Two zero zero zero party over. I was there. The QQQQ was a rocket and the internet was gonna change everything. Blue skies forever. Then, the bottom fell out. Very few saw it coming, be honest, a few did but most did not.
Turn the page. 2023. AI will change the world. Tech stocks rule again, To the moon!! The FED is going to slash rates any day, it's almost guaranteed!!
Watch the sky!!!!!!!!
Naysayers, you say but the banking system is on life support, the FED has created a revolving credit line because their assets are nearly worthless as they bought inventory at zero to 2%. The US debt is skyrocketing. Pffft, the FED will do something. Real inflation is still very high, lies, have you not seen government facts? Earnings have been and continue to be awesome!! Eh, you protest the corporations have been boosting their earnings for years with buybacks which continue.? Irrelevant, earnings are earnings. What now whiner, international realities? Hogwash! We are the greatest nation ever created, beyond the Roman Empire. God shed his grace on thee!
I could go on. Be prepared kiddies.