I have some ideas i want to cover in this write up. Lets start w/the new moon on January 29,2025 in the sign of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn in the nakshastra of Shravana .Shravana is a godly star ruled by the goddess Saraswati.New moon @15degrees of capricorn it is the knowledge that transcends the material world. The knowledge to avail the God Vishnu. In short, this is a new moon of learning, a new moon of hearing. A new moon to be open to new knowledge and experience. Mercury is also in Capricorn. the lord of communication and travel. So, this knowledge will be heard and is very insightful and available to those who are open to hearing it.
On January 28 Venus Sukra enters Pisces its sign of exaltation. this is the highest vibration for the Biggest benefic in the Zodiac.. The goddess of beauty, love, and finances.Venus is exalted in the sign of pisces ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in Taurus the sign ruled by Venus. So venus and Jupiter have exchanged signs parivartana(exchange of signs) . This means that Jupiter and venus have exchanged signs and thus exchanged energies. AS a result Jupiter gets the energy of exalted Venus and Venus gets the energy of jupiter(knowledge, wisdom, and wealth).So Guru jupiter is very powerful now. EVery 8 years while in exaltation Venus goes retrograde so instead of being in pisces for about a month she remains exalted until May 31 when she goes into aires.This is very powerful W/Venus exalted for the next 4 months. So for example if you are a virgo rising Venus is exalted in your 7th house the house of marriage and relationships. IF scrorpio is your rising sign venus is exalted in your 5th house knowledge and wisdom so learning something new can happen for you. Most rising signs it will be very beneficial for you w/Venus exalted. This is a start to a very powerful year.
The full moon occurs on Fedruary12 w/the sun in capricorn Dhanishta ruled by mars . The star of symphony.There will be a unifying affect uniting people to a common cause.This while the moon is full in her own sign of Cancer. In the nakshastra of Ashlesha, a coiled snake. one who is antisocial it suggests one who is penetrating but antisocial. IT is sarpa the serpent. This is a powerful full moon w/the moon in her own sign in Cancer. She is at home here. Interesting this moon is also @29deg . the last degree of cancer. Something is finishing and something new is starting The next several full moons will be at 29degres all finishing something and starting something new. See how this pertains to your life. What things are finishing in your life making way for something new that is starting. Cancer is a water sign , it is about emotions . Moon is about feelings and emotions. Deep feelings and emotions in cancer. ESpecially w/chandra the moon in her own sign. Take notice of what is leaving and what new is coming into your life. All this occurring w/the planet of beauty and love in her sign of exaltation. i want to add that Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. IT is represented by 2 fish swimming round and round. So one feels like they are doing the same thing over and over again. Going round and round. Pisces is a sign of Ashrams , hospitalization, aloneness . It is a very spiritual sign.
There is much talk of have we entered a new Yuga , honestly yugas last so long and i have not given much study to the subject , that i can say i have no idea. I have read some stuff by Sri Yukteswar, Yoganandas master where he thinks we are in the bronze age of Dwarpa yuga. Ok i dont really know the very big picture. so i stay w/what i see going on in the skies. That seems like enough to deal w/
There are cycles of war just like there are cycles of everything else. During this present time the cycles of war are escalating going into 2027 i believe if enough of us pray for peace our prayers will be heard . I was studying the cycles of war w/ a guy who suddenly died at a young age. There is much information on this @ present i put my attention on praying for what i want. ie peace. Our present president has been against war, lets pray and support him in his efforts for peace. War benefits a very few , the rest of humanity suffers its horrors. @ present Mars is going to go direct and is set to go into cancer where he is debilitated so there is no immediate threat.
For now let us bask in the planet of beauty, love, and finances. being exalted. This is a very special time for humanity ,Venus will be exalted for months put your attention on beauty , love, and finances. SEE where the biggest benefic in the zodiac can take you. . ITs a very special time. Be awake be aware watch.
Guru the planet of knowledge and wisdom, is activated by being in Taurus the house ruled by Guru. So much for good happening here. Be open to the openness !
let there be peace , let there be peace.
om shanti