing. This can cause earthquakes and volcanoes , and other physical events to happen. 8 houses are transformations. the biggest transformation is death. This will put leaders of countries in jeopardy as jupiter is 8 houses. from the sun/moon. This is a planned event
Rahu / ketu are @00 degress of aires/ libra. they are stationing these next couple of months. Aires is the beginning of the zodiac a fire sign , IT is the beginning of the awakening of mankind 00 degrees of a fire sign is gandanta a feeling of being overwhelmed , a feeling of drowning or flooding. then when rahu shifts back into the last degrees of pisces, a water sign, it is still gandanta so over the next few months the flooding that we have seen around the world, most recently in NYC ,, there will be more events like this . And as people we will at times feel overwhelmed like we are drowning. Things are spinning out of control . Fire /water brings to mind Maui . LAhina is on the water and it was consumed by fire. So rahu in00 degrees of fire aries and going to 29 degrees of pisces water -look for more events like maui over these next couple of months
On october 3rd mars moves into libra and it is conjunct ketu. Libra is the sign of the balancing scales so we are trying to balance the different aspects of our lives. Mars is the god of war , it is weapons, it is aggression, it is impulse Look for major signs of aggression at this time. During this time look for a big down move in the stock market.
On the 18 th sun moves into libra . So the sun moves into libra the sign of venus. Venus is in leo the sign of the sun, So venus and the sun are in each others sign. They each gain the energy of the other . ITs a time of relationships to examine relationships . Since the sun is in libra it is to balance those relationships. KEtu is there so there is some mischief
The lunar eclipse occurs on the 28 in aries w/the moon conjunct rahu and r/guru in aries. IT is a time of aggression and accidents. WE have this situation w/the moon/ketu/guru all lined up in libra . This lineup is in oppostion to mars/rahu/sun/mercury. Guru can exaggerate events so that w/ mars can make violent events larger Guru is opposing mercury which is very close to mars so look for disruptions in air travel and travel in general. its a time for caution , that goes for travel by car also. there will be strikes and disruptive events . people will be discontent.
This will be a dangerous time . IT will be a dangerous time for Trump and Biden also. IT will be a dangerous time for leaders worldwide . The world is polarized. the country is divided and polarized. The media and politicians are dividing people, it is easier to control us if we are divided.We need to start thinking for ourselves. WE need to investigate come to our own conclusions not be controlled by fear. There are no accidents it is all planned. R/saturn is in aquarius the sign of the individual development and expression IT is the time of rising up of individual development and expression WE are discovering who we really are. ITs a time to see and think for ourselves. Experience the divine love that is creation. Be grateful for what we have, not be a beggar wishing for something else . IT is a time to realize our true nature we are divine
om shanti

#24 dharma



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Posted 25 November 2023 - 04:21 PM

  I want to start out by saying  i believe this craziness that the world has been going through 

the last several years is coming to end.    But as a result of everything that has happened,  we 
will not be going back, we will be in a world that has changed as a result of all the lessons of the 
past several years. I know from communicating w/alot of people that some have been investigating
,as i have , all that has gone on. On February 5 mars goes into capricorn , its weakest station , mars is debilitated , threats of war will end. War is a concern of every sane person. So know this big threat  is going to disappear.  However for the present it is front and center .Pray for peace . Meditate for peace . I was thinking for mountain time zone we meditate when we can but if possible we meditate/pray @730 in the morning and again @530 pm one or both whatever you can . Invite friends to meditate /pray at that time War is never the answer. 
       The nodes of the moon , rahu/ketu change signs every 18  months , their motion is retrograde .On december 5 rahu moves into pisces revati nakshastra . Revati is" the wealthy" .godly star which nourishes and protects. Ketu moves into virgo under the star chitra"the brilliant"or " the beautiful" . IT is a star of artistic talents. Rahu in the last degrees of a water sign indicates flooding , the feeling of being overwhelmed or out of control. The nodes dont change signs very often , but when they do, it is a big shift on earth . 
     The new moon this month is in scorpio  on December 12,  it is in the star jyeshtha  "the chief"it confers the ability to do or accomplish things. The moon joins  the sun and mars in scorpio.  New moons ,  the moon lacks power . The sun is the powerful one. Those born under a new moon , the father has the biggest influence on them. The sun , the king , rulers(leaders) have power and its a new moon so it represents something new . ITs a time for us to encourage peace.   On the 26 th  the moon is full in gemini in the nakshastra of ardra . Ardra is " the tear drop"indicating it can cause others pain. . This is a big concern. Apparently revenge and inflicting pain is a feature on this planet.  The divine mother shines brightest now   hopefully she bestows peace. 
       On the 13of december mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius, it remains retrograde until jJanuary 1 . Mercury presides over communication, very easy to have misunderstandings at this time. Mercury also presides over travel,    During mercury retrograde its best not to travel . Communications w/friends/ partners need to be very binary to limit and prevent mis communications.  Sag is a very lucky or fortunate sign ruled by jupiter..
      Mars and sun are traveling together through scorpio.  They are towards the beginning of their transit in scorpio. @ present they are in the star anuradha. The star calling others to activity= organizers. On the 9th of Dec mars enters the nakshastra  of jyestha "the chief" the ability to achieve things..  as mars gets to the end of scorpio, at the end is the stinger of the scorpion. Then on the 30 of december mars is in the house of jupiter in the nakshastra of mula"the root" those who are bound to a position of misfortune. People of a lower nature.  Mars is in the house of jupiter. Jupiter or guru is in aires the house of mars. So they have switched signs and each has the influence of the other. .A time to  be concerned. Mars is the god of war  it is lord over war.   Guru is knowledge and wisdom.  Hopefully during this time there is knowledge and wisdom not just mars energy dominating . W/mula  and the moon in ardra being activated its  a precarious time. both are dreadful stars 
     I started out by saying that i feel this crazy period on earth is coming to an end.    IT is .  We all want a better world . Our world is full of beauty.   The world has abundance.  ITS a time to go inside ourselves and find  beauty, love , and peace. IT is there we just need to tap into that space . WE can pray for what we want ,  WE can control  how we feel and what we project onto our world. We can live a life that we want to live. Be at peace w/yourself. love, honor , and worship your Self for God dwells within you as you.  This is the world we are heading into . ITs going to take time to transition but it is already happening.  Be thankful to be alive and be part of the change that you want to happen. Be that change. 
let there be peace  . let there be peace 
om shanti

#25 dharma



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Posted 02 January 2024 - 03:17 PM

I am an eternal optimist . i have guru in my 2nd house, which makes one very optimistic. . I believe the consciousness of the world is evolving at a very fast rate. Mankind is destined to function on a higher plain. All of my adult life my country has been at war. I believe all of that is about to change. Be patient the change is taking place. Mankind has been asleep. Dumbed down in so many ways. I am going to begin w/ january in this update . January 11, is the new moon. It takes place in the spiritual sign of sagittarius ruled by Jupiter..IT occurs @26 degrees (d) of sagittarius.in the nakshastra of purvashada "the undefeated"or "unsubdued" indicating independent and in charge . Independently wealthy. Mars,sun , mercury are all transiting sagg. At this new moon. Mars is in the house of Guru jupiter, sagg. While jupiter is in the house of mars aires. So mars and jupiter are in mutual exchange of houses. This gives each of them the energy of the other . IT empowers the house w/each taking on the energy of the other. Which gives this new moon(something new) powerful energy. Sun is also there. -sun represents father, leaders, self. Mercury is also there communications and travel. This is a very powerful new moon to begin the new year. This is the energy we begin the new year w/. So w/ the exchange of energies of mars and jupiter. Impulsive mars gains the knowledge of wisdom of the guru i believe this will quell the warmongering that is going on. Wiser heads will prevail . Also of interest is the new moon is 26d of sagg. which is exactly in the middle of rahu/ketu as they sit at 26d of pisces and 26d of virgo . rahu and ketu represent destiny. Mankind is destined for a higher purpose.. Keep this in mind. Of course it is not a straight line and there will be set backs but we as a species will achieve our fullness. This new moon encompass all the planets except saturn and venus . IT will have powerful benefits for the planet.
Speaking of saturn , it remains in aquarius for the entire year. IT remains at present in the star of sattibisha " the hundred healers" i look for new healing modalities and cures for diseases that have eluded researchers . It is a time for the development of the individual his/her individual expressions and talents. Yes like the 60s we are in the age of aquarius. Saturn works very slowly but look for these new healing modalities and cures which will be developed
The yugas are a source of study. i have not put in a great deal of time studying them . the common thought is we are at the end of kali yuga. However , Sri yukteswar(guru of parmhansa yogananda-"auto biography of a yogi." thinks we are in dwarpa yuga. i dont know which is correct. once we went to a house in maryland and a contemporary of sri yukteswar gave dharshan i believe , his name was hari harinanda. IT was a very powerful experience for boh of us. WE could not do anything , even open our hours for more than an hour. His guru was babaji
There are alot of changes that will and are taking place. Be mentally prepared. Think for yourself. investigate for yourself. IT is a time of great change. Be curious. IT is a time of grace. Pray for peace. om shanti
i do private readings please contact me if you are interested

#26 dharma



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Posted 22 January 2024 - 11:33 AM

Changes are taking place very rapidly. Things are being revealed at a faster place. People are waking up as a result of all that is being revealed. The full moon takes place on January 25 w/the moon in her own sign of cancer. in the nakshastra(star) of pushya. This is a deva or godly star ruled by Brhaspati, the chief priest of the demigods.its symbol is the udder of he cow. This is a productive nourishing star. The understanding that people are gaining is nourishing them. This is a process that is taking place. An evolution is occurring at a faster pace. . Dont look for answers outside yourself, the truth will not be found on the outside. Go inside and the answers are there, inside there is peace and no deception. The moon is powerful here , she is very comfortable in her own sign. Bask that evening in the full moon, sure its cold just go outside for a few minutes. From the sun we gain vitamin D which enhances our immune system. From the moon we gain spiritual energy .
Saturn is still in Aquarius . in the nakshastra of sattibisha the hundred healers. There are new technologies, and cures being developed. The individual is being thrust into being all that they are. ITs the age of aquarius. having lived through the age of aquarius in the 60s individual expression is being enhanced and developed. Saturn is in its own sign it is very powerful here Guru , jupiter is still in aires. A new beginning . A newness that brings knowledge and wisdom. Aires is the mountain goat. So guru is in the mountains. IT has been so cold that people in the mountains have been spending time indoors.. Introspection has been the order of the day. Being quiet , watching everything that is taking place. By February 1st all the planets will be inside the dragon(rahu/ketu) except for Guru. Last time all the planets were inside the dragon was during the covid lockdowns. Where the only information coming out was the narrative., it will not be that bad this time because guru is outside the dragon. So for those paying attention , there will be knowledge and wisdom of what they see going on . People will be able to discern better and not be overcome by fear. Interesting is nt it that the only planet outside the dragon is the Guru. knowledge and wisdom
Lastly i want to discuss this war that the whole world is watching and involved in , in the middle east. Mars is still in sagg Which is ruled by guru and Guru is in aires ruled by mars. so they both have each others energy So the situation remains cautious and restrained. But on FEbruary 5 mars enters into capricorn where he is at his strongest vibration. .Mars is exalted in capricorn. Mars is impulsive he is commander and chief ot the military. IT is a time for prayer and meditation, to be sure no one does something that is stupid and causes a war that the whole world regrets. Life is precious. There is love in life. There is love of life. Mars is conjuct leaders(sun) and mercury (communication and travel) .AS long as there is communication there can be peace. From my perspective this is a pivotal year in a lot of ways. we will see more of this from april forward. .ITs time for humanity to operate and function on a higher plain. ITs time for a change. These continuous wars do not help people . ITs a complete waste of resources. its time for peace, love , and compassion. .Think and be yourself. Not be blown by the winds of manipulation. its a time for peace
om shanti

#27 Russ



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Posted 27 January 2024 - 09:09 PM

"History repeats because the passions of man never change"... Machiavelli 500 years ago.    This is something Armstrong has quoted many times,  I don't think human ethics and morality has improved at all and the world is now drifting towards WWIII with extremely powerful weapons. 

"Nulla tenaci invia est via" - Latin for "For the tenacious, no road is impossible".
"In order to master the markets, you must first master yourself" ... JP Morgan
"Most people lose money because they cannot admit they are wrong"... Martin Armstrong


#28 dharma



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Posted 19 February 2024 - 10:25 AM

port aransas texas , on that island is mustang beach, there are no mustangs that i saw , but it was a beautiful beach w/no one on it for a mile in each direction. nice dunes and solitude. IT was time to take a deep dive into silence and peace. Rejuvenate . Heal, Take refuge in the ocean. I go full on most of the time, i do what i love, ITs good to step back and see what my mind is painting. . There is a movie where the screen is a canvas and picasso is the painter, HE is very fast and paints what appears to be masterpieces . then w/a few brush strokes the whole thing changes , parts that i love , disappear and something else evolves. I studied history , found it fascinating. .Todays world is much like the civil war. . Then it was the principles of the constitution vs the bankers. The bankers owned the slaves ships, the land that they stopped on, and the mills that the slaves picked cotton for to keep the mills running.. Today , the bank system that is being used has reached its maximum potential and has become encumbered by debt. Now the system is being overwhelmed by the debt which is going to control the whole system This system is going to come down. Not by choice , but by necessity . . All debt must eventually be paid. 34 trillion at this point can never be paid.. IF you are not asking questions , but listening to everything the media is esposing., you are lost. If you stopped enquiring, , you landed somewhere. and it may prove to be qucksand
Lets pick up the astrology from today Mars is exalted in capricorn. THis is mars most powerful station. The lord of war is most powerful in capricorn. The threat of war continues. .Also venus is in capricorn. Goddess of beauty and love, Mercury communication and travel is also transiting capricorn. @ present there is alot of energy in capricorn. Capricorn is ruled by saturn.. Government is the sign of capricorn. Governments world wide are under great scrutiny at this time. There are questions that need to be asked. leaders viability is coming into question..Humanity is awakening.
Saturn is in aquarius , which is its own sign, it is very powerful here. WE are in the age of aquarius , if you remember the 60s . The individual is rising. Individual expression is on the rise. Saturn remains in the nakshastra satabisha "the 100 healers." This is a healing that is taking place . I also believe it will result in medical discoveries that will cure certain diseases as well as a healing for humanity. Almost my whole adult life my country has been at war. That money instead of being blown up , could have gone to further society and elevate mankind to a new level. In the 90s hulda clarke came out w/a book the cure for all cancers. She postulated that all cancers are the result of parasites. today researchers are investigating this theme .Healing is a process, and mankind is awakening.
Guru is still in the house of mars , in aires. so guru is under the influence of being in a house ruled by mars. Mar is in a house ruled by saturn .Saturn , the task master, has vast influence in todays world.Guru the planet of knowledge and wisdom is beginning its journey through the zodiac. Aires is mountains. Rahu and ketu are in pisces and virgo respectively. They remain in signs for 18 months. Together they form the dragon. April will be the time when eclipses occur and new awakenings will happen. This will be an eventful year. in the process of awakening. The moon is in taurus where she is exalted her highest place. . ITs a time for the mind to expand. This whole universe is mind. . And whats left is who you are!
Inquire. everything is open to investigation. Everything is under the scrutiny of those who are awake, Its a time to leave no stone uncovered. ITs a time of scrutiny Everything is not as it appears. When i buy anything , it costs me more than it did a short time ago. Changes are happening. Life on this planet is about change. The days are getting longer . ITs a time for deep inquiry and investigation. Nothing is at seems . WE use astrology as a way to understand the world . The ancient rishis included jyotish(astrology) into the veda . forewarned is forearmed!
om shanti

#29 dharma



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Posted 07 March 2024 - 11:25 AM

March , the month of the solstice , is upon us. Spring is right around the corner. days are getting longer., temperatures are getting warmer. . Saturn remains very powerful in aquarius., the age of aquarius. The rise of the individual in his/her expression.  Many in the vedic tradition feel saturn is shiva. The destroyer of evil. Saturn the task master.  remains in sattabisha" the hundred healers."    The hundred physicians..  When we were studying ayurveda , we moved on the roof in the Raju 's  house in hyderabad.. On  the ground floor was dr raju's office and on the 1st flight up was the living quarters. Dr Raju's sister had just given birth so dr Dr Raju was upstairs alot observing the baby,  Patients would come up stairs looking for him.   when they came up stairs , the Rajus would feed them. . Well this caused all the family members to be busy all the time, cooking and then cleaning up. So we talked about it. and thought there has to be a more efficient way. . one day we approached dr Rajus father and asked them why they feed everyone. He said if we feed them they will feel loved. If they feel loved, they will take the medicine(herbal preparations), if they take the medicine , they will get well. Needless to say his answer surprised us and from then on we knew not to assume and pose everything as a question.   I believe new healing modalities will be discovered. . I believe there will be revelations about medicines and to be a dr , what does that really mean.  Today , mars, venus, and moon are all in caparicorn(governments made up of people are represented by capricorn).  Right now there is alot of energy around capricorn. Mars is in his highest vibration in capricorn. He is very powerful.  

The thing w/mars is , he is impulsive and yet in the house of saturn which is slow, shy , cautious  . These extremes cause frustration.  So be cautious when approaching others  , right now there is great frustration in the world on many fronts.  vENUS is also in capricorn. so there are situations which there is beauty and love along w/the frustrations. Every situation has to be taken as it is . And then there is the moon, mind, mother. in capricorn. Providing the love of the mother.  .  Aquarius where saturn is transiting is also ruled by saturn. The individual can and will develop their natural abilities. , it is the time for that.. Sun (leaders) father, ego , self is conjunct saturn in aquarius.  Leaders are expanding their horizons. .  Sun/mercury conjunct is a yoga that produces cleverness and brilliance. . Look for the best world leaders to rise to the top to give broader and bigger perspectives. Mercury is the decider(buddah)  it is the intellect. 
     Tomorrow 3/7 mercury goes into pisces , its weakest position in the zodiac. it is debilitated. 
This will make communications more challenging . Be very binary in your expression so as to avoid conflict and confusion. Decisions will not come easily . and Travel could endure delays and confusion. While mercury in pisces in some respects is a broader intellect, there will be confusion. This is the time for that..It is not us dont take it on  IT is the time..REcognize this , accept it and move on.    Mercury is conjunct w/rahu in pisces at this time. Rahu is passions and poisons. . Couple that w/ a debilitated mercury and our decisions may not be the best or most appropriate. .Go slow exhibit caution.  Think before you speak.  w/the frustrations in the world right now. SAturn , caution is the better course of action. all forms of communication are being suppressed to a certain extent.  Caution
      While mars is in capricorn its time to get things done.   mars is exalted  All the cautions i mentioned while getting things done. Mars is also aspecting ketu moksha,  logic , and reason. .On march 15 mars enters into aquarius and is conjunct saturn . There will be great frustrations. People will be prone to arguments.as a result of mars/conunct saturn. Frustration will be high. People will also be prone to spend less money . in general people will become much more cautious.  Also people will be more judgemental.  and more aggressive.Creating a bigger /deeper divide. . This will be true worldwide. 
       The world is approaching eclipse season this is when the new and full moon are w/either rahu(head of the dragon) or ketu(headless trunk of the dragon).On march 25th the full moon is in virgo w/ketu . Then on April 8  the new moon is in pisces w/rahu. That 2 week period between the eclipses, the world tends to go out of control. So first we have the lunar eclipse that sheds light into something that was hidden from view.. Many things are getting exposed. this will continue as a result of the eclipse. The ancients thought in that period of darkness of the eclipse. gets exposed when the dragon coughs up the sun/moon. In that light things get revealed . The shadows of the alignment of the sun, moon, and rahu and ketu. cause the eclipses.  On march 25 the full moon conjuncts w/ketu. The moon, mind w/ketu can cause great fear.. Something will arise that will cause fear in people This occurs while ketu and the full moon are in virgo. Virgo deals w/health  IF in vedic astrology your rising sign or moon sign is virgo , then you know how important health is to you. My concern here is that there could be another health scare. This is not a time to be afraid, but a time to get your health in order.  As a result there is going to be a rise in anger. @the  time of the eclipse mercury w/ll be in last degrees of pisces 1st degrees of aires. so it will be gandanta, out of control , fear of drowning.  being overwhelmed.  DO  your own research , investigate for yourself. Mars the surgeion will aslo be conjunct w/saturn @ this time in the nakshastra of sattabisha the hundred healers. i do think the discoveries that have been suppressed will come to light and reveal new cures and healing. There will be a new age of healing   IT is all happening
       I have run out of steam . My message is be careful when communicating . The world is in a place of frustration.  The world will be in a place of fear. . There is no need for us to be fearful, it doesnt help and resolves nothing. WE need to investigate things for our self so we have greater understanding . The eclipses are going to reveal more of what has been suppressed and  hidden from us. Changes are happening very  quickly the awakening is occurring . Be patient.  The earth is heading for a higher place. Humanity is headed for a whigher place. .Alot has happened while humanity was asleep. , those situations need to be rectified.   Pray for peace . peace is always at hand.  
only love


#30 dharma



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Posted 31 March 2024 - 02:05 PM

i wanted to get this months write up out in a timely fashion. This is the most important write up i have done to date. The astrology for april is historic Lets dive in . Mercury goes retrograde on april 1st . IT does so in aires a fire sign , mercury is in the first few degrees of aires , which makes it gandanta , a feeling of losing control.(drowning ) . Mercury is lord of travel, communication, and it is the decider. In sanskrit it is Buddah. By April 10 mercury has retrograded back into pisces its weakest station. It is in the last degrees of a water sign it is gandanta. Communication , travel, and making decisions are compromised and difficult . Make all your important decisions before the 10 and if possible before april 1 when mercury goes retrograde. Once in pisces mercury is the nakshastra star of revati the star of nourishing and protecting. So mercury is under that influence while retrograding back into pisces. Which is a good thing. Mercury is debilitated in pisces , the star of revati will be a positive influence
WE are in eclipse season. On march 25 the full moon in virgo w/ketu, trunk of the dragon . while rahu , the head of the dragon and sun were in pisces.. Now on April 8, the new moon is in pisces w/ rahu , the sun , and venus. IT is a total solar eclipse which takes place in Texas and goes east and north all the way up to Maine. Texas is a focal point as the states authorities have closed the border and the president wants the border open. . Eclipses are revelations . Things which were not seen in the darkness come to light. Rahu(in pisces) and ketu(virgo), the dragon, are thought to be destiny.IT takes 18.5 yrs for the rahu/ketu to go through all 12 signs. The last time this happened was 2006-5-6. Hurricaine katrina devastated New Orleans at that time. PRior to that 1986-7 stock market crash . 1968 assassination of Rf Kennedy and martin luther king. Eclipses are associated w/storms and assassinations In fact many vedic astrologers begin a chart w/this new moon eclipse and they use it for the next year when the next new moon eclipse occurs. .It is a very important time. Big changes will take place on earth. IT is not an easy time , But as difficult as it may be , we all went a better world and these changes need to take place for that to happen. Venus , goddess of beauty and love is also in the house of the eclipse. Pisces is a very spiritual sign. . IT is symbolized by 2 fish swimming round and round. People born under this sign often feel like they are experiencing or doing the same thing over and over again. Swimming round and round in circles.The effects of this eclipse will be revealed over the next months and for some time to come. IT is thought to be a very powerful event. There will be an uncomfortable feeling by the inhabitants of the usa which will last for some time. Major events will occur.
On April 10 mars conjuncts saturn in aquarius. This is the most difficult planetary conjunction . Mars is impulse it is energy. He is the commander in chief of the armed forces. Saturn is slow, shy , cautious , it represents the people thus government. I do see something changing in leadership in the usa. Something surprising is going to occur. This conjunction takes place in sattabisha the star of the 100 healers. I do see advances in medicine and healing New discoveries and modalities will come about. and be revealed. Saturn is in sattabisha for a long time as saturn moves slowly. .All these discoveries and techniques will be revealed in good time. On earth this conjunction will also add to the frustration of indecision caused by mercury retrograde and debilitated. IT is not a happy state of affairs w/saturn conjunct mars. . People will be very frustrated . Frustration will be the order of the day. Better to keep to yourself , it will be hard enough for all of us to deal w/all that is taking place in the world let alone deal w/other peoples frustration . keep your feelings and ideas to yourself at this time.
I want to emphasize that w/the eclipse taking place in pisces w/rahu and mercury retrograde debilitated in pisces people are not going to be thinking in their normal way. There is going to be stress in the atmosphere. Frustration , confusion, being lost. Keep to yourself . Be at peace w/yourself Be calm and loving. .These changes taking place on our world are not going to happen instantly it is going to take time to manifest. And is always the case things are changing . Planetary conditions are changing . April is a powerful month and it is the harbinger of change This too shall pass. The eclipse chart will be in effect until the next new moon in pisces in april 2025. There is going to be big changes. Changes that will blow our minds. .This new moon eclipse in pisces only happens once every 18.5 yrs. So it is a big event. SO irrational behavior will seem to be the order of the day. Stay in the light dont be drawn into the confusion. Be strong and trust and know this whole process is coming from the light and a new and better world is being formed. WE are all doing our part.
I want to add Guru jupiter is transiting through aries , new beginnings So something new is beginning A new and better world, The light is going into the darkness and bringing light and love. Stay strong . Listen to your heart. . All the news is about division and confusion. Stay centered in your heart. There is beauty and love
om shanti