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Stealth Bull Market - Soft Ags

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#11 steadyquest



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Posted 25 April 2023 - 11:24 AM

Guess I'm just a big baby - still searching for patterns.


This count could be why mickey d's is down following its market beat.  Interesting that it includes the 'glitch' low of 1/24.




Haven't heard much about the 1/24 glitch since they swept it under the rug - wonder if the high price (the part erased from history) incorporates any information.




  Welcome to the matrix - we hope you enjoy your stay...

#12 MDurkin



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Posted 25 April 2023 - 02:29 PM

FYI - for anyone interested in understand how human language works versus the AI's, I did post a bit more detail in the chat - but I'll repost it here. 



"It is a common misconception for those who have NOT studied this in depth - that we 'think' in language - because you hear voice in your head, this is INCORRECT. An easy way to see this cannot be true is babies. Babies have no language - I reference the work of Paiget here - first babies must learn to 'see patterns' - they do not even recognize 'objects' initially - though they do seem to have genetically encoded concept of 'face'- parent'. Only once the 'brain'( neutral net patterning machine ) recognize 'distinct objects' - can any 'language' develop. Language is in essence, the 'labelling of patterns' -( it actually the 'association/composition/ polymorphic resolution' of 'patterns' which is more complex to go into) the initial patterns are 'sensory information' from the babies - smell, taste, sight, sound, feel - and this 'developmental stage' is genetically driven in ways research does not fully understand - but we can call it 'instinct' (baby know to pullup, then crawl, then walk - put objects in mouth and explore them sensory wise). This lays down what is called the 'concrete or sensory' pattern map"


"Now - the baby is 'thinking' - but now we must understand the difference between 'the conscious' and 'unconscious' thinking. The brain is a partly, a neural network - which is a 'patterning machine' in that in naturally stores and finds 'patterns' ( an explaination can be found in works I ref or simply study neural networks) ...this is 'subconscious' in that it occurs without 'direction' - even when your asleep infact, dreams are part of process of patterning. This differs greatly to current AI - in that, they are not 'autonomous' and able to 'discover the world' - they are confined to a 'virtual world' or DOMAIN, that is created by programmers - it consists of data, and an algorithm. A babies 'data' is the world, and sensory - and its algorithm is 'conceptual clustering' (which is too must to explain here - but is a remarkable process of 'weights/balances' to experiences). the Baby reaches a development stage all parents know - where they point, and request a 'word' - this is really just 'pattern association' - the MEANING is the sensory experiences - the word is a 'label' for that. We can call this layer of labels the 'abstact map' . The mind/pattern machine can manipulate the patterns/maps through 'Object concepts' ( assocation, composition, polymorphism - conceptual clustering'). So most our 'thinking' is really 'subconsious' beyond our direct awareness in this pattern machine we can call 'the subconscious'. Language is just one 'pattern' without that, we can use, manipulate. A baby 'thinks' in sensory patterns, as we grow we gain 'abstraction patterns'. This also shows why current AI is not 'sentient' even in most basic form - because it lacks the SENSORY MAP - it is purely an 'abstraction map' - manipulating 'words' - with no underying sensory conceptual clusters - AI's ARE being worked on to achieve this but too slow for now. Of course the sensory map would be EMULATED - since an electronic AI cannot feel - but this IS achievable in near future"


If anyone is interested in knowing more of this, here is a video I made that tries to explain how this actually works in the brain/mind but this is not simple of course.


Will & I did not go deep into 'how this works' because its complicated. Here are things I studied in depth to gain my understand and feel qualified to speak on this. - computer science & electronic (BSC Hons) - this includes deep understanding of electromagnetics and quantum physics. - Consultant in Object Oriented Analysis & Systems Architect - a branch of computer science related to human cognition. - Research on conceptual clustering and it's application in AI - Works of Edward De Bono (ex head of Cognitive Psychology at Harvards) on Neural networks, and many other work on AI.. - much more, my particular life's interest is infact LANGUAGE and how it resolves in the mind and how to implementation of human consciousness in AI.

And your thoughts on Telepathy?

#13 EntropyModel



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Posted 25 April 2023 - 02:57 PM


FYI - for anyone interested in understand how human language works versus the AI's, I did post a bit more detail in the chat - but I'll repost it here. 



"It is a common misconception for those who have NOT studied this in depth - that we 'think' in language - because you hear voice in your head, this is INCORRECT. An easy way to see this cannot be true is babies. Babies have no language - I reference the work of Paiget here - first babies must learn to 'see patterns' - they do not even recognize 'objects' initially - though they do seem to have genetically encoded concept of 'face'- parent'. Only once the 'brain'( neutral net patterning machine ) recognize 'distinct objects' - can any 'language' develop. Language is in essence, the 'labelling of patterns' -( it actually the 'association/composition/ polymorphic resolution' of 'patterns' which is more complex to go into) the initial patterns are 'sensory information' from the babies - smell, taste, sight, sound, feel - and this 'developmental stage' is genetically driven in ways research does not fully understand - but we can call it 'instinct' (baby know to pullup, then crawl, then walk - put objects in mouth and explore them sensory wise). This lays down what is called the 'concrete or sensory' pattern map"


"Now - the baby is 'thinking' - but now we must understand the difference between 'the conscious' and 'unconscious' thinking. The brain is a partly, a neural network - which is a 'patterning machine' in that in naturally stores and finds 'patterns' ( an explaination can be found in works I ref or simply study neural networks) ...this is 'subconscious' in that it occurs without 'direction' - even when your asleep infact, dreams are part of process of patterning. This differs greatly to current AI - in that, they are not 'autonomous' and able to 'discover the world' - they are confined to a 'virtual world' or DOMAIN, that is created by programmers - it consists of data, and an algorithm. A babies 'data' is the world, and sensory - and its algorithm is 'conceptual clustering' (which is too must to explain here - but is a remarkable process of 'weights/balances' to experiences). the Baby reaches a development stage all parents know - where they point, and request a 'word' - this is really just 'pattern association' - the MEANING is the sensory experiences - the word is a 'label' for that. We can call this layer of labels the 'abstact map' . The mind/pattern machine can manipulate the patterns/maps through 'Object concepts' ( assocation, composition, polymorphism - conceptual clustering'). So most our 'thinking' is really 'subconsious' beyond our direct awareness in this pattern machine we can call 'the subconscious'. Language is just one 'pattern' without that, we can use, manipulate. A baby 'thinks' in sensory patterns, as we grow we gain 'abstraction patterns'. This also shows why current AI is not 'sentient' even in most basic form - because it lacks the SENSORY MAP - it is purely an 'abstraction map' - manipulating 'words' - with no underying sensory conceptual clusters - AI's ARE being worked on to achieve this but too slow for now. Of course the sensory map would be EMULATED - since an electronic AI cannot feel - but this IS achievable in near future"


If anyone is interested in knowing more of this, here is a video I made that tries to explain how this actually works in the brain/mind but this is not simple of course.


Will & I did not go deep into 'how this works' because its complicated. Here are things I studied in depth to gain my understand and feel qualified to speak on this. - computer science & electronic (BSC Hons) - this includes deep understanding of electromagnetics and quantum physics. - Consultant in Object Oriented Analysis & Systems Architect - a branch of computer science related to human cognition. - Research on conceptual clustering and it's application in AI - Works of Edward De Bono (ex head of Cognitive Psychology at Harvards) on Neural networks, and many other work on AI.. - much more, my particular life's interest is infact LANGUAGE and how it resolves in the mind and how to implementation of human consciousness in AI.

And your thoughts on Telepathy?



 Ah! - I know what your thinking here :-)


Well, Telepathy would fall outside of 'observational repeatable evidence' we call science ( well, what we USED to call science LOL ).


I have thoughts on it outside of that, I think if you watched my symphonic perception ( non local consciousness/observer) channel on youtube - it falls under that, information transfer in the symphonic domain...though I have never personally experience or

witness it ... but I have other things only explainable to me as symphonic (non local consciousness as its known) 

Question everything, especially what you believe you know. The foundation of science is questioning the data, not trusting the data. I only trust fully falsified, non vested interest 'data', which is extremely rare in our world of paid framing narratives 'psy ops'. Market Comments https://markdavidson.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLznkbTx_dpw_-Y9bBN3QR-tiNSsFsSojB

#14 steadyquest



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Posted 25 April 2023 - 03:55 PM

Here's a completed wally-world count involving the glitch low.




Maybe the glitch was caused by a leaked simulation of the market's response to some future geopolitical event, or maybe it was intended to inform the boys as to what level to buy after the dust has settled.



