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Place your bets: Election odds

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#1 Rogerdodger



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Posted 01 September 2023 - 11:21 PM

I don't have the stats but I remember that a bet against the early favorite is usually a winner!

Elections ago, Al Gore was the overwhelming odds on favorite early on.




Edited by Rogerdodger, 01 September 2023 - 11:22 PM.

#2 cycletimer



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Posted 02 September 2023 - 06:22 AM

I believe Newt Gingrich and Roger Stone’s predictions will be correct and come to fruition….

Biden will resign soon, Kamala will be POTUS for a short time but will not run in the 2024 elections, she’ll be offered a Senatorial seat instead. You cannot replace a Black female with anyone other than another Black female, so Michelle Obama will run for POTUS. The Obama’s will sell the Vice Presidential slot to Gavin Newsome (the CA Tyrant) for between $600-800 million dollars which he can afford.

To some this seems extremely far-fetched, but not to me. The system is rigged and I don’t put anything past the Neocons of the Deep State who run everything. We live in an upside down world and some day soon the world will wake up to this non sense. The real question is, what will the public do? Will they cower in a corner and lose all hope or will” they stand up and say “Hell No!” leading to a revolt, Civil War II.

Not trying to digress too much but I do believe Michelle Obama will likely make a run for POTUS. HEAVEN HELP US IF SHE WINS IT.

#3 hhh



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Posted 02 September 2023 - 09:01 AM

I thought you said it had to be a "black female?" ;-)

#4 cycletimer



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Posted 02 September 2023 - 10:46 AM

I thought you said it had to be a "black female?" ;-)

LOL, you’re right, I meant Barack’s tranny boy toy, Michael Obama.

#5 fib_1618



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Posted 02 September 2023 - 03:17 PM


I thought you said it had to be a "black female?" ;-)

LOL, you’re right, I meant Barack’s tranny boy toy, Michael Obama.






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#6 Rogerdodger



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Posted 02 September 2023 - 04:10 PM

Who do you think will win?

The Harlem Globetroters vs the Washington Generals basketball teams?

PS: Both teams are owned by the same owners and go home on the same bus...

but it was a great show!


The winner will be whoever owns the players (and the MSMedia), as usual.


But I know that "Hope Springs Eternal!"


PS: When President Eisenhower warned us to beware of the new Military-Industrial complex...he had no idea...

Got your newest and bestest COVID shot yet?

Bought your Chinese solar panels yet?


"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."




Cost to shoot down a balloon:

It's shooting a $440,000 Sidewinder missile. So on these four balloons, taxpayers spent about $2 million plus the cost to put that aircraft in the sky.


Homeless veterans.... could only wish.

Edited by Rogerdodger, 02 September 2023 - 04:18 PM.

#7 pdx5


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Posted 02 September 2023 - 07:33 PM

Hilarious thread, except Joe Biden will not resign. The money laundering from Ukraine is too lucrative. 

And Joe wants to be in position to pardon Hunter just in case DOJ suddenly decides to do their job.

Joe will not be impeached, but there will be an impeachment inquiry. Which is just opportunity for House  republicans to say we tried.

If Michelle Obama is nominated and wins, will she be first female president? Inquiring minds want to know.

Edited by pdx5, 02 September 2023 - 07:35 PM.

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#8 Rogerdodger



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Posted 04 September 2023 - 12:05 AM

A developer built a 'propaganda machine' using OpenAI tech to highlight the dangers of mass-produced AI disinformation


  • A developer built an AI-powered propaganda machine in less than two months.
  • Using OpenAI tools like ChatGPT, the model cost less than $400 a month to operate.
  • The project was designed to show people how easy it is to create mass propaganda.


But what if this "NEWS" is disinformation?



Edited by Rogerdodger, 04 September 2023 - 12:10 AM.

#9 cycletimer



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Posted 05 September 2023 - 08:57 PM

If Michelle Obama is nominated and wins, will she be first female president? Inquiring minds want to know.

No, Michelle will truly be the second black male President. (If my nude body is found, drowned in four feet of water like their former chef was, youll know I spoke the real truth.)

Edited by cycletimer, 05 September 2023 - 08:59 PM.