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Looking for 12%+ drop into January 24 (I Found What I Was Missing)


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#1 blustar



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Posted 13 January 2023 - 10:59 AM

 Get Ready for the Shot Across the Bow!


Click on Chart to Enlarge Snippet


I did this chart last night after putting together the 4 month, 7 month, 12 month and 36 month cycles. That is when I saw what I was missing!
Everything has a cause and effect correlation! The "Federal Reserve Actions", the "CPI Reports", Biden's draining of our "Strategic Petroleum Reserves" before the 2022 election, The "So Called Pandemic, The "mRNA Vaccination Campaign", The "War in the Ukraine", & The "Food & Fertilizer Shortages".
When I combined the timing and effect of the waves with judicial astrology, I could see a pattern emerge! What is happening is being done on purpose! Yesterday (1/12/23) was the 1-year Anniversary of the NYSE Top. It was also when Mars Stationed and is returning back for its Triple Square with Neptune on March 14th (more on this later)!
Yesterday, the NYSE made a higher high that was not met by the Dow 30, the NASDAQ or S&P 500. A year ago, the Dow also managed to make a higher high on this date, but not so this time! This is not a good sign!
We are seeing Uranus being activated and it gets more intense as it Stations on 1/22/23. Mercury also Stations on 1/18/23. Uranus in Taurus has to do with rebellion, chaos and surprises. January 20th is the 1-Year Anniversary of when Putin announced their invasion of the Ukraine (keep this date in mind).
The war there is intensifying and the Ukraine is losing big time. The Ukraine is where Russia found many US based Bio-Labs that the Obama Admin, (along with Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton et al) placed under the Nazi Azov Regime's care.
All this and much more is going to be brought to light as the crimes of the Deep State are being exposed. This is a dangerous time to be in, as the Criminal Beast System Cartel(the 8th head of the Sea Beast [Revelation 17] since the French Revolution's "Festival of Reason" on November 10-13, 1793 [Revelation 11])is forced to become even more reckless as they fight back against all the freedom fighters world wide (Uranus in Taurus).
In the Book of Revelation Chapter 13, we see the rise of the "7th Head of the Sea Beast" (the 6th was Rome): in 533 AD under Justinian 1 (see Daniel 7, the little horn among the 10 horns of the dissolved Roman Empire) who created the laws that in effect brought the Church and State together for 1260 years (Daniel's time, times and half time or 1260 days/42 months as explained in Chapters 13 and 11 of Revelation). 
In Chapter 13, we also the see the rise of Beast from the Earth or False Prophet that had two horns like a lamb, but spoke like a dragon. The Round Table founded in England (late 19th Century) under Cecil Rhodes, planned to create a super beast, now called the Anglo-American Alliance that operated under the auspices of Protestantism, while at the same time controlling the Vatican in Rome (the Great Harlot of Babylon, the mother of harlots: the many Protestant churches which now go along with the beast system), which rode the 7th head and now rides the 8th. The False Prophet was created in 1913, when Congress (see The Creature at Jekyll Island) ceded the USA over to the City of London's control with the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank and the corrupt IRS.
Furthermore, in Chapter 13, we see the rise of the "beast that had the deadly wound but lived", which is an allusion to the 6th head (Rome dying in 475 AD) and coming back to life under Justinian 1 in 533 AD as the 7th head. Justinian 1 reunited the old Roman Empire and subdued 3 of the 10 horns, namely the Vandals in North Africa, the Ostrogoths in Italy and the Visigoths in South-East Spain, which were fighting over Arianism vs. the Trinity.
To put it all together, Justinian 1 united and controlled the whole of Christendom under Athanasius' Concept of the Trinity and against Arianism, which the 10 horns were fighting over. By creating the Justinian Codex, he prohibited preaching of Jesus outside the state run Church in Rome and gave the Church civil authority, which the Church increasingly corrupted up into the time of the French Revolution in the late 18 century. 
Ironically, it was the same corrupt families who controlled the Church for many centuries, who fomented the French Revolution under the Illuminati that was formed in 1776 (3 years after the Jesuits were kicked out of the Church).
This third beast system is none other than the United Nations, formed in 1945 under the False Prophet, backed by the 8th Head Shadow Government. It is the United Nations which enforces the "mark of the beast" control grid today.
To look at the whole chart above, please go to BluStar Market Insights.
Brad Gudgeon
BluStar Market Insights

Edited by blustar, 13 January 2023 - 11:00 AM.




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#2 Spectacular Bid

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Posted 13 January 2023 - 11:07 AM

You are a real piece of work.

#3 andr99



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Posted 13 January 2023 - 11:32 AM

.........hey blu, the day you write of a phenomenal surge instead of your phenomenal market drops, probably it will be snowing on the lions of central africa 

Edited by andr99, 13 January 2023 - 11:34 AM.

forever and only a V-E-N-E-T-K-E-N - langbard

#4 blustar



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Posted 13 January 2023 - 11:45 AM

VIX Adjustment?
Click on VIX Chart to Enlarge
I did this chart last night after putting together the 4 month, 7 month, 12 month and 36 month cycles. That is when I saw what I was missing (note: I may have to adjust the dates on the above chart by 1 trading day due to the VIX and astros and possible computer model, so keep this in mind)!!




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#5 blustar



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Posted 13 January 2023 - 11:45 AM

You are a real piece of work.

THX! You are so kind!




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#6 blustar



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Posted 13 January 2023 - 11:46 AM

.........hey blu, the day you write of a phenomenal surge instead of your phenomenal market drops, probably it will be snowing on the lions of central africa 





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#7 andr99



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Posted 13 January 2023 - 12:19 PM


.........hey blu, the day you write of a phenomenal surge instead of your phenomenal market drops, probably it will be snowing on the lions of central africa 




Blu I don' t want to be rude....but if you have always big drops and not even once in a million times a big surge, that should mean something to you. The stock market is bi-directional, it doesn' t move only going down

forever and only a V-E-N-E-T-K-E-N - langbard

#8 Iblayz



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Posted 13 January 2023 - 12:23 PM

My Last Post Until February 1, 2023???????????????????????????????


If you're gonna post something like that, you should stick to your word. Otherwise, it appears to be nothing more than a fishing expedition.

Edited by Iblayz, 13 January 2023 - 12:27 PM.

#9 blustar



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Posted 13 January 2023 - 01:04 PM




It is because I realized I had to adjust what I saw. Why so negative and cynical? It is people like you is why I left and Mark has few people here to do his polling. Have a good day sir.




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#10 blustar



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Posted 13 January 2023 - 01:05 PM



.........hey blu, the day you write of a phenomenal surge instead of your phenomenal market drops, probably it will be snowing on the lions of central africa 




Blu I don' t want to be rude....but if you have always big drops and not even once in a million times a big surge, that should mean something to you. The stock market is bi-directional, it doesn' t move only going down


I see Feb 1-6/7 up and Feb 14-28 up there




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