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vedic astrology update

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#31 K Wave

K Wave


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Posted 01 April 2024 - 07:59 AM

wrong thread

Edited by K Wave, 01 April 2024 - 08:00 AM.

The strength of Government lies in the people's ignorance, and the Government knows this, and will therefore always oppose true enlightenment. - Leo Tolstoy



#32 dougie



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Posted 02 April 2024 - 01:45 AM

THANKS Dharma. Sobbering stuff. Hope everyone stays safe

#33 dharma



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Posted 22 April 2024 - 09:35 PM

     Mars and Saturn have been conjunct in Saturns sign of Aquarius. This is the most frustrating conjunction that can occur. Obviously war can be the result of this conjunction. But in general people living on earth have been experiencing frustration as a result of this conjunction. Tomorrow,  Mars moves into pisces a water sign ruled by Jupiter . @ this time Jupiter is in Aires a house ruled by Mars.  Jupiter and mars have switched signs This is called parivartana yoga. .It; is a powerful exchange of energies. between these 2 planets.  Pisces is a water sign so the first 3 degrees mars is gandanta, a feeling of being out of control .  By April 28,  this gandanta period will be over. and  mars will have the knowledge and wisdom provided by jupiter. I believe this will lessen and remove the  threat of war  Pisces is a very spiritual sign, people will have the energy and inclination to pursue their higher Self .  People will be inspired.Jupiter (guru)in aires  are new awakenings and spiritual beginnings.  This period will be pursuing spirit. Pursuing higher learnings.   New beginnings.  IT will be a contrast to the period of frustration of mars/saturn conjunction. .  
     Also  on the 23rd of april the moon is full in libra. The balance scales. Libra is ruled by venus . The mind will try and balance all the aspects of ones life.  Bring the life into balance.  The moon is in nakshastra of swati. Swati is translated as " the sword" or "the priest". It is people who travel who can cut off material attachments,and persons who are knowledgeable in theology. It is a star of persons of independence.  Full moons are always powerful . they are the divine mother in her full glory. Now that its warm out go out and bask in the light of the divine mother, even if its just for a moment.   The sun is in aires  conjunct the guru.  in the star ashwini.Ashwini   Kumaras are twins that ride in a golden chariot across the heavens healing people , bringing light and happiness.  This is a time  of healing 
      A more auspicious time is upon us use it wisely to accomplish the things you want to be prevalent in your life. Its a time of healing and self power and empowerment. The grace of the divine mother and Guru  are upon us. I also want to mention Venus goddess of beauty and love is exalted in pisces it is in her highest vibration.  This is  a factor when considering mercury retrograde in its sign of debilitation , pisces. Rahu is also in pisces amplifying what the other planets are bringing into pisces. With the influences of all those planets in pisces, mars, venus, rahu, and mercury retrograde   ITs a time to pursue higher learnings and teachings.  not a time for travel and communications are somewhat compromised by mercury debilitated and retrograde in pisces.But to a certain extent venus exalted in pisces will mitigate some of the difficult influences of mercury. Mercury goes direct on April 25.  And leaves pisces on may 10..
     This is a much better period  That we are entering into. Spiritual awakenings . Mankind is wading through to a better period.      
om shanti 

#34 dharma



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Posted 12 May 2024 - 03:44 PM

This is another very intense period that we are entering into. This months write up is going to be a heads up as to what is going on in the cosmos.. On May1 st . , Jupiter entered into Taurus , the earthly sign ruled by Venus . Taurus is very practical. It is the sign of finances.@present Guru is in the nakshastra krittika , krittika means "the axe" it represents physical and creative forces to achieve greatness. IT brings burning physical sensations to the body or mind . The burning is because krittika is ruled by agni, the god of fire.. Jupiter or guru also is lord of wealth and knowledge and wisdom. it remains in a sign for a little more than a year. Look for all the countries in the world to try to reign in their finances as this becomes a focal point. @ present w/ deficits of 1 Trillion every 5 months that are unsustainable to economic growth , as the government is not price sensitive what it pays for interest, while business is very price sensitive. There is going to be big events occurring over the next few months . Maybe earth changes such as earthquakes etc.
On May 18-19 mars in pisces conjuncts Rahu.Rahu is passions and poisons, it tends to accentuate the energy of mars, the lord of war, impulse.. I look for some type of event to occur starting about this time, although there are other significant transit events that can also cause a major event to occur. in this next time period. Then on the 25 -or 26 of may mars crosses over the degrees of the solar eclipse that occurred in april. .This is also a significant event , as this was an important solar eclipse. . Also on the 18-19 may jupiter and sun are conjunct in Taurus . When a planet gets too close to the sun, it combusts. It has no energy . The sun's heat is so intense that the planet becomes totally weakened , in this case it is jupiter that is 3-4 degrees of Taurus as is the sun. So Gurus energy will be completely gone. ITs beneficence will be temporarily gone. IT is a time when people will be losing their head The Sun and Jupiter are cassimi ie they are exactly conjunct , so there is always some good w/that and always something negative. The sun benefits from being so close to jupiter but jupiter does not benefit from being so close to the sun. On may 16-18 every year the sun crosses over the star agol. IT is a demon star it represents the head of madussa . people born in this period have some issues , eg sun represents father so there are issues w/the father , or an addiction of some kind. This is significant so take heed during this time.
On May 23, guru and venus are conjunct in Venus sign of Taurus. They are in the constellation of pleiades. Jupiter is the head of the devas and Venus is head of the ausras. These planets are at war. Venus is strong in her own sign and it wins the planetary war. Again a situation where knowledge and wisdom a nd wealth is weakened So not only is this planetary war occurring at this time . But also ,as mentioned above , mars on the 26 is going to cross over the degree of the eclipse. This is a time when significant events can occur. As I mentioned in this piece there are several really critical dates.. There is going to be some event that takes place . I suspect that whatever happens the stock market will not respond in a positive way. My best guess is i do not want to be in a place where there are large crowds during these dates I mentioned.
The mythology is in this portion of the zodiac in the constellation of pleiades there is a group of stars called the weeping sisters. Pleiades are the seven sisters. and within that constellation is a group of stars called the weeping sisters.. this is around Taurus. So every year at this time the Sun transits through this area
Until May 10 mercury the decider, lord of communications and travel was in its weakest position in the zodiac in pisces. On May 10th mercury transits into Aires. and now communications and travel become much easier. We are on the same page in our conversations WE are able to communicate and decide things better and easier. So that is a much better sitiuation
The earth is evolving , it seems each period in history is marred in war and atrocities of man harming man . Harming himself. I believe that we are evolving into a higher vibration on earth. So we need to go through these periods. today as a wake up call. i dont know what the events will be , that happen over this summer period. But i suspect they will be major and wake up calls for the population on the planet. In my whole adult life i can count the years on one hand where there was not a war. or some atrocity occurring . WE as a species deserve better than that. The earth is a beautiful planet . IT provides what we humans need to sustain ourselves. IT offers abundance.. Be easy. Prepare yourself for the period ahead. . This too shall pass. Reign in the mind. .
only love

#35 dharma



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Posted 23 May 2024 - 10:11 AM

     The astro world is full of interesting configurations   so i feel to do a write up. Today is the full moon in scorpio.  Scorpio is ruled by mars and its the sign of debilitation for the moon. So while the divine mother shines brightly , she is in her weakest position in the zodiac.  The moon is in the nakshastra of anuradha .Anuradha is soft in nature it is a deva  star , "calling  others for activity" a star of organizers. . The sun is  in taurus  , the bull earthy in nature. Taurus is ruled by venus which is also in taurus. Jupiter is also in taurus. There is alot of energy in taurus right now. Venus and jupiter are the 2 biggest benefics in the zodiac.  Jupiter is the leader of the rishis. Venus  is beauty and love the biggest benefic in the zodiac. She is said to lead the demigods = the asuras. The asuras can have either good or bad qualities.  Venus and  Jupiter are so close together that it causes planetary war.  Venus is brighter and faster moving so she wins the war.  and both are so close to the sun so they combust they have no energy at this time.. WE can say the finances of the country , world at this time are tired. They are  running on fumes.   Here in america the fed just prints the money.. World wide inflation is a problem .  I dont eat fast  food , but all food prices have gone up @ least 20% in the last couple of years.  Check out these fast food prices https://notthebee.co...mpaign=05222024

For the next few days its best to have a low profile The situation w/ a very weak frull moon and venus  and jupiter combust and in a planetary war is not a time to have alot of exposure . By the 27 of may that situation will be alot better . Venus moves much faster than jupiter. 
     Mars and rahu are still conjunct and in very close proximity.  This is a  relationship that is conducive to war. Pray for peace.  On the 26th mars crosses over the degrees that the eclipse took place in pisces . Not  a time to be out and about. But rather a time tor introspection.  A time to nurture yourself . a time of silence.  REmember mars is lord of war . and although mars is all charged up  the moon in scorpio is in her weakest position. 
      These are the influences that i am watching . I plan to be at home over the next few days and take it easy .The world is going through a big cleansing . WE are on the way to a better world . These  configurations dont happen often . But we all want a better world  and we are capable of having that. So this is the time of a great purification. WE will all be ok . Just be at home and be at peace.  There is a divine plan.  Observe. Watch your thoughts Dont judge. Watch. Be at peace

#36 dougie



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Posted 24 May 2024 - 02:08 AM

maybe we turn tomorrow

#37 dharma



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Posted 21 November 2024 - 07:34 PM

With the war drums escalating in the Ukraine /Russian war lets take a look at the astrology and see if we can see a resolution to this. Of course rational human beings do not want to see this escalate into WW3 . Of course it seems some leaders are not rational beings.
The planet of mars is in his weakest station in the zodiac. At present mars is debilitated in cancer. Mars will remain debilitated until January21, when it retrogrades back into gemini. So quite frankly i do not see the energy for war until then .and even then Nars is retrograde which means he is not at full strength. The 3 nakshastras in cancer are not warlike . So i believe we will not have war at this time. Of course i could be wrong , its always worthwhile to pray for peace. Please pray for peace..
Guru is still retrograde in Taurus . Guru or Jupiter is in the house of a great enemy so HE is not comfortable here. Taurus is finances . Guru is wealth . While in Taurus i look for a period of weakness in the stock market .So far that has not been the case
Saturn moves slowly it is moving direct in Aquarius . The age of the rise of the individual. IT is in the nakshastra satabhisha the 100 healers. I look for new modalities of healing to be developed . This is an interesting prospect to me . Faith in the medical profession is at an all time low
The new moon is on December 1 in scorpio. At this time the moon is dark , it has no power. So Mother Divine is weak at this time. People born under a new moon , their mother has little influence over them, The father is the dominant factor. The sun, father is also in scorpio. Where he is strong . The sun is good friends w/Mars and Scorpio is ruled by mars., The sun/moon are in the nakshastra ofAnuradha a soft or deva star. IT is the star calling others to activity .This is a star of organizing .WE can see the new administration getting organized.The new moon is a dark time , there is no moonlight to light the night sky. .The mother divine is weakened in darkness. R/Mercury is also conjunct the sun/moon in scorpio.
So w/mercury retrograde travel and communication are more difficult On november 25 mercury goes retrograde. At approximately 9pm. This makes communication more challenging and travel more challenging. These are the domains of mercury . Mercury is not the thinker , it is the decider so decisions also become more difficult . IT is a time tovoice few opinions and keep communication short and simple -binary. W/ the dark moon and mercury retrograde its better to keep a low profile. Say little . and be clear and concise in your communications .Delays and other mishaps are part of travel at this time.When we travel we always check the muhurtha (auspicious time ) to make sure our travels go smoothly.. This is the best time to do and say as little as possible. WE hope our leaders do not embark on communicating too much during this time , whatever they do or say is sure to be misinterpreted. Better to enjoy the Holiday Season .
"May you live in interesting times " says the proverb. These are the most interesting times. Dont worry . Channel that energy into higher pursuits.. Worry will not help . These are very unusual times that come around but not very often. I had thought, and i have not given alot of study to this that we are in the end of kali yuga. Kali seems to be running rampant. Then i came across some writings of Sri Yukteswar , master of Yogananda > He was an astrologer also and he thought we are finishing Dwarpa yuga. So obviously i dont know where we are in the Big Giant Picture. But i sure hope sanity comes back to the species. WE possess weapons of mass destruction These are not toys and can cause damage for a long time.It was not that long ago that getting into your 40s was a feat. In Leonardo DI Vinci s day the 30s was old , masters sent you off to war. So to live a longer life one became a monk. or clergyman(by the way ken burns just came out w/ a new series on DIVinci go to pbs,org i believe it is still streaming a 2 part series . The man was a genius) So, live your life be happy. Pray for peace. Do not live in fear. that is not living.
Om Shanti

#38 dharma



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Posted 01 December 2024 - 06:08 PM

      Today is December 1 . The world is in the midst of a very intense time  Right now , today is the new moon.  The sun and moon are conjunct in scorpio.  It is a time when the moon is dark and has little power.  The new moon is a time when something new is revealed or comes to light. .The new moon is in the nakshastra of Anuradha which is a soft or godly star. IT is the star "calling  others to activity" or the star of "success"   or "the star of the follower or Radha" . This is a powerful star and powerful new moon. Something new will unfold or brought to light.  IT is a spiritual organizer.  R/mercury is conjunct the sun and moon in scorpio Mercury is the planet of communication and travel. and being R/  its advised to watch what you say as communications are easily misunderstood .And not a favorable time to travel.  So during this time its best to say little , its best to keep to yourself. Even that can be misunderstood. Scorpio is ruled by mars  , it is a water sign . IT is hot steamy making it somewhat difficult to see.   @ the end of scorpio is the stinger of the scorpion.  Fortunately this new moon takes place right in the middle of scorpio 15 degrees.   Jupiter is R/ and in opposition to the new moon. This brings alot of positivity to the new moon.  Jupiter is the planet of knowledge, wisdom, and wealth. IT is the planet of optimism.Jupiter is the planet of wealth and in Taurus , it deals w/finances.  IT is also retrograde , i think before this retrograde period is over in March, the stock market will have a big pull down in price. For now optimism  is in charge of the stock market. 

      Mars is slowing down its forward motion. Until on the 6th mars goes retrograde. There will be 3 planets retrograde as of December 6- mars, mercury , and jupiter. That is alot of energy for retrograde motion. Planets do not actually move backwards, The way i can explain it is if you are driving in your car on the hwy and you pass someone, then you look in your rear view mirror., it looks like the car you passed is going backwards.Of course its not but it appears that way because your car is going faster than the car you passed  So mars in cancer, where it is at its weakest station, it is debilitated and now it is retrograde. This tells me the 1st aggressor in war will not be ready for the response which will be devastating.. i am still of the mind that mars is weak and there will not be any war at this time. However retrograde motion , could  add a new wrinkle to the idea of war.  Folks we are dealing w/a crazy species, that possess weapons of mass destruction. Pray for peace. The holiday season is upon us.  Peace needs to prevail.Venus is in opposition to mars.  The planet of beauty and love.looking directly at mars.  This should mitigate any war like tendencies that arise at this time. \
     Mercury remains R/ until december 15, when it goes to direct motion So until then be very binary in your communications. Say as little as possible. Its not a time for travel stay at home.   The country is so divided right now, i wasnt alive at the time of the civil war, but i imagine it was not much different then today. Obviously in humane slavery it would seem like a more glaring injustice ,then what is happening today.Today the propaganda in the world is pervasive . IT is non stop.. I dont care which side you are on , the propaganda is present all the time.. IF you can shut your tv and get away from the news. then you stand a chance to clear out your head.  No one wants war, it seems to be thrust upon humanity  by not paying attention.  Study the period of civil war, and see who the antagonists were. ITs always about control , power, and money. Never mind the good of humanity.   Clear your head see if you can think for yourself . Come to your own conclusions.  These next few years are going to be quite revealing and interesting.  Be at peace. Love is the answer
om shanti 
 I do private readings. using vedic astrology , i have done so since 1992. 

#39 dharma



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Posted 11 December 2024 - 03:49 PM

There are very interesting planetary occurrences happening over the next few days. . Lets start w/the full moon on December 15..The full moon occurs @3am on the 15th of December. The moon is full and exalted, its highest station, in Taurus. This full moon occurs at 29degrees. in the nakshastra of Mrigashi "the deer" gentle , god like, peaceful being. Also it is thought to be about people who are searching. The fact that the divine mother will be full exalted @29 de of Taurus is quite interesting . Signs are 30de so this full moon is in the last degree of taurus indicating something is finishing and something new is beginning. The next 6 full moons are @29de of whatever sign they occur in .The world is finishing things and then something new is about to occur.. Like Trump or hate him,he appears to be the person of power and change. Whatever they are planning against him , is going to backfire and they will be exposed and he will gain in power and popularity. .Taurus is earthy sign ruled by venus it is about finances. Change is going to occur in finances. Jupiter is R in taurus conjunct the full moon. Guru, Jupiter is the planet of wisdom, knowledge, and wealth . So this is a very auspicious full moon. Guru is not comfortable in the house of venus , But he gains strength from the full moon. Over the years the importance of Getting Vitamin D3 from the sun has come to the fore. The other luminary, the moon Shines bright when it is full. In India there are herbs which are taken during the full moon. Vidyas recommend going out in the full moon. I realize we are in winter and its literally freezing at night. But a brief exposure to the full moon may be helpful on some level The full moon is mother divine in all her glory. .Guru being in Taurus for the full moon will gain the power of the full moon. The moon is full and the sun is @29de of scorpio.!@the end of the scorpion is the stinger. So those who confront Trump @ this time (based on his astrology) are going to be the ones getting the stinger. The sun is in the nakshastra,star,of Jyeshtha a lower caste star that means the chief ":the organizer" This star is calling others to activity. There is alot of organization going on in the world . We will see over the next months and years what takes place. I am an eternal optimist based on the location of Guru in my chart, so i am optimistic about the future of our world. Almost my whole adulthood my country has been at war meaningless waste of life, energy, and resources benefitting the masters of war and no one else. Change is upon us.
REtrograde Mercury is in Scorpio conjunct the sun. Mercury is only retrograde for a few more hours By 3pm it is direct in scorpio. Mercury rules travels and communications; Then when Mercury changes direction to direct communication and travel will be easier and more clear. So there is a shift, that will take place. Things will be heard and clear by the populace. Its always a welcome shift when Mercury goes from RE to direct For the last few years Propaganda on both sides has been non stop 24/7 . i saw the power of propaganda , when in 1971 i hitched through Communist Bulgaria . The Bulgarian people thought their capital Sofia was larger than Tokyo , which by the way is still the largest city in the world Today. @ the time it blew my mind . But i saw 1st hand how powerful Propaganda is . Be aware that you are being played 24/7 The best thing one can do is not play in the game. Think , feel, and decide for your self. Demand proof . See things for your self WE are after all in the age of aquarius , the rise of the individual. That was stiffled strangled by the lockdowns , where living and life were shut down. Dieing loved ones were denied seeing their parents or loved ones for the last time. Be centered in your Self. If you have been made small by hatred. Get out of that boat , eXpand you horizons. This planet is about change. Be open to the openess. Every day the display on nature is there for all to see. Sunrise. Sunset . the dazzling night sky. Days still getting shorter . Remain in your SELF, silent and peaceful. leave the rest behind it is a heavy burden to carry
LOVE and Peace ,

#40 dharma



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Posted 13 January 2025 - 02:11 PM

Welcome to 2025. I believe this will be a transitional year and time on earth. The full moon is tomorrow. And like the last full moon and the next several full moons it takes place At 29Degrees of a sign. Each sign has 30 degrees. So this full moon takes place at the end of a sign and indicates something is ending and some thing new is beginning. Which is both interesting and exciting. Tomorrows full moon takes place in the sign of gemini ruled by Mercury and is in the star/nakshastra of punarvasu. Puna means repeat and punavasu is the star of renewel. It is ruled by Aditi the mother of the gods.Punavasu is translated as the brilliant. The full moon , is when the moon is the most benefic as it shines brightly in the night sky.. @ the end of gemini about to enter her own sign of Cancer , this is a new beginning to the new year.The changes occurring on earth are larger than any individual. Individuals take credit , But the changes occur in spite of them. The change is a result of its time has come. The sun is in Sagg. ruled by Jupiter. in the nakshastra of Uttarashada. .Uttarashada gives one leadership qualities. .Mercury is conjunct the sun in Sagg. Making this full moon a time of great communication. Propaganda fills the air waves 24/7 it is difficult to know what is real and what is fabricated. WE either have to step back and see what is revealed or just not be concerned. @ times it affects us directly so we need answers. Its always better to wait for things to clear up so we can see what is actually occurring . These last few days have been particularly distressing w/the fires burning in LA . How did things get so out of control as so many houses were burnt to the ground. . Some people had lost their home owners insurance. The whole thing is a nightmare..In the mean time if feels like the usual suspects are being rounded up. Someone or someones need to be held responsible for the devastation that has occurred to so many peoples lives.With Mercury being conjunct Sun giving aspect to the moon.I expect the situation to clear up in time.
Mars is still Retrograde and in cancer its sign of debilitation. On January 20, we have a new president. On January 21, Mars retrogrades back into gemini.If any war like actions occur i expect them to be very short lived at this time.Feburary 24 mars goes stationary direct @22 degrees of gemini and will be moving into cancer on April 3rd where it is debilitated again While mars is debilitated it is very unlikely that war will happen. In my adult lifetime from the 60s to the present there have been very few times when the USA has not been at war. War does not benefit the average citizen, but IT does benefit the masters of war. They reap tremendous financial benefits as war is very expensive and profitable. .
On January 28, The biggest benefic in the Zodiac, venus moves into Pisces where she is exalted. Venus is named Sukra. She is the planet of beauty , love, and finances. Pisces indicates there will be losses that occur. But in the area of beauty and love, she is at her highest vibration. Expect beauty and love to be rising in your life. Venus remains in pisces exalted until May 30, Its time to bask in beauty and love,let these energies permeate your life.
This is going to be a very powerful transitional year. Not a time for judgement or opinion but a time for objectivity let the facts be presented and when you are sure you see the facts for yourself then if you feel to have an opinion then so be it. IF not be open to the openness. Let it permeate your being The world will be a place where beauty and love prevail for a period of time. Just a peek ahead, then later this year October 28Guru or jupiter becomes exalted The planet of knowledge, wisdom, and wealth. Guru rules gold . @ some point gold will enter a big bull market. As guru is exalted for months. AS i said that will be a transformational year. Be open . Be receptive. Be inquisitive. Lets see what changes take place. Guru gets exalted once every 12 years it will be interesting to see what He brings. let there be peace, let there be peace
om shanti