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My Last Post Until February 1, 2023


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#1 blustar



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Posted 08 January 2023 - 01:38 PM

BluStar Market Insights Presents:


B Wave Top on Jan 6? C Down Wave Next?

 Crude OIL: Biden's Waterloo?


"Special Weekend Report"

January 8, 2023


(This Will Be Our Last Public Report Until February 1, 2023)



I have noticed that most analysts on the McVerry Report and traders at Fearless Forecasters are bullish at the moment. In the past, whenever I have seen the kind of set up that is happening right now, the stock market fools the majority of people and a blindsiding event occurs that causes the market to fall hard. As I have been repeating, we needed to see a blow-off top to shake the shorts out and we got that on Friday.


In the 2 graphs below, I show the daily WTI Crude Oil Prices and the S&P 500. It appears to me that a sudden Crude Oil Spike will be the blame for the next leg down. Biden has drained 1/3 of the US Strategic Oil Reserves and has failed on his promise to refill those reserves.


Geo-Politically speaking, Russia (and possibly Belarus) is ready to attack the Ukraine full force. Putin will likely win this war by strategically hitting Biden where he is most vulnerable, politically speaking, and that is by causing oil prices to spike at a time when our reserves are low (the Republican House is talking about impeaching Biden, too). 


The first three months of this year are seeing nasty astro line ups, first with Uranus (rebellion, chaos) aspected with Venus (1/14) and the Sun (2/3), and a Station on the 22nd when Venus conj. Saturn around the new moon. We already saw the Sun trine Uranus on the 5th as a shot across the bow. Mercury Rx in Capricorn is not friendly after its mid point Jan 8, too, and turns Sta/Dir on the 18th.


Mars (war) turns Stationary/Direct on the 12th and is square Neptune (oil and water, Putin did say "Watch the water") into mid March. Putin has already launched a "hypersonic missile" just 100 miles off DC and nothing we have can stop them (a shot across the bow?.)On the 9th, just after the Mercury Rx mid point, Venus squares Mars, another real immediate negative!


I believe this is just the beginning of Biden's Waterloo because things look to get real hectic as we get closer to March, when I believe we could see a market melt down akin to the COVID meltdown, which we predicted way in advance (Sept 2019).




Click on Graphs to Enlarge



March 2023 is the 34 Year Anniversary of the power grid shut off in the northeast due to a huge solar flare. The solar flare cycle runs 11.2, 16.8 & 33.6 years on average. Are we due another in March 2023? Will it knock out our GPS? Could it cause planes and the stock market to crash too? The answer is yes it can.


Everything works in cycles: cause and effect, like ripples on a pond. Astrology projects the capacity, not the certainty of events. Human nature is mostly predictable. What has been, will be again unless something changes. We use Elliott Wave Patterns, Historical Astrology, Gann Cycles, Fibonacci, Pi Cycles, as well as technical indicators to try to figure out what occurs next and why. It is much like forensic science mixing with the intuitive. We have at our disposal "artificial intelligence that can read these ripples" which we meld together with all the above to come to our conclusions.


The last two months we have been rebuilding our website (we are offline), so we have not been offering new subscriptions to our service. We are now offering a $50, 2-week trial to BluStar Market Insights. It comes with an offer to purchase our annual subscription at $200 off last year's price of $695 for $495. We are increasing our prices when we come back online by about 15-20%. We have not raised our prices since we began in 2015.


Our service comes with three e-mails daily (Morning Coffee, Mid Day Report and End of Day Report, plus a Weekend Report).


We expect a lot of volatility this year, both up and down, huge swings (not for the faint of heart). 2023 will not disappoint traders, but you need to be on the right side of the trade. Watch Monday the 9th!


Contact us at blustar@christianpatriotmedia.com and we will send you a special link by e-mail for the 2-week trial offer. You may also contact us by phone @ 615-502-0940. Please leave a message or text.




Brad Gudgeon


BluStar Market Insights





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#2 wxman99



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Posted 08 January 2023 - 02:32 PM

your forecast fits with this chart that I made



#3 slupert



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Posted 08 January 2023 - 06:22 PM

$50 for a 2 week "trial" but only $495 a year, sounds like somebody expects them not to stick around very long. just Grab the quick $50 (JMHO)

#4 blustar



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Posted 09 January 2023 - 12:36 AM

Correction: Russia has already threatened to place a ship with a "hypersonic missile" just 100 miles off DC and nothing we have can stop them




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#5 blustar



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Posted 09 January 2023 - 12:39 AM

your forecast fits with this chart that I made



SPX 2400 is possible by March 2023, then 3700 by August, then 1800ish by the fall, could get crazy




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#6 blustar



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Posted 09 January 2023 - 12:43 AM

$50 for a 2 week "trial" but only $495 a year, sounds like somebody expects them not to stick around very long. just Grab the quick $50 (JMHO)

I'm offering after the $50 trial to purchase the annual package for a $200 discount




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#7 blustar



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Posted 09 January 2023 - 09:08 AM

How we trade: As I have repeatedly told my subs, it is NOT about being perfectly right about our forecast, but more to the point of being able to adjust as information comes in. On the 6th of January, we put out a buy on UVIX at 5.17. While the SPX is +20 this morning (1/9/23), UVIX is down .01 at 5.20. Our current info suggests a nice drop into Mars Stationary/Direct on Jan 12 and a minor rally into the next GEO/Mercury Sta/Dir on 1/17-18/23. 




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#8 12SPX



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Posted 09 January 2023 - 09:39 AM

So what happened to the high on Friday as that failed?

#9 blustar



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Posted 09 January 2023 - 11:13 AM

Special Update: January 9, 2023


SPX Hit 3934/35...my original thinking a while back was 3933/34 for the [b] wave top near the neckline!...We broke out of an indecision pattern and the implications are quite bearish for wave [c], as these always crash back below the pattern!


Thursday last week was an 8 TD low and normally you get at least 2 TD's up out of an 8 TD low...the VIX and UVIX are holding up quite nicely here! So far, we have 7 TD's down for wave [a] and 10 TD's up for wave [b]. Jan 20th, looks like an 18 TD low (16+2), so we have a 4+1/4+1 = 10+8 TD low combo ahead! The full moon late on the 6th also suggests a reversal no later than today. Gold should top here too!


On the astro front, we have Mercury Rx trine Uranus and Mercury Rx mid point (1/8/23); Venus trine Mars (war on money), Venus semi-square Neptune (oil, water), Mercury Rx BiQ Mars (war message): all topping energy (1/9/23). Today is an important turn date as it is also 4 calendar days past the GEO Bradley of 1/5/23!


Mars > Stationary/Direct on 1/12/23 is the next low as is our computer model date window of 1/11-12/23.

The SPX just hit the bottom of the neckline of the H&S top at 3940/41 (now 3944/45). This is looking more and more like my original thinking that wave [c] would be 8 TD's long and much like the COVID top of [b] in March of 2020 in volatility! Could hit 3952 today. I'm holding UVIX at $5.17.


On the 13th (4 TD top), we have Mercury Rx trine Rahu (tied into Uranus), the Sun sextile Neptune (oil, water) [topping energy] & on the 14th (Saturday): Venus (money) square Uranus (rebellion, chaos). On the 18th we have Mercury > Sta/Dir, a turn date, likely a low, then the expected low on the 20th, with the 19th in between. The new moon on the 21st (Saturday) with both Uranus > Stationary/Direct and Venus conj. Saturn on the 22nd (Sunday).


Buckle Up! I think we are in for quite a ride to the downside! The VIX Players know something...


Brad Gudgeon
BluStar Market Insights

Edited by blustar, 09 January 2023 - 11:15 AM.




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#10 skott



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Posted 09 January 2023 - 11:49 AM

I think the VIX has changed the way it calibrates it's value. Look back at every last day of the week (usually a friday) and then look at the following opening day. It's always higher on Monday or whatever the first TD is after the close of the previous week. 


p.s.  I think it used to revalue once a month, now it's every week

Edited by skott, 10 January 2023 - 01:50 PM.

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