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More Reasons Than One to Believe that March 20th Will Be THE Top


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#11 Chilidawgz


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Posted 23 February 2024 - 10:36 AM

Where is all this liquidity coming from?


The US government has and continues to spend deficit money like a drunken sailor.

The market has and will continue to move until and when someone induces our idiot legislators

to throttle back. But, it is an election year and they all want to remain in office. Enjoy the ride north while it lasts.

Anything can happen...what's happening now?
No one can forecast the future. No one.
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#12 cycletimer



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Posted 25 February 2024 - 08:38 AM

In defense of Blu’s call, the cycles I follow has an important turning point over this weekend, which spells a turn Friday the 23rd, plus or minus 1 TD. I myself have money on this, I went long QID at the close Friday as well as a large assortment of call credit spreads that expire between February 28th-March 22nd.

#13 blustar



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Posted 26 February 2024 - 08:49 AM

Astro/Wave/Cycles suggest a top Feb 23/26 and a low on March 1/4. Market signals now leaning toward Feb 23 - Mar 1/4 for expected 4% +/- drop.


Venus/Mars in Aquarius squares Jupiter in Taurus Feb 24-27 & The Sun in Pisces conjuncts both Mercury and Saturn on the 28th suggesting a major low nearby +/- 2 to 3 TD's, especially in light of Venus/Mars in Aquarius sq. Uranus 3/3 through 3/9.


The Gann cycle is now looking for a 31/32 TD low either March 1 or 4. Looking for a Gann top near March 6/7. ~March 11 may end up being a secondary low aligned with a possible New Moon low influence.


Bottom Line: With the above astro signatures, I expect surprises on the downside this week, followed by surprises on the upside next week as the SPX focuses on the next Gann top expected around March 19/21.


The SPX has e-wave expectations of a lower low than 4920, possibly into the 4875 +/- 25 pt. range by March 1-4 with a leaning toward March 1 for the expected bottom later this week.






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#14 blustar



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Posted 27 February 2024 - 09:08 AM

Z waves tend to hit harder later in the wave. This is a z wave of (X).  The QQQ has made a 'w-x-y' y wave of (X), which is the most bearish of y waves. An AI cutdown is due & the PCE Report tomorrow looks like the probable culprit.


The VIX continues its upward slope, which supports a fast short signal for nimble traders. The trend is up, but Uranus and the stock market are being highlighted and that means surprises both up and down directly ahead!


Bottom Line: The smart money is exiting en masse as the FED continues to suck in the public in via weird faux news cross currents. A crisis is indeed upon us, which means nimble, adept and smart traders should be able to make a small fortune by taking advantage of it, IMHO. A 40%+ nasty drop in the SPX and even much higher in the AI laden NDX looks likely by late April 2024. Caveat Emptor...

Edited by blustar, 27 February 2024 - 09:08 AM.




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#15 blustar



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Posted 28 February 2024 - 09:12 AM

I am still looking for a March 1 to 4 bottom and then a strong 4 TD rally. SPX 4920 remains my minimum downside expectation, with a leaning slightly lower. We'll see. The NDX and the AI stocks are looking for an excuse to take profits: that is long liquidation. A lot of potential news events are in the front of us, so a March 4 low would not be entirely out of the question. We'll see.


Correction previous post: PCE Report Thursday this week, not Wednesday.




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#16 blustar



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Posted 29 February 2024 - 10:16 AM

Feb 29, 2024 4:53 AM Mercury 11 Pisces 13 sextile Jupiter 11 Taurus 13

Feb 29, 2024 9:17 AM Venus 15 Aquarius 59 sextile True Node 15 Aries 59

Mar  1, 2024 7:14 AM Sun 11 Pisces 24 sextile Jupiter 11 Taurus 24


The above astros are topping astros. We are at a Gann 4 TD top. x of (X) was [1] TD. y of (X) was [7] TD's. Will x + z [6] = y?  This is known as the Balance of Waves Principle.


z wave drops tend to come late and in 'c' of those waves in a-b-c fashion. 'a' was 2 TD's long and 'b' also. The Equality of Waves Principle suggests that 'c' should "most likely" also be 2 TD's long.


I have been in long liquidation mode. Now, I am in aggressive swing short mode...


This weekend sports the surprising Venus sq. Uranus aspect in the fixed signs of Aquarius and Taurus. This should affect the stock market as should the Sun/Mercury Jupiter sextiles. Venus (money, bonds, currencies) acquiesces with the normally warlike lunar nodes in Aries today.


March 4 sees the waning quarter cycle before the new moon. This should be near a stress point, and in this case an expected hard low.




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#17 blustar



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Posted 01 March 2024 - 12:47 PM

March 3 sees Venus sq. Uranus. The waning last quarter begins on that day too. We are making a 'y' wave of z on the tech heavy indexes like NDX and SPX. This becomes an irregular upon an irregular and my subs know what this means: "These wave structures seldom end well. They never do". The Dow 30 is making a failing B Wave. Failures are also seen on the Trannies and Banking Index.


Venus sq. Uranus can be a either a low or top (most often a top). Based on Balance and Equality of Wave structures and current Gann structure, I believe we see the 4920/30's SPX by either March 5/6. Jupiter also semi/squares Neptune on the 3rd too, and this is usually  negative. The moon is in the often bottoming Capricorn on both the 5th and 6th. This is a potential 100 TD low -15 TD's.


Higher highs still ahead after a quick pull back! The trend is still higher.

Edited by blustar, 01 March 2024 - 12:48 PM.




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#18 bigtrader



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Posted 01 March 2024 - 06:01 PM

think the hi will be before the fed

No longer interested in debating with IGNORANT people.

#19 blustar



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Posted 04 March 2024 - 09:41 AM

We Have Hit the Waning Moon Cycle/Venus-Uranus Resistance with Jupiter semi-square Neptune


We are playing between the 4 and 8 TD Cycle at 5/6 TD's right here. This set-up pushes the possible major Gann top out more to the March 22-25 time frame and more in line with the moon in Leo topping cycle (3/22) with the full moon lunar eclipse (3/25). Dr C. and the PM's; OIL have strength, but the bonds are taking a hit, pointing to Powell's FED speech tomorrow likely being the catalyst for a 'z' of "z" mini panic just ahead.


We may see an attempt to rally later in the day, especially with the lagging small/mid caps etc. playing catch-up, a sort of b or y wave as the case may be. In any case, it is a set-up for a nice swing shorting opportunity into March 5/6 as I see it now, right into a moon in Capricorn nesting low. Perfect! Let's see what happens.




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#20 q4wer



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Posted 04 March 2024 - 09:33 PM

Thanks  Blustar,    March 14 might be a big swing day.   15,   quad witch  option expiration.  

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