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The Stock Market is Flashing a BIG Fat Warning Sign!


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#1 blustar



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Posted 26 January 2023 - 11:17 AM

 Morning Coffee: AM 1/26/23 The Stock Market is Flashing a BIG Fat Warning Sign!



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  SPX + 25, Dow +97 (they are shooting the generals again!).  SPX Hits LOG Downtrend Line Bisecting  January and March Top of 2022! 


Today marks an important Astro/Gann cycle! There have been many overlays since the Dow 30 made its top 8 TD's ago. There is an is a 4.5 mo. cycle working here (1/2 of a 9 month), plus the Annual (running about 54 weeks) and the 3 Year (4x9) Running ~2 weeks ahead of where it was concerning the Covid top.


The VIX is barely down here and also today represents either Jan 13 or 14, 2022 on the fractal (the Dow topped on Jan 13 this year!).


These cross currents are coming together to form an important low in Volatility today! This means that an important reversal top is due today or tomorrow (8-2 on the NDX, 8-1 on the SPX and 8 on the Dow 30 or add +1 TD on all)!. The next TLC lows are due Feb 6 & 7 on the SPX and on the NYSE Feb 10 and 12. There is a top due Feb 8. The 16 TD low is due on Feb 10.


The Transports are not confirming here and neither is the Dow 30. This looks like a blow off top and yesterday was the 4 TD low which easily can only command 1 TD, we are 5 TD's up off the 16+1 low last week. 


The astro aspect today is Venus semi-sextile Pluto, warning of a debt bomb about to go off as the tech trading public are throwing everything they can at these beaten down stocks. Next week on FED day, we have both the FED announcement and on the 54 week cycle puts it on the very next day when Putin announced his intention to invade the Ukraine. Feb 2 has Venus sextile Rahu, which goes with Uranus and the freedom movement world wide. "I have seen the enemy and it is us." Pogo 1970


So we have both issues. Germany is sending over Leopard 2 tanks and Biden is sending over Abrams tanks as Germany, France & Porshenko (of Ukraine) all but admit that the Minsk Accord with Russia in 2014 was all a ruse to arm the Ukraine against Russia!


Russian Times Article:


This is not the first time Baerbock has made waves with her position on the conflict. She told an EU gathering in Prague last August that she intends to deliver on her promises to Ukraine “no matter what my German voters think.” 


Quoting Baerbock’s words on Wednesday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the West just keeps admitting that they had been planning the current conflict for years.


“If we add this to Merkel’s revelations that they were strengthening Ukraine and did not count on the Minsk agreements, then we are talking about a war against Russia that was planned in advance. Don’t say later that we didn’t warn you,” Zakharova insisted.


Former German chancellor Angela Merkel told German media in early December that the 2014 ceasefire brokered by Berlin and Paris was actually a ploy to “give Ukraine valuable time” for a military build-upFormer French president Francois Hollande has confirmed this, while Ukraine’s leader at that time, Pyotr Poroshenko, openly admitted it as well.


Russia’s operation in Ukraine was a “forced and last-resort response to preparations for aggression by the US and its satellites,” former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev  claimed on Monday.


Brad Gudgeon

Edited by blustar, 26 January 2023 - 11:20 AM.




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#2 skott



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Posted 26 January 2023 - 11:59 AM

The DOW (think global) is definitely not confirming here. the DOW is the REALLY big money people IMO.  the Tech stocks are the speculative amatuers looking for excitement

#3 skott



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Posted 26 January 2023 - 02:08 PM

Now hard down today then huh?

#4 12SPX



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Posted 26 January 2023 - 03:23 PM

One of these days it will hit, may take a year or two or three or ten but one day it'll be right lol!!! 

#5 pdx5


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Posted 26 January 2023 - 03:37 PM

One of these days it will hit, may take a year or two or three or ten but one day it'll be right lol!!! 


Even a broken clock is correct twice every day. yes.gif

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#6 skott



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Posted 26 January 2023 - 03:48 PM


One of these days it will hit, may take a year or two or three or ten but one day it'll be right lol!!! 


Even a broken clock is correct twice every day. yes.gif



yep, I don't have a problem with Brad but it's always these "big down day" and it doesn't happen and then no comment. It smacks of wanting to be able to say "I made that big prediction and was right"  but if you have to do 100 times to get it right it's not really honest and a Christian is supposed to be honest. It's a commandment. So if you are going to say "I was right" you need to also say "I took 50 wrong stabs at it first and then got it right"   I don't know if that applies to Brad or not just saying you see advisors do that.

#7 fib_1618



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Posted 26 January 2023 - 09:17 PM

For what it's worth and all that, but once again you don't have money flow on your side for any downside break. Currently, the trend of both breadth and volume continue to suggest further upside into mid February, so you may want to re-examine your forecast/count without the geopolitical distractions that are usually part of every "wall of worry" since the dawn of man.



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#8 b2b



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Posted 27 January 2023 - 03:47 AM

The OP has been trolling this forum for years. It seems many fall for it.

#9 skott



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Posted 27 January 2023 - 09:48 AM

I'm sorry  what is OP?

#10 pdx5


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Posted 27 January 2023 - 04:57 PM

The OP has been trolling this forum for years. It seems many fall for it.

Makes a great fade. Do not discourage a reliable fade from posting.

Edited by pdx5, 27 January 2023 - 04:59 PM.

"Money cannot consistently be made trading every day or every week during the year." ~ Jesse Livermore Trading Rule

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